Anirudh Subramanyam

2019 Chemical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
"Anirudh Subramanyam"
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Subramanyam A, Repoussis PP, Gounaris CE. (2020) Robust Optimization of a Broad Class of Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problems Under Demand Uncertainty Informs Journal On Computing. 32: 661-681
Subramanyam A, Gounaris CE, Wiesemann W. (2019) K-adaptability in two-stage mixed-integer robust optimization Mathematical Programming Computation. 12: 193-224
Subramanyam A, Gounaris CE. (2018) A Decomposition Algorithm for the Consistent Traveling Salesman Problem with Vehicle Idling Transportation Science. 52: 386-401
Subramanyam A, Wang A, Gounaris CE. (2018) A scenario decomposition algorithm for strategic time window assignment vehicle routing problems Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 117: 296-317
Subramanyam A, Gounaris CE. (2016) A branch-and-cut framework for the consistent traveling salesman problem European Journal of Operational Research. 248: 384-395
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