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Arthur Banister, Ph.D.

Chemistry Durham University, Durham, England, United Kingdom 
Main Group Chemistry
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Aherne CM, Banister AJ, Lavender I, et al. (1996) Reaction of [SNS][AsF6] with Hg(CN)2 and PhHgCN: Preparation and crystal structures of [Hg(CNSNS)2][AsF6]2 and [PhS4N3Ph][AsF6] Polyhedron. 15: 1877-1886
Banister AJ, Bricklebank N, Clegg W, et al. (1995) The first solid state paramagnetic 1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl radical; X-ray crystal structure of [p-NCC6F4CNSSN]· Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 679-680
Rawson JM, Banister AJ, Lavender I. (1995) The Chemistry of Dithiadiazolylium and Dithiadiazolyl Rings Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry. 62: 137-247
Banister AJ, Gorrell IB, Lawrence SE, et al. (1994) Novel bonding modes in metallo-dithiadiazolyl complexes: Preparation and crystal structures of [Pt(SNCPhNS-S,S)(PPh3)2]·MeCN and [Pt3(μ-SNCPhNS-S,S)2(PPh3) 4]·2PhMe Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 1779-1780
Banister AJ, Lavender I, Lawrence SE, et al. (1994) The preparation and X-ray crystal structure of the first metal-1,3,2,4-dithiadiazolylium salt, [Hg(CNSNS)2][AsF 6]2, a transfer agent for the dithiadiazolylium ring Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 29-30
Banister AJ, Lavender I, Rawson JM, et al. (1993) Preparation and characterisation of the mixed 1,3,2,4-/1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolylium salts and related free radicals; [m- and [p-SNSNC-C6H4-CNSSN]x (x = 2+,·+ or 2·) Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. 1421-1429
Aherne CM, Banister AJ, Gorrell IB, et al. (1993) Electrochemical studies of some dithiadiazolylium cations; Evidence for the dithiadiazolide anion, [PhCNSSN]- Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. 967-972
Adamson N, Banister AJ, Gorrell IB, et al. (1993) 4-Phenyl-1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl: A novel coupling reagent for the formation of E-E bonds (E = C, P, Si) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 919-921
Ayres B, Banister AJ, Coates PD, et al. (1992) A general route to N(SCl)2 + and SNS+ salts Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. 3097-3103
Banister AJ, Lavender I, Rawson JM, et al. (1992) Dalton communications. Convenient preparations of the mixed 1,3,2,4-/1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolylium salt [sNSNC-C6H4-CNSSN][AsF6]2 and the first mixed free radical, p-[SNSNC-C6H4-CNSSN]2· Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. 1449-1450
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