Manish Shetty, Ph.D.

2012-2017 Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2017-2019 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States 
 2019-2021 Chemical Engineering and Materials Science University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
 2021- Chemical Engineering Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
"Manish Shetty"
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Mahnaz F, Mangalindan JR, Dharmalingam BC, et al. (2024) Intermediate Transfer Rates and Solid-State Ion Exchange are Key Factors Determining the Bifunctionality of InO/HZSM-5 Tandem CO Hydrogenation Catalyst. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 12: 5197-5210
Vito J, Shetty M. (2023) Challenges and Opportunities for Exploiting the Role of Zeolite Confinements for the Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Ardagh MA, Shetty M, Kuznetsov A, et al. (2020) Catalytic resonance theory: parallel reaction pathway control. Chemical Science. 11: 3501-3510
Shetty M, Wang H, Chen F, et al. (2020) Directing the rate-enhancement for hydronium ion catalyzed dehydration via organization of alkanols in nanoscopic confinements. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Ardagh MA, Shetty M, Kuznetsov A, et al. (2020) Catalytic resonance theory: parallel reaction pathway control Chemical Science. 11: 3501-3510
Gopeesingh J, Ardagh MA, Shetty M, et al. (2020) Resonance-Promoted Formic Acid Oxidation via Dynamic Electrocatalytic Modulation Acs Catalysis. 10: 9932-9942
Shetty M, Zanchet D, Green WH, et al. (2019) Cooperative Co(0)/Co(II) Sites Stabilized by a Perovskite Matrix Enable Selective C-O and C-C bond Hydrogenolysis of Oxygenated Arenes. Chemsuschem
Shetty M, Anderson EM, Green WH, et al. (2019) Kinetic analysis and reaction mechanism for anisole conversion over zirconia-supported molybdenum oxide Journal of Catalysis. 376: 248-257
Shetty M, Murugappan K, Green WH, et al. (2017) Structural Properties and Reactivity Trends of Molybdenum Oxide Catalysts Supported on Zirconia for the Hydrodeoxygenation of Anisole Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 5: 5293-5301
Iida T, Shetty M, Murugappan K, et al. (2017) Encapsulation of Molybdenum Carbide Nanoclusters inside Zeolite Micropores Enables Synergistic Bifunctional Catalysis for Anisole Hydrodeoxygenation Acs Catalysis. 7: 8147-8151
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