Sarah A. Locknar

1993-1998 Chemistry Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
"Sarah Locknar"
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Locknar SA, Chowdhury A, Peteanu LA. (2000) Matrix and temperature effects on the electronic properties of conjugated molecules: An electroabsorption study of all-trans-retinal Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 104: 5816-5824
Chowdhury A, Locknar SA, Premvardhan LL, et al. (1999) Effects of matrix temperature and rigidity on the electronic properties of solvatochromic molecules: Electroabsorption of Coumarin 153 Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 103: 9614-9625
Locknar SA, Peteanu LA, Shuai Z. (1999) Calculation of Ground and Excited State Polarizabilities of Unsubstituted and Donor/ Acceptor Polyenes: A Comparison of the Finite-Field and Sum-Over-States Methods § Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 103: 2197-2201
Locknar SA, Peteanu LA. (1998) Investigation of the relationship between dipolar properties and cis-trans configuration in retinal polyenes: A comparative study using stark spectroscopy and semiempirical calculations Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 102: 4240-4246
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