Patrick E. Cassidy

Chemistry and Biochemistry Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States 
"Patrick Cassidy"
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Lara-Estévez JCI, Camacho-Zuñiga C, Ruiz-Treviño FA, et al. (2010) Gas transport properties of some fluorine-containing polyethers Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 49: 11948-11953
Olvera LI, Bucio E, Contreras-García A, et al. (2010) Effect of gamma irradiation on molecular weight of fluorinated aromatic polyethers Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 284: 109-115
Contreras-Garcia A, Bucio E, León-C. F, et al. (2009) Effect of gamma radiation on fluoropolymers Journal of Polymer Science, Part a: Polymer Chemistry. 47: 1617-1626
Guntupalli M, Wilkins CW, Cassidy PE. (2008) Preparation of substituted N-methacryloxy phthalimides for E-beam lithography International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials. 57: 442-451
Zhou H, Venumbaka SR, Fitch JW, et al. (2008) Siloxane/silane-crosslinked systems from supercritical carbon dioxide: I. Fluorinated poly(ether/siloxane)s Polymers For Advanced Technologies. 19: 1-5
Rubal M, Wilkins CW, Cassidy PE, et al. (2008) Fluorinated polyimide nanocomposites for CO2/CH4 separation Polymers For Advanced Technologies. 19: 1033-1039
Zhou H, Venumbaka SR, Fitch JW, et al. (2008) Siloxane/silane-crosslinked systems from supercritical carbon dioxide: II. Pendant phenyl poly(carbosilane/siloxane)s Polymers For Advanced Technologies. 19: 734-738
Bucio E, Fitch JW, Venumbaka SR, et al. (2006) Synthesis and characterization of new polyethers containing aliphatic and aromatic spirodilactam Designed Monomers and Polymers. 9: 55-62
Zhou H, Bucio E, Venumbaka SR, et al. (2006) New spirodilactam polymers Polymer. 47: 6927-6930
Bucio E, Fitch JW, Venumbaka SR, et al. (2005) Synthesis and properties of aliphatic spirodilactam diphenol containing polyesters Polymer. 46: 3971-3974
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