Erin R. Johnson, Ph.D.

Chemistry Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 
theoretical chemistry
"Erin Johnson"
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Gino A. DiLabio research assistant 2001-2004 (Astronomy Tree)
Axel D. Becke grad student 2004-2007 Queens University
Weitao Yang post-doc 2008-2010 Duke
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Rumson AF, Johnson ER. (2023) Low thermal expansion of layered electrides predicted by density-functional theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 159
Nickerson CJ, Bryenton KR, Price AJA, et al. (2023) Comparison of Density-Functional Theory Dispersion Corrections for the DES15K Database. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 127: 8712-8722
Bryenton KR, Johnson ER. (2023) Many-body dispersion in model systems and the sensitivity of self-consistent screening. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 158
Price AJA, Otero-de-la-Roza A, Johnson ER. (2022) XDM-corrected hybrid DFT with numerical atomic orbitals predicts molecular crystal lattice energies with unprecedented accuracy. Chemical Science. 14: 1252-1262
Wade J, Salerno F, Kilbride RC, et al. (2022) Controlling anisotropic properties by manipulating the orientation of chiral small molecules. Nature Chemistry
Teale AM, Helgaker T, Savin A, et al. (2022) DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Weatherby JA, Rumson AF, Price AJA, et al. (2022) A density-functional benchmark of vibrational free-energy corrections for molecular crystal polymorphism. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 156: 114108
Price AJA, Bryenton KR, Johnson ER. (2021) Requirements for an accurate dispersion-corrected density functional. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 154: 230902
Christian MS, Johnson ER, Besmann TM. (2021) Interplay between London Dispersion, Hubbard , and Metastable States for Uranium Compounds. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A
Sharma AN, Grandinetti L, Johnson ER, et al. (2020) Potent Inhibition of Mandelate Racemase by Boronic Acids: Boron as a Mimic of a Carbon Acid Center. Biochemistry
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