Wayne S Goldenberg

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Chelated organolithium reagents
"Wayne Goldenberg"
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Reich HJ, Goldenberg WS, Sanders AW. (2004) Chelated aryllithium reagent: Ortho- and para- pyrrolidinomethylphenyllithium Arkivoc. 2004: 97-129
Reich HJ, Goldenberg WS, Sanders AW, et al. (2003) Amine- and ether-chelated aryllithium reagents-structure and dynamics. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125: 3509-21
Reich HJ, Goldenberg WS, Gudmundsson BO, et al. (2001) Amine-chelated aryllithium reagents--structure and dynamics. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 123: 8067-79
Reich HJ, Goldenberg WS, Sanders AW, et al. (2001) Chelated aryllithium reagents: ring size and chelating group effects. Organic Letters. 3: 33-6
Reich HJ, Green DP, Medina MA, et al. (1998) Aggregation and reactivity of phenyllithium solutions Journal of the American Chemical Society. 120: 7201-7210
Thorn KA, Pettigrew PJ, Goldenberg WS, et al. (1996) Covalent Binding of Aniline to Humic Substances. 2.15N NMR Studies of Nucleophilic Addition Reactions Environmental Science & Technology. 30: 2764-2775
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