Ray Lutgring

Chemistry University of Evansville, Evansville, IN, United States 
"Ray Lutgring"
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ZUTSHI R, SHULTZ MD, ULYSSE L, et al. (2010) ChemInform Abstract: Inhibiting the Dimerization of HIV-1 Protease Cheminform. 29: no-no
Zutshi R, Shultz MD, Ulysse L, et al. (1998) Inhibiting the dimerization of HIV-1 protease Synlett. 1040-1044
Zutshi R, Shultz MD, Ulysse L, et al. (1998) Inhibiting the Dimerization of HIV-1 Protease Synlett. 1998: 1040-1044
Lutgring R, Lipton M, Chmielewski J. (1996) Differential self assembly of amphiphilic helical peptides. Amino Acids. 10: 295-304
Lutgring R, Lipton M, Chmielewski J. (1996) Differential self assembly of amphiphilic helical peptides Amino Acids. 10: 295-304
Lutgring R, Chmielewski J. (1994) General strategy for covalently stabilizing helical bundles: A novel five-helix bundle protein Journal of the American Chemical Society. 116: 6451-6452
Lutgring R, Sujatha K, Chmielewski J. (1993) Synthesis of homologs of cysteine suitable for peptide and protein crosslinking Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 3: 739-742
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