Othmar Gabriel
Affiliations: | 1965-1990 | Georgetown University, Washington, DC |
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Gersten DM, Gabriel O. (1992) Staining for enzymatic activity after gel electrophoresis. II. Enzymes modifying nucleic acids. Analytical Biochemistry. 203: 181-6 |
Heeb MJ, Gabriel O. (1984) Enzyme localization in gels. Methods in Enzymology. 104: 416-39 |
Gabriel O. (1978) Common mechanistic and structural properties of enzymes Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 3: 193-195 |
Adair WL, Gabriel O, Stathakos D, et al. (1973) 4 Uloses as intermediates in enzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide mediated oxidoreductase mechanisms. II. Regulation of enzymatic activity by reductive inhibition Journal of Biological Chemistry. 248: 4640-4648 |
Adair WL, Gabriel O, Ullrey D, et al. (1973) 4 Uloses as intermediates in enzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide mediated oxidoreductase mechanisms. I. Uridine diphosphate galactose 4 epimerase Journal of Biological Chemistry. 248: 4635-4639 |
Wang SF, Gabriel O. (1970) Biological mechanisms involved in the formation of deoxysugars. VI. Role and function of enzyme-bound nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in thymidine diphosphate D-glucose oxidoreductase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 245: 8-14 |
Gabriel O, Wang SF. (1969) Determination of enzymatic activity in polyacrylamide gels. I. Enzymes catalyzing the conversion of nonreducing substrates to reducing products. Analytical Biochemistry. 27: 545-54 |
Gabriel O. (1968) A model system for the enzymic formation of 6-deoxyhexoses Carbohydrate Research. 6: 111-117 |
RAUNIO V, GABRIEL O. (1963) Immunoelectrophoretic characterization of proteolytic enzymes. Nature. 197: 1012-3 |
MILLER JJ, HOFFMANN-OSTENHOF O, SCHEIBER E, et al. (1959) The metabolism of yeast sporulation. III. Respiration of sporulating and growing cells. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 5: 153-9 |