Gongkui Xiao, PhD

2011-2012 Chemical Engineering Monash University (Australia) 
 2012-2013 Chemical Engineering University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 
 2013- Chemical Engineering University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia 
Gas separation, carbon capture, hydrogen recovery, natural gas processing
"Gongkui Xiao"
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Yang X, Sadeghi Pouya E, Xiao G, et al. (2023) High-Pressure Gravimetric Measurements for Binary Gas Adsorption Equilibria and Comparisons with Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory (IAST). Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids
Zhao J, Mousavi SH, Xiao G, et al. (2021) Nitrogen Rejection from Methane via a "Trapdoor" K-ZSM-25 Zeolite. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Rahman S, Arami-Niya A, Yang X, et al. (2020) Temperature dependence of adsorption hysteresis in flexible metal organic frameworks. Communications Chemistry. 3: 186
Yang X, Arami-Niya A, Xiao G, et al. (2020) Flexible Adsorbents at High Pressure: Observations and Correlation of ZIF-7 Stepped Sorption Isotherms for Nitrogen, Argon, and Other Gases. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids
Robinson N, Xiao G, Connolly PRJ, et al. (2020) Low-field NMR relaxation-exchange measurements for the study of gas admission in microporous solids. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Wedler C, Lotz K, Arami-Niya A, et al. (2020) Influence of Mineral Composition of Chars Derived by Hydrothermal Carbonization on Sorption Behavior of CO, CH, and O. Acs Omega. 5: 10704-10714
Rahman S, Arami-Niya A, Yang X, et al. (2020) Temperature dependence of adsorption hysteresis in flexible metal organic frameworks Communications Chemistry. 3
Weh R, Xiao G, Islam MA, et al. (2020) Nitrogen Rejection by Dual Reflux Pressure Swing Adsorption Using Engelhard Titanosilicate Type 4 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 59: 22573-22581
Shang J, Hanif A, Li G, et al. (2020) Separation of CO2 and CH4 by Pressure Swing Adsorption using a Molecular Trapdoor Chabazite Adsorbent for Natural Gas Purification Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 59: 7857-7865
Weh R, Xiao G, Islam A, et al. (2020) Nitrogen rejection from natural gas by dual reflux-pressure swing adsorption using activated carbon and ionic liquidic zeolite Separation and Purification Technology. 235: 116215
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