Svitlana Zaster

University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States 
"Svitlana Zaster"
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Zaster S, Bittner ER, Piryatinski A. (2016) Quantum Symmetry Breaking of Exciton/Polaritons in a Metal-Nanorod Plasmonic Array. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A
Zaster S, Bittner ER. (2015) Role of dark excitations in the nonequilibrium condensation of exciton polaritons in optically-pumped organic single crystal microcavities International Journal of Modern Physics B. 29
Bittner ER, Zaster S, Silva C. (2012) Thermodynamics of exciton/polaritons in one and two dimensional organic single-crystal microcavities. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 14: 3226-33
Bittner ER, Zaster S, Silva C. (2012) Thermodynamics of exciton/polaritons in one and two dimensional organic single-crystal microcavities Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14: 3226-3233
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