University of Wisconsin, Madison

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Michael Ryan Jennifer E. Golden (post-doc)
Haley (Brown) Stehulak20132018 Hazel Marguerite Holden (grad student)
Michael F. A'Hearnstructure and composition of comets Astronomy1966 Arthur D. Code (grad student)
Nicholas L. Abbottinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids
Paul I. Abell1951 Harlan L. Goering (grad student)
Christopher J. AbeltOrganic chemistry Chemistry19771978 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (research assistant)
Vinay V. AbhyankarMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2007 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Martha L. Abramscatalysis involving transition metal complexes Chemistry2014 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Luis G. Acevedo2007 Peggy J. Farnham (grad student)
Claribel Acevedo-Velezinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2011 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Justin Finley Achesonpolysaccharide transporters Biochemistry20092015 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Thorsteinn Adalsteinsson2002 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
Christopher S. Adams2015 Jennifer M. Schomaker (grad student)
Sankar Adhya1966 Harrison Echols (grad student)
Tyler T. Adintcatalysis involving transition metal complexes Chemistry2014 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Sukumar AdityaPhotochemistry, photoelectrochemistry19531955 John Ela Willard (post-doc)
Homer B. Adkinshydrogenation
Julius Adlermechanism of bacterial chemotaxis1957 Henry A. Lardy (grad student)
Abhishek K. AgarwalElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2006 Hongrui Jiang (grad student)
Anurag Agrawal Chemistry2019 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Paul Gerald AhlquistRNA replication, gene expression/regulation1981 Paul J. Kaesberg (grad student)
Maaz Ahmed Chemistry20122017 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Sulieman Al-FaifiGenetics, Agronomy Agriculture, Plant Pathology Agriculture2007 Michael Havey (grad student)
Yahya K. Al-HinaiPlant Physiology, Botany Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture, Agronomy Agriculture2003 Teryl R. Roper (grad student)
Ziyad F. Al-Rashid20062008 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Jennifer E. Al-RashidNatural Product Synthesis2008 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Igor V. AlabuginOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry19962000 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (post-doc)
Elaine T. AlaridOncology, Biochemistry
Brittany N. AlbaughChromatin and epigenetics2011 John M. Denu (grad student)
Alison J. AlbeeBiochemistry2008 Christiane Wiese (grad student)
Robert A. AlbertyBiochemical thermodynamics1947 John Warren Williams (grad student)
Ralph M. AlbrechtMaterials Science Engineering, Oncology, Inorganic Chemistry, Nanotechnology1977 Ronald D. Hinsdill (grad student), Paul Louis Sandok (grad student)
Rafael Alcalaheterogeneous catalysts2004 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Bader AldalaliElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering2013 Hongrui Jiang (grad student)
Victor AlemanNeurochemistry19641968 Helmut Beinert (grad student)
Martin AlexanderSoil microbiology, bioremdiation, nutrient cycleing1955 Perry William Wilson (grad student)
Andrei T. Alexandrescu Biochemistry19841989 John L. Markley (grad student)
Charles E. Allen1966 Robert Woodbury Bray (grad student), Robert Gene Cassens (grad student)
Todd M AllenHIV, HCV, immunotherapy, immunology, virology Pathology19941999 David I Watkins (grad student)
Matthew J. Alleneuropium contrast agents20042007 Laura Lee Kiessling (post-doc), Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Oscar Nelson Allen1930 Ira Lawrence Baldwin (grad student)
Aaron M. Almeidabiologically active polymers Chemistry2012 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Ariel Martelle AlpersteinSpectroscopy Chemistry20142020 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Kurt J. AmannMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry1999 James M. Ervasti (grad student)
Donald Paul Ames1949 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Eric Amis Hyuk Yu (grad student)
Gene E. AnanievMolecular and computational genomics2008 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
John William Anderegg1952 William Waldron Beeman (grad student)
Kristen A. Andersen Graduate Program in Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology2015 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Nathan Andersen Geoscience20122017 Bradley S Singer (grad student)
James Lawford AndersonIgneous and metamorphic petrology; mineral equilibria1975 Levi Gordon Medaris (grad student)
Laurens Andersonchemistry of the sugars1950 Henry A. Lardy (grad student)
Marc A. Anderson
Thomas Foxen AndersonBiophysical chemistry19371940 Benjamin Minge Duggar (post-doc)
Wayne K. AndersonDrug design; prodrugs; natural product synthesis; new synthetic methods; heterocyclic chemistry1968 S. Morris Kupchan (grad student)
Peter C. Andersonstudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems2007 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
Vernon Emmett AndersonOrganic chemistry1981 W. Wallace Cleland (grad student)
Mark Randall AndersonElectrochemistry, Surface Modification19831987 Dennis H. Evans (grad student)
Robbin C. AndersonPhysical chemistry1939 Farrington Daniels (grad student)
Allyson L. AndingBiochemistry2011 Margaret Clagett-Dame (grad student)
Trisha L. Andreworganic optoelectronic devices, wearable electronics
Vlassios Andronis1997 George D Zografi (grad student)
Christine M. AngevineBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2004 Robert Harley Fillingame (grad student)
Steven Roger Angle19841986 Barry M. Trost (post-doc)
Christopher J. Annesleychemical reaction dynamics2011 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Aseem Z. AnsariRegulation of gene expression at the interface of chemistry, biology and genomics
Mark A. Anstromheterogeneous catalysts2002 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Larry C. AnthonyMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology2003 Richard R. Burgess (grad student)
Dagmara S. AntkiewiczToxicology2007 Warren Heideman (grad student)
Mary E. AnzovinoChemical education Chemistry2013 John W. Moore (grad student)
Daniel H. AppellaOrganic Chemistry1998 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Pornanong AramwitPharmacy2000 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Roman ArandaBiochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology2007 George N. Phillips (grad student)
Rafael Arce1970 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Hamid A. Ardeheuropium contrast agents Mechanical Engineering2014 Matthew J. Allen (grad student)
Louis E. ArmentanoRuminant nutritional physiology
David E. ArmstrongAquatic chemistry, biogeochemistry, chemical limnology1966 Gordon Chesters (grad student)
Robert C. Armstrongpolymer fluid mechanics, rheology of complex materials and energy1973 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
Fraser Armstrong Helmut Beinert (post-doc)
Kevin M. ArnoldChromatin and epigenetics2011 John M. Denu (grad student)
Ulrich Arnold20042007 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Matthew R. Aronoff Department of Chemistry2015 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Terrance M. ArthurMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry2000 Richard R. Burgess (grad student)
Laura M. AschenbrennerCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry Chemistry19961998 Judith N. Burstyn (research assistant)
Wasinee AswasereelertSedimentary Geology, Paleoclimate Science Geoscience Geoscience2014 Alan R. Carroll (grad student), Stephen Richard Meyers (grad student)
Alan D. AttieBiochemistry
Osborne James Attoesoil science1942 Emil Truog (grad student)
Anjon AudhyaBiochemistry
George Auer Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Benjamin M. Auerstatistical mechanics to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems2008 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Kelly A. AukemaBiochemistry2003 Catherine A. Fox (grad student)
Devin B. Averettpolymer Chemical Engineering2013 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Bruce A. Averill1976 William H. Orme-Johnson (post-doc)
Mauricio Avila-SeguraAgricultural Chemistry, Soil Science Agriculture, Environmental Engineering2004 Phillip Barak (grad student)
Styliani Avraamidou
Nihal Aydoganinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2001 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Gilbert H. AyresAnalytical chemistry1930 James Henri Walton, Jr. (grad student), C. Harvey Sorum (grad student)
Burcu S. Aytar(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces Chemical Engineering2012 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Samira M. Azarinpolymer 2011 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Stephen M. Babcockagricultural chemistry
Jennifer L. BachorikMolecular Biology, Genetics2005 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Steven K. BackuesCell Biology, Biochemistry, Plant Physiology2010 Sebastian Y. Bednarek (grad student)
M'bark Baddouh2016 Alan R. Carroll (grad student), Stephen Richard Meyers (grad student)
Darren L. BadeLimnology Biology, Biogeochemistry2004 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Jay K. Badenhoop Chemistry1993 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Rebecca BaderOrganic Chemistry, General Chemistry20072008 Weiyuan J. Kao (post-doc)
Euiyoung BaeBiochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology2005 George N. Phillips (grad student)
Min-Suk BaeEnvironmental Sciences, Atmospheric Science Physics2005 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Hussain U. BahiaCivil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry
Jean M. BahrEnvironmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Hydrology
Arash Bahrami Biophysics20032009 John L. Markley (grad student)
Guiyu Baiinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2005 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Yiqun Baiinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2011 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Derek J. BaileyBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics Chemistry2014 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Lucas J. BaileyBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2009 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
James A. Bain1944 Harold Paul Rusch (grad student)
Ishan Bajaj Chemical Engineering2019 Christos T. Maravelias (post-doc)
John D. Bak2003 John C. Wright (grad student)
Robert Henry Baker1940 Homer B. Adkins (grad student)
Bruce S. BakerGenetics, Neuroscience19721974 James F. Crow (post-doc)
Somenath BakshiQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro Chemistry2013 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Robert Lesh BaldwinEnergetics of protein folding19541955 John Warren Williams (post-doc), Louis Joseph Gosting (post-doc)
Ira Lawrence BaldwinBacteriology1926 Edwin Broun Fred (grad student)
Eric S. Ballunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2000 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Clinton E. Ballouinositol-containing phospholipids1950 Karl Paul Link (grad student)
James R. BamburgADF/Cofilin Biochemistry Physiological Chemistry19681969 Frank M. Strong (grad student), H. James Sallach (post-doc)
Dilip Kumar BanerjeeOrganic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry19471949 William Summer Johnson (post-doc)
Sachchidananda BanerjeeBiochemistry1945 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (post-doc)
James D. Bangsmolecular parasitology, African trypanosomes, protein trafficking
Steven M. Banik Chemistry20082011 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (research assistant)
Ryan M. BannenBiochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology2008 George N. Phillips (grad student)
Ofek Bar-IlanToxicology, Environmental Sciences2011 Warren Heideman (grad student)
Phillip BarakSoil Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Agriculture
John Barkei Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences20142015 Jason C. Kwan (research scientist)
George L BarnesMolecular Dynamics Simulations Edwin L. Sibert (grad student)
Kenneth J. BarnsQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro Chemistry2014 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Christopher J. Barrettheterogeneous catalysts2008 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Steven R. BarthelImmunology, Cell Biology, Medical Biophysics2006 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Jeremy A. BartlettPharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2002 Guilherme L. Indig (grad student)
Jason S. Bates20202023 Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Christopher M. Bates Chemistry20072008 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (research assistant)
Robert B. Batesnatural products1957 Samuel M. McElvain (grad student)
Ryan D. BattEcology Biology, Environmental Sciences, Zoology Biology Limnology & Marine Science2014 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Jeanine M. Battertoncatalysis involving transition metal complexes2007 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Nikola A. BaumannBiochemistry, Cell Biology Biochemistry2002 Anant K. Menon (grad student)
Carl A. Baumann1933 Harry Steenbock (grad student)
Billy Ray Baumgardt
Lukas P. Baumgartner
David J. BaumlerMicrobiology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Biochemistry2006 Charles W. Kaspar (grad student)
Herbert BeallBoron Hydrides, Crystallography Chemistry19621963 Donald F. Gaines (research assistant)
Firman Edward BearSoils1917 Edwin Broun Fred (grad student)
Shane L. Bechler(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces Chemical Engineering2012 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Robert R. Becker1952 Mark Arnold Stahmann (grad student)
Bryan R. Becklundvitamins A and D2010 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Wendy Bedale Biochemistry19871992 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Barbara L. BedfordEcology Biology, Plant Physiology, Biogeochemistry1980 Grant Cottam (grad student)
Sebastian Y. BednarekCell Biology, Botany Biology, Biochemistry
David J. BeebeMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health Electrical Engineering1994 Denice D. Denton (grad student), John G. Webster (research assistant)
William Waldron Beeman
Sharon E. Beetnerorganometallic chemistry2007 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Heidi L. BehrensBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2008 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Mithra BeikmohamadiChemical education2006 John W. Moore (grad student)
Helmut Beinertenzymology19501952 David E. Green (post-doc)
Peter J. BelshawOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Gunes BenderGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry2008 George H. Reed (grad student)
Paul J. BenderPhysical chemistry
Benjamin J. Bendingdynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers Chemistry2014 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Norlin Jay Benevenga
Tamas Benkovics Chemistry20052010 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Elena M. BennettEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Limnology Biology, Soil Science Agriculture2002 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Val BenningtonBiogeochemistry, Physical Oceanography2010 Galen A. McKinley (grad student)
Michelle C. Bensonnanoscience Chemistry2013 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Anne K. Bentleymaterials science2005 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
John Vanderveer Bergen1961 Edward Ervin Smissman (grad student)
William T. Berggrensurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2002 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Robert G. Bergmanmechanisms of organic reactions1966 Jerome A. Berson (grad student)
Andrew E. Berkechemical reaction dynamics Chemistry2012 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Christopher E. BerndsenUbiquitination, enzymology2008 John M. Denu (grad student)
Veronica M. BernsSolid state chemistry - Crystallography - Chemical Bonding Theory - Materials Chemistry20092014 Daniel C. Fredrickson (grad student)
Douglas A. Bernsteinstructure, DNA replication Biomolecular Chemistry20012006 James L. Keck (grad student)
John BerryStructure and Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds
Michael J. Berrylaser devices and procedures for synthetic, separative, and analytical chemistry applications and for biomedical and clinical applications
Jerome A. BersonPhysical Organic Chemistry
Erwin BerthierMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2011 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Paul J. BerticsCell Biology, Oncology, Biochemistry1984 Harry J. Karavolas (grad student)
Timothy H. BertramExperimental Atmospheric Chemistry
Steven H. Bertz Chemistry19691973 Charles P. Casey (research assistant)
Daniel M. Besemann2003 John C. Wright (grad student)
Martin J. BevanOrganic and organometallic chemistry Organolithium structure and reactivity NMR Spectroscopy Stereochemistry2003 Hans J. Reich (grad student)
Karl H. Beyer, Jr.Pharmacology1942 Walter J. Meek (grad student)
Basudeb Bhattacharyyastructure, DNA replication Biomolecular Chemistry20082014 James L. Keck (grad student)
Christopher M. BianchettiBiochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology2011 George N. Phillips (grad student)
Mary J. Biddypolymer 2006 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Matthew J. Biermanchemistry and physics of nanoscale materials2009 Song Jin (grad student)
Reinette BiggsEnvironmental Sciences, Public Administration2008 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Galina A. Bikzhanovaorganometallic chemistry2005 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Ilya N. BindemanGeology, Geochemistry, Petrology19982003 John W. Valley (post-doc)
Craig A. BingmanBiochemistry, X-ray diffraction, Macromolecular Structure20021990 George N. Phillips (research scientist), Muttaiya (Sunda) Sundaralingam (grad student)
Brock F. BinkowskiBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2005 Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
R. Byron Birdtransport phenomena, polymer fluid dynamics, polymer kinetic theory, rheology1950 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (grad student)
Lauren L. BischelMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health Biomedical Engineering2013 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Rasomoy Biswas20112014 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Simon Blackenzymes1941 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Silas C. Blackstockorganic electron transfer chemistry1985 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Helen Elizabeth Blackwellsynthesis of biologically active molecules
Heike BladNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Chemistry19932004 John L. Markley (grad student)
Walter J. Blaedelanalytical chemistry
Elizabeth J. Blaesi Chemistry2014 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
John T. Blair Chemistry1986 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Gary J. BlanchardSynthesis and Spectroscopy of Interfaces1985 Mary J. Wirth (grad student)
John S. BlanchardEnzymology1979 W. Wallace Cleland (grad student)
Daniel A. BlasioleBiochemistry, Cell Biology2008 Alan D. Attie (grad student)
Frederick R. BlattnerGenomics, gene regulation, bacteria, bioinformatics, DNA chips, genome engineering Wacław Szybalski (post-doc)
Kenneth P. BlemingsBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics Nutritional Sciences1999 Norlin Jay Benevenga (grad student), Thomas Daniel Crenshaw (grad student), Richard S. Eisenstein (post-doc)
Günter BlobelIntracellular Protein Traffic1966 Van Rensselaer Potter (grad student)
John H. Block1966 S. Morris Kupchan (grad student)
Stephen B. Block Chemistry2012 John C. Wright (grad student)
Paul G. BlommelBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2007 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Victor A. BloomfieldDNA Condensation, Biopolymer Dynamics 1962 Robert A. Alberty (grad student)
Robert Manley Bockmolecular biology1952 Robert A. Alberty (grad student)
James G. BockheimSoil Science Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology
Brett R. BodsgardBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2002 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Melissa D. Boersmabiologically active polymers Chemistry2008 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student), Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
Jon A. Bohmann Chemistry1995 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Paul W. Bohn(a) integrated nanofluidic and microfluidic chemical measurement strategies for personal monitoring, (b) chemical and biochemical sensing in mass-limited samples, (c) smart materials, and (d) molecular approaches to nanotechnology.1981 James W. Taylor (grad student)
Gustav Bohstedt1925 Frank Barron Morrison (grad student)
Timothy M. Bollerorganometallic chemistry2002 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Bradley W. BollingFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Biochemistry2007 Kirk L. Parkin (grad student)
Carsten BolmEnantioselective catalysis, asymmetric synthesis, bioactive compounds, mechanochemistry, biomass conversion, sulfur and fluorine chemistry1984 Hans J. Reich (grad student)
Sanford Myron BoltonPharmaceutical Statistics1958 Takeru Higuchi (grad student)
Chloe E. BonamiciGeology, Geochemistry, Petrology Geoscience2013 John W. Valley (grad student)
Jesse Q. Bonddiffusion in porous media2009 Thatcher W. Root (grad student)
Carlos A. BonillaSoil Science Agriculture, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences2006 John M. Norman (grad student)
Paul A. Bonvalletunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2001 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Squire J. BookerMechanisms of Cofactor Action in Enzymatic Reactions19961999 Perry A. Frey (post-doc)
Jack A. Borchardtsanitary engineering and water pollution control1948 Gerard A. Rohlich (grad student)
Kathleen Boris-LawrieMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Howard M. Temin (post-doc)
Margie T. BorraChromatin and epigenetics2005 John M. Denu (grad student)
Margie T. Borra-GarskeEnzymes20052008 John M. Denu (grad student), Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Martin J. BorrokBiomolecular recognition2007 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Melissa E. BoseGenetics2003 Catherine A. Fox (grad student)
Rebecca Susan BostonBotany Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology1983 Richard R. Burgess (grad student)
Kristin L. BoswellBiochemistry2009 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Michael R. Bottsfungal development and virulence2012 Christina M. Hull (grad student)
Philip BoudjoukInorganic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering1971 Robert C. West (grad student)
Roswell K. Boutwell1944 Edwin B. Hart (grad student), Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Nathan P. Bowlingunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2005 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Hannah E. Bowmanbioinorganic chemistry, chemical biology, transcription factors, heme, DNR2010 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Matt Bowmansynthesis of biologically active molecules2006 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Deric Bowndsphotoreceptor transduction, rhodopsin
Andrew J. BoydstonOrganic Synthesis, Polymer Chemistry
Paul D. BoyerBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1943 Paul H. Phillips (grad student)
Erin S. Boyle Chemistry2014 John C. Wright (grad student)
Christopher L. BraceImage-guided medical therapies2005 Daniel W. van der Weide (grad student)
Harold C. Bradleyphysiological chemistry of organisms in the phylum Mollusca, the presence of copper and zinc in marine mollusks, the presence of manganese in freshwater mussels, human pancreatic juice, the relation of enzymes to tissue synthesis,
Parth R BrahmbhattProcess Systems Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering Department2023 Styliani Avraamidou (grad student)
Jeffrey M. Brakeinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2003 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Toni M. BrandCell Biology, Oncology, Pharmacology Cellular & Molecular Pathology2014 Deric L. Wheeler (grad student)
David A. Brantphysical chemistry of biological macromolecules1962 Robert A. Alberty (grad student)
Rebecca Braslauorganic, polymers19831989 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Susan M. Brastadreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films2010 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Benjamin P. BrattonQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro2011 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Robert Woodbury Bray1949 Paul H. Phillips (grad student), Gustav Bohstedt (grad student)
Tony Breitbach2012 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Anthony S. Breitbachsynthesis of biologically active molecules Chemistry2013 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Jonathan G. Breitzersulfur chemistry, battery science Chemistry20002002 Arthur B. Ellis (post-doc)
Clark Joseph Brekke1972 Marion Lewis Greaser (grad student)
Holly L. Brenzavitamins A and D2000 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Emery H. BresnickMolecular Biology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry
Lynn E. Bretscher19971999 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Matthias Breweraspartic protease2002 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Matthias BrewerOrganic Synthesis Department of Chemistry19972002 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Anna Brezny Chemistry20132018 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Caleb W. BrianOrganic Materials Chemistry2014 Lian Yu (grad student)
Jodie Brice Chemistry20002005 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
George McSpadden Briggsscience of nutrition1944 Edwin B. Hart (grad student), Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Kristin A. Brineychemical reaction dynamics2010 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Ernest Joseph Briskeymeat science1958 Robert Woodbury Bray (grad student), William George Hoekstra (grad student)
Rachel Brittchemical reaction dynamics2010 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Stephanie L. Brittondiffusion in porous media2007 Thatcher W. Root (grad student)
James R. Brock Chemical Engineering1960 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
Adam H. Broderick(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces Chemical Engineering2012 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Robert Stanley Brodkey1952 W. Robert Marshall (grad student)
Harry P. BroquistBiochemistry1949 Esmond E. Snell (grad student)
William Byers BrownTheoretical chemistry
Tristan R BrownInorganic Chemistry, Protein Engineering, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics Chemistry20112017 John Berry (grad student)
Christopher D. Brown Chemistry2013 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Jaclyn R. BrownPalladium-Catalyzed Oxidation Chemistry Chemistry2014 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Gene M. Brownisolation, biosynthesis, and function of vitamins, coenzymes, and related substances1953 Esmond E. Snell (grad student)
Steven S. Brownchemistry of the Earth's atmospheric 1996 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Robert Bruckner Biochemistry1987 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Nathan A. BruenderBiochemistry Biochemistry-ALS2012 Hazel Marguerite Holden (grad student)
Justin BrumbaughBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics2011 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
John N. Brunn Chemistry20182020 Tehshik P. Yoon (research assistant)
Thomas C. Brunoldgeometric and electronic properties of catalytically active metal centers in proteins
Kristofor R. BryeGeneral Agriculture, Biochemistry, Agronomy Agriculture1999 John M. Norman (grad student)
Grant S. BuchananNatural Product Synthesis2011 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Lauren E. Buchanan2D IR spectroscopy Chemistry2013 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Maren E. Buck(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces2010 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Jarrod J. Buffyorganosilicon chemistry2000 Robert C. West (grad student)
Marcus L. BukerEnvironmental Sciences, Atmospheric Science Physics2004 Matthew H. Hitchman (grad student)
Andrew BullerProtein engineering, biocatalysis, enzymology, chemical biology
R. Morris BullockCatalysis, Synthesis1984 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Katherine Bultman20172023 Mark J. Mandel (grad student)
Francis Merlin BumpusBiochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, peptides1949 Frank M. Strong (grad student)
Richard A. BunceOrganic Chemistry1981 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
David N. Bunck Chemistry20062009 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (research assistant)
Hayley BunnSpectroscopy
Stanley W. BuolSoil Science Agriculture, Physical Geography, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture Soils1960 Francis Doan Hole (grad student)
Daniel K. Burdenreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films2010 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Edward J Bures
Richard R. BurgessMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Kevin Burgessmedicinal chemistry, combinatorial chemistry, organic syntheses, asymmetric catalysis, and fluorescent dyes19831984 Barry M. Trost (post-doc)
Charles F. Burgesselectrochemical engineering18951898 Dugald C. Jackson (research assistant)
Albert William Burgstahlerchemistry of natural products1956 Eugene van Tamelen (post-doc)
Steven D. Burkesynthesis of natural products
Jordan E. BurkeBiochemistry Biochemistry2012 Samuel Butcher (grad student)
Debi Prosad BurmaBiochemistry19551956 Robert H. Burris (post-doc)
Ronald R. BurnettePharmaceutical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
Charles Russel Burnham1929 Royal Alexander Brink (grad student)
Robert H. Burrisbiological nitrogen fixation, photosynthesis, respiratory enzymes1940 Perry William Wilson (grad student)
Nicola J. Burrmannunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2010 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Matthew G. Bursavichaspartic protease2002 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Judith N. BurstynBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design
Samuel Burt Chemical Engineering20132018 Ive Hermans (grad student)
Justin Bushkofsky Endocrinol-Reprod Physiol - LS20122016 Colin R. Jefcoate (grad student), Dawn Belt Davis (post-doc)
Wade A. Bushmanprostate cancer
Joshua Buss20182020 Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Louis W. Busse1940 Arthur Hoyt Uhl (grad student)
Samuel ButcherBiochemistry
Roger ByrnePhysical Geography, Geography, Palynology, Environmental Sciences, Atmospheric Science Physics, Geochemistry Geography1973 William M. Denevan (grad student)
Rose T. Byrnechemical reaction dynamics Microbiology2013 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Javier F. CaceresmRNA splicing James E. Dahlberg (post-doc)
Katie D. Cadwellinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2007 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Hui CaiFood Science and Technology Agriculture2009 James L. Steele (grad student)
Wenxuan Cai20132018 Ying Ge (grad student)
Weibo CaiMolecular imaging, nanobiotechnology, radiochemistry
Christopher W. CairoBiophysics, biochemistry, bioorganic chemistry, glycobiology, carbohydrate chemistry19962002 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Barbara O. CalcagnoMaterials Science Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Plastics Technology2010 Wendy C. Crone (grad student)
Claudia I. Calderon GarciaGenetics, Molecular Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture2010 Michael Havey (grad student)
Jane E. Caldwell Biochemistry19921997 John L. Markley (grad student)
Peter D. Calvert1995 Deric Bownds (grad student)
Arthur CammersOrganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry19881994 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Jennifer C. Campbell2008 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Heidi B. Cao2001 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Weifeng CaoBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Chemistry2012 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Xufeng Cao2015 Jennifer E. Golden (post-doc)
Xiaoping Caonanoscience2002 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Yankai Cao Chemical Engineering20162018 Victor Zavala (post-doc)
Hongnan CaoBiochemistry, Crystallography, Enzymology2011 George N. Phillips (post-doc)
Nelson Cardona-MartínezHeterogeneous catalysis Chemical Engineering1989 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Hannah V. CareyVeterinary Science Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture, Biochemistry
Skylar Carlson Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences2016 Jason C. Kwan (post-doc)
Clayton D. CarlsonRegulation of gene expression at the interface of chemistry, biology and genomics2010 Aseem Z. Ansari (grad student)
Erin E. CarlsonChemical Biology; Organic Chemistry; Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry2005 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Rebecca J. Carltoninterfacial phenomena and complex fluids Chemical Engineering2014 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Amanda E. CarneyBiochemistry2011 Hazel Marguerite Holden (grad student)
Stephen Russell CarpenterLimnology Biology, Biogeochemistry1979 Michael S. Adams (grad student)
John E. Carpenter Chemistry1982 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Joshua K. Carrstatistical mechanics to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems Chemistry2014 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Heather S. CarrBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2000 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Ralph Howard CarrAgricultural Chemistry1913 Elmer V. McCollum (grad student), Louis Albrecht Kahlenberg (grad student)
Pierre J. CarreauChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Plastics Technology, Polymer Chemistry1968 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
Carlos Alberto CarreroHeterogeneous Catalysis, Supported Metal Oxide Catalysis, In situ/Operando Raman spectroscopy, Chemical Kinetics, Oxidative Dehydrogenation Chemistry Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering20142016 Ive Hermans (post-doc), George W. Huber (collaborator), James A. Dumesic (collaborator)
Stacey L. Carrierchemical reaction dynamics2009 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Alan R. CarrollGeology, Geochemistry
Jens Thurø Carstensen
Benjamin P. CasavantMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health Biomedical Engineering2013 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Amanda S. Casechemical reaction dynamics2011 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Laurieann CaseyGenetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry2007 Catherine A. Fox (grad student)
Charles P. Caseyorganometallic chemistry
John E. CasidaPesticide chemistry and toxicology1954 Thomas Cort Allen (grad student), Mark Arnold Stahmann (grad student)
Robert Gene Cassens1963 Ernest Joseph Briskey (grad student), William George Hoekstra (grad student)
David J. Castroreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films2005 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Craig E. CaufieldOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19781984 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Kenneth G. CaultonCatalysis, transition metal hydride chemistry1968 Richard F. Fenske (grad student)
Silvia CavagneroProtein folding in the cell and Biomolecular spectroscopy
Andrew C Cavell Chemistry20152023 Randall H. Goldsmith (grad student)
Fuat E. CelikHeterogeneous Catalysis20102012 Manos Mavrikakis (post-doc)
Phillip R. CertainTheoretical chemistry Department of Chemistry1969 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (grad student)
Minseok Cha2009 Glenn H. Chambliss (grad student)
Shawn P. ChadwickBiogeochemistry, Geochemistry, Analytical Chemistry2006 David E. Armstrong (grad student)
Young Kee Chae Biophysics19891994 John L. Markley (grad student)
Saswata Chakrabortybiologically active polymers Chemistry2014 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Glenn H. Chambliss
Alexander ChandraPolymer Synthesis2008 Padma Gopalan (grad student)
Sunil Subhash Chandran20012004 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Taihyun Changpolymer physics chemistry1984 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
Rakwoo ChangComputer simulation, polymer, biological membranes, pda, pamam dendrimer19982003 Arun Yethiraj (grad student)
Yong ChangBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2009 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Aram ChangBiochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology2011 George N. Phillips (grad student)
Yi-Huang ChangFood Science and Technology Agriculture2000 Richard W. Hartel (grad student)
Wansoo Chang Chemistry20122017 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
Jason S. ChapmanBiochemistry, Oncology2004 Margaret Clagett-Dame (grad student)
Asima ChatterjeeAlkaloid chemistry19471948 Lloyd McClain Parks (post-doc)
Michael J. CheadleMechanical Engineering2012 Gregory A. Ellis (grad student)
Christopher M. Cheatum2001 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
James W. Checco Chemistry20102015 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Tze-haw ChenPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy2011 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Xin Chen Chemistry20072012 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Jixin ChenInterfacial Chemistry, Biophysics, Materials, Energy20102012 Robert J. Hamers (post-doc)
Yen-Lane Chen1986 George D Zografi (grad student)
Wensheng Chenorganic photochemistry2001 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Ruibing ChenBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2009 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Hongbo Chen Biochemistry2015 Katherine Henzler-Wildman (grad student), Baron Chanda (grad student)
Yeng-Long Chenpolymer physics, microflow20032005 Juan J. de Pablo (post-doc)
Siyuan Chensurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2010 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Yo-Shen ChenFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Biochemistry2001 James L. Steele (grad student)
Bifan Chen Chemistry20142019 Ying Ge (grad student)
Peter C. ChenSpectroscopy1992 John C. Wright (grad student)
Weiguo Cheng2003 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
Daming ChengMaterials Science Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry2010 Hongrui Jiang (grad student)
Cheom-Gil CheongStructural Biology2002 Ivan Rayment (grad student)
Melisa M. CherneyBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2007 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Michael A. ChesneyGenetics2008 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Gordon Chesters1959 Oscar Nelson Allen (grad student)
Lauren M. ChetelGeology2009 Alan R. Carroll (grad student)
Juben N. Chhedaheterogeneous catalysts2007 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Yonggui Robin Chibiologically active polymers2007 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Mei Chiaheterogeneous catalysts Chemical Engineering2013 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Jason ChiangTumor Ablation, Device Instrumentation, Numerical Modeling Biomedical Engineering20102014 Christopher L. Brace (grad student)
James C. W. ChienPolymer Research1954 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Jill Ann ChipmanInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2014 John Berry (grad student)
Peter T. Chivers Department of Biochemistry1996 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Jaehyung ChoPharmacology, Cell Biology2006 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Hyunah ChoPharmacy, Medicine and Surgery, General Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Dong-Woo ChoCivil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry2008 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Young C. Cho2003 Colin R. Jefcoate (grad student)
Eun Jin Cho2008 Daesung Lee (grad student)
Soheui Choe Biochemistry19911997 John L. Markley (grad student)
Heejun Choi Chemistry2015 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Jae-ho ChoiCivil Engineering2002 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Kyoung-Shin Choidesign, synthesis, and characterization of semiconducting and metallic crystals
Soo H. Choibiologically active polymers2008 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Olivia M. CholewaAnalytical Chemistry2004 Ulfert Hornemann (grad student)
Manan Choprainterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2008 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Sucheewin Chotchatchawankulcatalysis involving transition metal complexes Chemistry2015 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Ho-Hsuan Chou20092013 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Amit Choudhary2011 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Jeffrey E. ChristensenMicrobiology Biology2000 James L. Steele (grad student)
Bernard Victor Christensenpharmacognosy, pharmacology1927 Edward Kremers (grad student)
Matthew D. Christiansoncatalysis involving transition metal complexes2008 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Kelly Christopherson Cynthia Czajkowski (grad student)
Jianlin ChuMolecular Biology2004 Emery H. Bresnick (grad student)
Robert S. ChumanovMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2009 Richard R. Burgess (grad student)
Marcus T Cicerone1994 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Melissa Antonio Cimafranca2006 Colin R. Jefcoate (grad student)
Christopher J. CiolliOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2004 Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
Margaret Clagett-DameBiochemistry1985 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student), Colleen E. Hayes (grad student)
Tami L. Clarenanoscience2005 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Brian H. Clareinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2005 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Thomas P. Clarkcatalysis involving transition metal complexes2004 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Robert W. Clark Chemistry19992005 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
James R. ClausMeat science
Susannah C. Clear2000 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
W. Wallace ClelandKinetics and mechanisms of enzymes1955 Marvin J. Johnson (grad student)
Alexander John Clemens Chemistry2012 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Edward L ClennanOrganic Photochemistry1977 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Mary J. CloningerOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Department of Chemistry19911996 Howard William Whitlock (grad student)
Cristian S. ClopotelCivil Engineering Civil & Environmental Engr2012 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Aaron R. CoenenChemical Engineering2011 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Philip Pacy Cohen1937 Edgar John Witzemann (grad student)
Hannah C. CohenBiomedical Engineering, Immunology, Cell Biology Pharmaceutical Sciences2014 Weiyuan J. Kao (grad student)
Antonio E. Colás
Daniel T. Colbert Department of Chemistry Edwin L. Sibert (grad student)
Robert E. Colbornorganometallic, nanomaterials19831984 Charles P. Casey (post-doc)
Allan P. Colburnheat transfer, the flow of fluids, distillation, and absorption1929 Olaf A. Hougen (grad student)
Amos Blaine Colby1943 Arthur Hoyt Uhl (grad student)
Douglas L. Colemangenetic component in obesity1958 Carl A. Baumann (grad student)
Ray CollierBotany Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture, Biochemistry Jean-Michel Ane (post-doc)
Kenneth Alan Collins1967 Larry Allen Haskin (grad student)
Kenneth E. Collins1962 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Lindsay R. ComstockPharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2005 Scott R. Rajski (grad student)
Nicholas J. Condon2001 John C. Wright (grad student)
Neil G. ConnellyInorganic Chemistry Lawrence F. Dahl (post-doc)
Allan H. ConneyPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Oncology1956 James A. Miller (grad student), Elizabeth Cavert Miller (grad student)
Ralph Connor1932 Homer B. Adkins (grad student)
Kenneth Antonio Connors1959 Takeru Higuchi (grad student)
Karen Sue Conrad2010 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Paul B. Conradpolymer 2000 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
John M. ConsidineMaterials Science Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering Materials Science2013 Wendy C. Crone (grad student)
Ray L. Cook1934 Emil Truog (grad student)
Amy CookeMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2011 Marvin Wilkens (grad student)
Joshua J. CoonBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics
Geoffrey M. CooperCancer Research19731975 Howard M. Temin (post-doc)
Margaret M. CooperTextile chemistry
Stuart L. CooperPolymers, Polyurethanes, Blood Material Interactions, Ionomers, Tissue Engineering
Arthur C. CopeOrganic Chemistry1932 Samuel M. McElvain (grad student)
Matthew Copeland Biochemistry Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Brian P. Coppoladiscipline-centered teaching and learning1984 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Steven A. Corcelli, Jr.Theoretical & Computational Chemistry20022005 James L. Skinner (post-doc)
Chris T. Corcoran Chemstry1976 Frank Albert Weinhold (post-doc)
Richard Boardman Corey Soil Science1952 Marion LeRoy Jackson (grad student)
Mary J. CornettMicrowave spectroscopy2001 R. Claude Woods (grad student)
Robert Mackenzie CoryOrganic Chemistry1971 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Rick H. CoteBiochemistry, Neuroscience, Pharmacology Laboratory of Molecular Biology Laboratory of Molecular Biology19801986 Gary G. Borisy (grad student), Deric Bownds (post-doc)
Jane M. Coughlin20032008 Ben Shen (grad student)
Adam H. CourtneyBiomolecular recognition2011 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Sarah K. Coutlernanoscience2001 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Julia M. Coxchemical reaction dynamics2007 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
M. Jocelyn Coxchemical reaction dynamics2006 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Michael Matthew Coxgenetic recombination and DNA repair
Jennifer L. Craft2003 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Charles R. CraigNeuropharmacology, epilepsy1964 Frederick E. Shideman (grad student)
Elizabeth Anne CraigBiochemistry
Frederick Loring Crane1957 Helmut Beinert (post-doc)
Aaron A. Crapster Chemistry2012 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Ronald Lyle CrawfordMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Biogeochemistry1973 Elizabeth McCoy (grad student)
J. Michael Creeth Louis Joseph Gosting (research scientist)
Thomas Daniel Crenshaw
Adam CreuzigerApplied Mechanics, Materials Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2008 Wendy C. Crone (grad student)
F. Fleming Crimchemical reaction dynamics
Wendy C. CroneAnalytical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering
John Crooks Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Paul C. Crossmolecular spectroscopy1932 Farrington Daniels (grad student)
Sean O. CroweChemistry and Biology of Protein Ubiquitination and Degradation 2013 Eric R. Strieter (grad student)
Andrew C. Crowtherchemical reaction dynamics2008 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Scott R. CroyPharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2005 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Luis E. Cruz-BarbaMaterials Science, Plasma Science and Engineering, Biomaterials, Surface Engineering2003 Raymond A. Young (grad student), Ferencz S. Denes (grad student)
Eric S CuenyOrganometallic Chemistry20142019 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Qiang Cuicomputational chemistry and biophysics
Huan CuiGeobiology and Biogeochemistry
Qiurong CuiBiophysics Statistics2014 He Zhang (grad student)
Sean P. CullenPolymer Synthesis2008 Padma Gopalan (grad student)
Robert S. CunninghamBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Chemistry2012 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Colleen S. CurranBiomedical Engineering, Immunology, Neuroscience Biology2010 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Larry S. CurtinInorganic/Analytical Chemistry1990 William J. Pietro (grad student)
Charles F. CurtissTheory of transport phenomena in gases; theory of molecular collisions; rheology of polymeric solutions and melts1948 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (grad student)
Lawrence F. Dahltransition metal clusters
James E. DahlbergsnRNA, mRNA splicing
John S. DahlerQuantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. Electron collisions with atoms and molecules. Thermodynamics and flow of polymers and suspensions. Transport, relaxation and reactions in small-molecule liquids.1955 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (grad student)
Jun Dai School of Pharmacy Jonathan M.G. Higgins (post-doc)
Hui-Fang Dai2011 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Ziqi DaiNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biophysics20072012 John L. Markley (grad student)
Neil J. DailyBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology2013 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Shakeel S. Dalaldynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers Chemistry2014 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Renee M. DalrympleQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro Chemistry2013 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
PhuongAn H. DamMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2002 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Steven J. DamonPlant Culture Agriculture, Analytical Chemistry Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics2014 Michael Havey (grad student)
Farrington Danielssolar energy
Mark A. Danielson19982002 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Harsh R DarjiHeterogeneous Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Chemical Engineering20232028 Ive Hermans (grad student)
Steven J. DarnellBiochemistry, Computer Science, Oncology2008 Julie C. Mitchell (grad student)
Amit DasInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Renewable Energy Chemistry20142018 Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Pronay Das Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Tarasankar Das20172019 Martin T. Zanni (post-doc)
Shreyasi DasTranscriptional regulation in DNA tumor viruses and breast cancer2010 Janet E. Mertz (grad student)
Hesamaddin T. Dashti Biophysics20122015 John L. Markley (grad student)
Olafs Daugulisorganometallics, catalysis Chemistry19931999 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Rupali R. Davdaheterogeneous catalysts2004 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Charles Bingham Davey1955 Sergius Alexander Wilde (grad student)
Ernest R. DavidsonQuantum Chemistry1962 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (post-doc)
Julian E. Daviesantibiotics and vaccines Eugene van Tamelen (post-doc)
Douglas R. DaviesStructural Biology2000 Ivan Rayment (grad student)
Jared H. DavisBiochemistry2007 Samuel Butcher (grad student)
JAMES F. DAVISSmart Manufacturing, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industry 4.0
Kevin J. Dawsondynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers2011 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Namal I. de Silvatransition metal clusters2006 Lawrence F. Dahl (grad student)
Madeleine A. DeBeerMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics2003 Catherine A. Fox (grad student)
Charles DeberBiochemistry19751976 Henry A. Lardy (research scientist)
Nattawan Decharin20052011 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Kimberly S. DeGlopper Chemistry2019 Ryan L. Stowe (grad student)
John P. DeGravechemistry and physics of nanoscale materials Chemistry2013 Song Jin (grad student)
Virginia R. DeibelFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology2002 James L. Steele (grad student)
Stephanie S. DeKeyserBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2007 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Roger L. DeKockcomputational chemistry, chemistry education Chemistry19651970 Richard F. Fenske (grad student)
Kyle A. DeKorverNatural Product Synthesis Chemistry2012 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Angel R. Del Valle-EchevarriaPlant Culture Agriculture, Genetics, Molecular Biology Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics2014 Michael Havey (grad student), Jean-Michel Ane (post-doc)
Daniel Graham DelafieldProteomics, Glycoproteomics Department of Chemistry20182023 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Katya M. DelakPhysical Chemistry, Geochemistry2006 Nita Sahai (grad student)
Sean P. Delcambre2010 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Stephen B. delCardayré Department of Biochemistry1994 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Rodrigo DelgadilloCivil Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2008 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Hector Floyd DeLucavitamins A and D1955 Harry Steenbock (grad student)
Omar N. DemerdashGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology2010 Julie C. Mitchell (grad student)
Horace Grove Deming1911 Louis Albrecht Kahlenberg (grad student)
Ferencz S. Denes
Michael K. Denk Chemistry19931994 Robert C. West (post-doc)
Carter Denniston
Matthew R. Dent Chemistry2012 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Denice D. Denton
John M. DenuChromatin and epigenetics
Melvin L. DePamphilischemistry, bacterial structure and physiology, enzymology, DNA replication, chromatin structure, gene expression Biochemistry19701971 Julius Adler (grad student), W. Wallace Cleland (post-doc)
Wendy A. deProphetisunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2004 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Ratmir Derdadrug discovery2008 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Michele L. DeRider Chemistry19952001 John L. Markley (grad student)
Kevin DesaiEnzyme Directed Evolution20112016 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Harold F. Deutsch Chemistry1944 Edgar John Witzemann (grad student)
Jennifer L. DeZwaanreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films2007 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Dalia M. DhingraMolecular and computational genomics2007 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
Tianning DiaoPalladium-Catalyzed Oxidation Chemistry Chemistry2012 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Arturo DiazRNA replication, gene expression/regulation2009 Paul Gerald Ahlquist (grad student)
Ilenys Diaz-MunizFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Microbiology Biology2005 James L. Steele (grad student)
Allison L. Didychuk Biochemistry Samuel Butcher (grad student)
Thomas A. DieziPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy, Polymer Chemistry2011 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Joshua P. DiGangiphotochemical oxidation processes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that produce tropospheric ozone2012 Frank N. Keutsch (grad student)
George A. DigenisPharmaceutical Chemistry1964 Howard William Whitlock (grad student)
Andrew K. Dilger20032009 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Dylan N. DillawayForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Plant Physiology2009 Eric L. Kruger (grad student)
John H Dillon1931 Charles Elwood Mendenhall (grad student)
Eileen T. DimalantaMolecular and computational genomics2004 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
Gerard Charles DismukesPhysical Chemistry, General Biophysics, Biogeochemistry1975 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Kristin E. Dittenhafer-ReedChromatin and epigenetics Biochemistry2014 John M. Denu (grad student)
Sanali (Matheson) Dittli Chemistry20042010 John L. Markley (grad student)
Sannali M. DittliBiochemistry2010 John L. Markey (grad student)
Steven Thomas DiverInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry1995 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Carl DjerassiChemistry of natural products1945 Alfred L. Wilds (grad student)
Truman Do2018 Peter W Lewis (grad student)
Matthew W. Dodgesynthesis of natural products2008 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Amalia DoebbertGeology, Geochemistry Geoscience2013 Alan R. Carroll (grad student)
Klaus DoelleWood Technology Agriculture2002 Roger M. Rowell (grad student)
Roy H. Doi1960 Harlyn Odell Halvorson (grad student)
Lloyd J. Dolby Eugene van Tamelen (post-doc)
Brian S DolinarInorganic Chemistry, Magnetochemistry Chemistry20102016 John Berry (grad student)
Maribella DomenechMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2010 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Min DongClostridial neurotoxins20002009 Edwin R. Chapman (grad student)
Shawn Scott DonkinAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture, Physiology Biology, Biochemistry1992 Louis E. Armentano (grad student)
Laxmangudi Krishnamurthy DoraiswamyChemical engineering, phase transfer catalysis1952 Olaf A. Hougen (grad student)
Peter K. DorhoutInorganic Chemistry, materials19851989 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Paul V. DoskeyEnvironmental Engineering, Atmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry Anders Andren (grad student)
Bilal DostiMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology2007 James L. Steele (grad student)
Jeffrey S. Dougan2003 Paul M. Treichel (grad student)
Scott D. DoughmanMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2004 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Daniel C. DouglassGeology, Soil Science Agriculture2005 Bradley S. Singer (grad student)
James A. DowellBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2008 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Alexander Dowling Chemical Engineering20152017 Victor Zavala (post-doc)
Manolis Doxastakis Chemical and Biological Engineering20032007 Juan J. de Pablo (post-doc)
Martin W. DoyleHydrology, Environmental Sciences, Physical Geography, Biogeochemistry Emily H. Stanley (grad student)
Julia C. Dreeschemical reaction dynamics2006 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Matthias DriessSynthesis of novel molecular functions, Organometallic Chemistry19881989 Robert C. West (post-doc)
Jessica Nora DrumReproductive physiology Dairy Science Department20182018 Milo C. Wiltbank (research assistant)
George Ira Drummondcardiac adenylate cyclase Biochemistry1955 Laurens Anderson (grad student)
Gregory K. DruschelMineralogy, environmental geochemistry, geomicrobiology, and nanogeoscience2002 Jillian F. Banfield (grad student)
Juana Ducatalytic methods for organic synthesis Chemistry2012 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Yunfei DuHypervalent Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry20112012 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Haichuan Duan2007 Colin R. Jefcoate (grad student)
Janejira DuangjitHorticulture Agriculture, Genetics Plant Breeding & Plant Genetics2013 Michael Havey (grad student)
Edward G. DudleyMicrobiology Biology, Food Science and Technology Agriculture2000 James L. Steele (grad student)
Sarah J. DuellmanMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Virology Biology2008 Richard R. Burgess (grad student)
Erin M. Duffy Chemistry20122017 Etienne Garand (grad student)
Roy J. DuhePharmacology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology Biochemistry19841985 Bruce R. Selman (grad student)
Frank Leslie Duleysoil science1923 Andrew Robeson Whitson (grad student)
James A. Dumesicheterogeneous catalysts
Adam D. Dunkelbergerchemical reaction dynamics Chemistry2013 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Emily B. Dunkelberger2D IR spectroscopy Chemistry2013 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Peter J Dunlop Chemistry19521955 Louis Joseph Gosting (grad student)
Francis Mark Dunning20072010 Edwin R. Chapman (post-doc)
Rachelle M. DuvallEnvironmental Engineering, Atmospheric Science Physics2005 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Richard D. Dyer1978 Antonio E. Colás (grad student)
Emily C. DykhuizenBiomolecular recognition2008 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
William S. DynanMolecular Biology, Biochemistry1980 Richard R. Burgess (grad student)
John J. DyrebyMechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering2014 Gregory A. Ellis (grad student)
Patrick Raymond D’SilvaBiochemistry, Biophysics, Cell Biology Genetics, Bioinformatics20002006 Elizabeth Anne Craig (post-doc)
Daniel D. Ebelingsurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2001 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Eric S. Eberhardt Department of Biochemistry1995 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Scott Russell Eberhardy2002 Peggy J. Farnham (grad student)
Luis EchegoyenAnalytical Chemistry19741975 Stephen F. Nelsen (post-doc)
Harrison EcholsBiochemistry, molecular biology Physics1959 John William Anderegg (grad student)
David T. EddingtonMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2004 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Mark D. Edigerdynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers
Arthur S. EdisonMolecular Biology Biophysics19931996 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student), Anthony Stretton (post-doc), John L. Markley (grad student)
John O. Edwards1950 C. Harvey Sorum (grad student)
Julie M. Eggingtonchemical reaction dynamics2006 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Aimee L. Egglerchemical reaction dynamics2002 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Nora Eibergen Chemistry20112014 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (post-doc)
David J. EideMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
John M. EilerGeochemistry John W. Valley (grad student), Lukas P. Baumgartner (grad student)
Michael EisenbachCell Biology, Biochemistry19781980 Julius Adler (post-doc)
Edmund J. Eisenbraunsynthesis of organic compounds1955 Samuel M. McElvain (grad student)
Richard S. EisensteinNutrition, Biochemistry1984 Alfred Edwin Harper (grad student)
Amy M. Elderaspartic protease2000 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Chelcie H. Eller Department of Biochemistry2014 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Christopher G. Elleschemical reaction dynamics2004 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
James J. EllingerNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biochemistry-ALS (IPiB Program)20072012 John L. Markley (grad student)
Gregory A. Ellis Department of Biochemistry2011 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Arthur B. Ellismaterials science, nanochemistry
Amy L. EllisTranscriptional regulation in DNA tumor viruses and breast cancer2010 Janet E. Mertz (grad student)
Jamie P. EllisProtein folding in the cell and Biomolecular spectroscopy2009 Silvia Cavagnero (grad student)
Aubrey J. Ellison Department of Chemistry2017 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Stephanie J. Ellison-ZelskiMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology2010 Elaine T. Alarid (grad student)
Nathaniel L. ElsenBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2008 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Conrad (Arnold) ElvehjemVitamins, treatment of pellegra1927 Harry Steenbock (research assistant), Edwin B. Hart (grad student)
Robert L. Emerson1944 Wayne William Umbreit (grad student)
Elizabeth E. Endler2003 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Joshua Kale Engelkemier20112016 Daniel C. Fredrickson (grad student)
Caroline English Chemistry20082014 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Emily P. Englishbiologically active polymers2007 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Martin G. EnsenbergerBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology, General Biophysics2005 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Gary A. EplingOrganic Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry1972 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Saul T. EpsteinTheoretical physics, quantum chemistry
Roja ErgunFood Science and Technology Agriculture2011 Richard W. Hartel (grad student)
Jeremiah D. EricksonStructure and Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds Chemistry2013 John Berry (grad student)
Dorothy A. ErieScanning Force Microscopy, Biological Chemistry 19821985 M Thomas Record (research assistant)
Raymond L. EriksonReversible protein phosphorylation and cell proliferation1963 Wacław Szybalski (grad student)
Graham S Erwintandem repeats, genomics, chemical biology Biochemistry20102016 Aseem Z. Ansari (grad student)
Whitney M. ErwinBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry2006 Charles T. Lauhon (grad student)
Amanda M. EschTranscriptional regulation in DNA tumor viruses and breast cancer2011 Janet E. Mertz (grad student)
Arthur Eschenlauer William S. Reznikoff (grad student)
Pedro A. EscosteguySoil Science Agriculture, Biogeochemistry2001 Phillip A. Helmke (grad student)
Alan Roger EskerPhysical chemistry, surface chemistry, polymer chemistry, biochemistry Chemistry19911996 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
James H. EspensonTransition Metal Catalysts1962 Edward L. King (grad student)
Brian J. Esselmanunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules Chemistry2012 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Andrea C. EstevezFood Science and Technology Agriculture2009 Richard W. Hartel (grad student)
Ye-Jin Eun Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
William J. EvansInorganic and Organometallic Chemistry; Rare Earth, Actinide, and Bismuth Metal Chemistry 1969 Donald F. Gaines (research assistant)
Karl F. Everittstatistical mechanics to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems2000 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Henry Eyringchemistry19271928 Farrington Daniels (post-doc)
William E. FahlGenome protection against natural, environmental, chemotherapy or radiation-induced toxins1975 David P. Rose (grad student)
Ann M. FallonEntomology Biology, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry19761978 Masayasu Nomura (post-doc)
Ching Fang
Peggy J. FarnhamHuman Genomics, Transcriptional Regulation
Thomas Clark Farrarmolecular structure and dynamics of liquids by NMR
Jonathan P. Faststudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems2008 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
Ahmed Fatin FaheemCivil Engineering2009 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Daria V. FedyukinaProtein folding in the cell and Biomolecular spectroscopy Chemistry2013 Silvia Cavagnero (grad student)
Robert E. FeeneyBiochemistry, Proteins1942 Frank M. Strong (grad student)
Steven H. Feldguscatalysis involving transition metal complexes2000 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
John B. FeltenbergerNatural Product Synthesis2011 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Dawei FengInorganic chemistry Materials Science and Engineering20102015 Hong-Cai Zhou (grad student)
Richard F. Fenske
Kurt M. FensterFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Microbiology Biology, Agricultural Chemistry2002 James L. Steele (grad student)
Shelagh Ferguson-MillerBiochemistry1971 Henry A. Lardy (grad student)
Victor Luis FernándezNeuroembryology, Neuroanatomy Jerzy E. Rose (post-doc)
Rebeca Fernández2016 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Peter A. FerrinComputational Surface Science and Catalysis2009 Manos Mavrikakis (grad student)
Thomas D. Ferrismolecular structure and dynamics of liquids by NMR2002 Thomas Clark Farrar (grad student)
John Douglass Ferrypolymer science, rheology
Adam T. Fiedler2006 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Robert Harley FillingameBiochemistry
Mark J. FinkInorganic and Organometallic Chemistry1983 Robert C. West (grad student)
Michael P. Finnegannanoscience2006 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Richard H. Firestone1954 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Richard Fischerorganic chemistry
Andrew J. FisherStructural Biology Ivan Rayment (post-doc)
John D. Fiskbiologically active polymers2004 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Jhewelle Fitz-Henley2016 Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Michael C. Fitzgeraldprotein folding and stability1994 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Courtney C. FleckAnimal Physiology Biology, Zoology Biology, Ecology Biology2006 Hannah V. Carey (grad student)
Sidney Fleischermolecular biology19581960 David E. Green (post-doc)
Steven A. Flemingorganic mechanisms, chemical education Chemistry19791984 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Ryan M. Flessner(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces2010 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Shane T. Flickingerbiologically active polymers Chemistry2006 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student), Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
Mario L. Flores MangualSoil Science Agriculture, Hydrology, Ecology Biology2009 James G. Bockheim (grad student)
Matthew T. FlowersAnimal Physiology Biology, Genetics2005 Alan D. Attie (grad student)
Jessica B. FlowersPhysiology Biology, Genetics2006 Alan D. Attie (grad student)
Charles Lewis Fluke1928 Harley Frost Wilson (grad student)
Gordon L. FlynnPharmaceutical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Pharmacy1965 Takeru Higuchi (grad student)
Karl August Folkershypothalamic hormones1931 Homer B. Adkins (grad student)
Mark S. Formaneckcomputational chemistry and biophysics2006 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Marie Foss Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
John P. Foster1975 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Sarah Fowler2008 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Catherine A. FoxBiochemistry1992 Marvin Wickens (grad student)
Brian G. FoxBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering
Robert Loeffler Frank1940 Homer B. Adkins (grad student)
Ryan A. Frankingnanoscience2011 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Travelle Franklin-FordBiomedical Engineering, Pharmacy, Materials Science Engineering Biomedical Engineering2013 William Leo Murphy (grad student)
Edwin Broun Fredthe symbiotic fixation of nitrogen by leguminous plants and Bacillus radicicola, now known as Rhizobia.
Aage Fredenslundthermodynamics, phase equilibria College of Engineering1968 Glenn Arthur Sather (grad student)
Nathaniel J. Fredin(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces2008 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Daniel C. FredricksonSolid state chemistry - Crystallography - Chemical Bonding Theory - Materials
Arnold G. FredricksonBiochemical Engineering, Microbial Population19561959 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
Reto Frei2011 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Perry A. FreyMechanisms of enzyme and coenzyme action; stereochemistry and mechanisms of phospho- and nucleotidyl transferase action; structure and function of multienzyme complexes
Avery G. FreyNutrition, Molecular Biology2010 David J. Eide (grad student)
Carl Friedenprotein folding, protein structure/function relationships, protein-protein interactions and the mechanisms of enzymatic reactions1955 Robert A. Alberty (grad student)
Lisa C. FriedmanGenetics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2000 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Megan L. FriskMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2009 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Albert Joseph FryOrganic Chemistry19581964 David M. Lemal (grad student)
Charles FryNuclear magnetic resonance
Jeremiah J. FryeStructural Biology2010 Ivan Rayment (grad student)
Qiang FuBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2006 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Philip L. Fuchsorganic synthesis1971 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Eric C. Fulmer2D IR spectroscopy2006 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Darin Y. FurgesonPharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry
J. David Furlow Department of Biochemistry Jack Gorski (grad student)
Anna K. FuzeryNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biochemistry20032009 John L. Markley (grad student)
Robert C. Gadwoodmedicinal chemistry1978 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Jereme W. GaetaFisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Limnology Biology Limnology & Marine Science2012 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Donald F. Gainesboron chemistry, crystallography, bonding
Melissa M. Gallowayphotochemical oxidation processes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that produce tropospheric ozone2011 Frank N. Keutsch (grad student)
Claudio R. GalmariniGenetics, Food Science and Technology Agriculture, Molecular Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture2000 Michael Havey (grad student)
Noe Galvan2004 Colin R. Jefcoate (grad student)
Brandi L. GancarzRNA replication, gene expression/regulation Cellular and Molecular Biology2012 Paul Gerald Ahlquist (grad student)
Bhavesh A. GandhiBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2007 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Peter M. GannettPharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry Organic Chemistry19771982 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Howard GantherSelenium biochemistry
Howard GantherSelenium biochemistry
Etienne Garandchemical reaction dynamics and mechanisms
Kathleen C. GarberBiomolecular recognition2010 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
David Lorn GarbersReproductive Biology1972 Henry A. Lardy (grad student)
Hernan Garcia-RuizRNA replication, gene expression/regulation2006 Paul Gerald Ahlquist (grad student)
Jessica D. Gardner2010 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Harold Ray Garner1982 Richard S. Post (grad student)
Adam L. GarskeIndustrial enzymes20032008 John M. Denu (grad student)
Graeme S. GarveyStructural Biology2008 Ivan Rayment (grad student)
Churn-Shiouh Gau1992 George D Zografi (grad student)
Monica L. GavalaPharmacology, Immunology2008 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
James L Gaylor1960 Carl A. Baumann (grad student)
Ying Geproteomics and metabolomics
Matthew Gebbie
Phillip Herbert Geil1956 John William Anderegg (grad student)
Harry V. Gelboincytochrome P450 metabolism of carcinogens and drugs1958 James A. Miller (grad student), Elizabeth Cavert Miller (grad student)
Christopher A. GellaschGeology, Hydrology, Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering Geoscience2012 Jean M. Bahr (grad student)
Samuel H. Gellmanbiologically active polymers
Michael A. GelmanVirology19982004 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Jean-Pierre Genet19751976 Barry M. Trost (post-doc)
Nicholas P. George Microbiology20062010 James L. Keck (grad student)
Aleksey I. GerasyutoNatural Product Synthesis2007 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
J. P. Gerdt2014 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
John Gergelymuscle proteins19501951 David E. Green (post-doc)
Roy R. GeronaBiochemistry2008 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Frank B. Gertlergrowth cone dynamics, cortical migration1992 F Michael Hoffmann (grad student)
Grant D. Geske2008 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Jason E. GestwickiBiomolecular recognition2002 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Kati GeszvainMicrobiology Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry2003 Robert C. Landick (grad student)
Brian T. Gettelfingerpolymer 2009 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Eitan GevaTheoretical and Computational Chemistry19951998 James L. Skinner (post-doc)
Robert P. Geyerperfluorocarbon-based blood substitutes1947 Edwin B. Hart (grad student), Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
M. Reza GhadiriOrganic, Bioorganic, and Materials Chemistry1987 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Ayanjeet Ghoshdynamics of structural change20142016 Martin T. Zanni (post-doc)
Sunil Ghosh Chemistry20032007 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Nilanjan Ghoshcomputational chemistry and biophysics2009 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Gina M. Gialamasvitamins A and D2010 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Ruslan Gibadullinchemical biology
Nathan Gilbert1942 Farrington Daniels (grad student)
Christopher J. Gilbertheterogeneous catalysts Chemical Engineering2014 George W. Huber (grad student)
Ole Gisvold1934 Edward Kremers (grad student)
Michael W. Giulianobiologically active polymers2011 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Richard S. GivensOrganic Chemistry1966 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Bryan T. GlaserBiochemistry, Pharmacology2008 Richard R. Burgess (grad student)
Evan M. GlasgowBiochemistry, Enzymology, Bioenergy, Protein Engineering, Crystallography
Samuel V. Glassreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films2005 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Charles E. GlatzChemical Engineering, Biochemistry1975 Thomas Andrew Massaro (grad student)
William H. Glazeenvironmental chemistry1961 Robert C. West (grad student)
Eric D. Glendening Chemistry19851991 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
J. Rex Goates1947 Emil Truog (grad student)
Eric R. Goedken Biochemistry19931995 Jack Gorski (grad student)
Divya Goelnanoscience2009 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Harlan L. GoeringPhysical organic chemistry
Jeremy B. GoforthNutrition, Biochemistry2008 Richard S. Eisenstein (grad student)
Amit A. Gokhaleheterogeneous catalysts2005 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Amir GolalipourCivil Engineering, Materials Science Engineering Civil & Environmental Engr2013 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Jennifer E. Golden
Wayne S GoldenbergChelated organolithium reagents Chemistry19941999 Hans J. Reich (grad student)
Dexter S. Goldman
Randall H. Goldsmithsingle-molecule chemistry
Jonathan T. Goldsteinvitamins A and D2003 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Darrel E GollMuscle Biology, Calpain, Animal Science, beer1962 Robert Woodbury Bray (grad student), William George Hoekstra (grad student)
Francisco E. GomezBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2003 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Leila M. Gonzalesdielectric properties of matter2009 John W. (Jack) Williams (grad student)
Martin R. GonzalezCatalysis Chemical engineering19901995 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Robert M. Goodman
Padma GopalanPolymer Synthesis19972001 Christopher K. Ober (grad student)
Eva Jennifer GordonChemical Biology Chemistry19931998 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Michael A. GorenBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2011 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Benjamin C. Gorske2007 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Patrick R. GorskiLimnology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology2004 David E. Armstrong (grad student)
Jack GorskiImmunology, Molecular Biology Gerald Conrad Mueller (post-doc)
Louis Joseph Gosting Chemistry19611962 John Warren Williams (grad student), Lawrence A Woolf (collaborator)
Daniel Gottlieb20062008 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Jennifer R. Gottwald2000 Michael R. Sussman (grad student)
Ira A. GouldDairy Technology1938 Hugo Henry Sommer (grad student)
Thimmaiah GovindarajuBioorganic chemistry20052006 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc), Nicholas L. Abbott (post-doc)
Puja Goyalcomputational chemistry and biophysics Chemistry2013 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Lars C. GrabowComputational Catalysis, Interface Chemistry20032008 Manos Mavrikakis (grad student)
Anthony C. GrabskiBacteriology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology
Brian P. Gradysurfactant and polymer molecules at solid interfaces1994 Stuart L. Cooper (grad student)
Alan L. GrahamRheology, Suspensions, Networks19771980 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
Steve Granicksingle-molecule methods, polymers, complex fluids, and biomaterials1982 John Douglass Ferry (grad student)
Joseph Grant Chemical Engineering20132018 Ive Hermans (grad student)
Craig Grau
Carrie Renee Graveel2002 Peggy J. Farnham (grad student)
Marion Lewis Greaser1969 Robert Gene Cassens (grad student), William George Hoekstra (grad student)
Maksim Grechko20112014 Martin T. Zanni (post-doc)
Nicole Greco Chemistry2022 Ryan L. Stowe (grad student)
Claudio GrecoNatural Products, Biosynthesis, Fungal Biology, Metabolomics Medical Microbiology and Immunology20172019 Nancy P. Keller (post-doc)
Jeffrey GreeleyFirst principles theories of interfacial science and catalysis2004 Manos Mavrikakis (grad student)
David E. Greenoxidative phosphorylation, the electron transport chain and beta oxidation
Omar GreenBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2005 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Elizabeth Greenhalgh2016 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Nicholas GreevesOrganic chemistry Barry M. Trost (post-doc)
Zachery Gregorich Ying Ge (grad student)
Yonatan Gressel1963 LeRoy George Holm (grad student)
Tanya F. GressleyAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture, Animal Pathology Agriculture2005 Louis E. Armentano (grad student)
Daniel G. GretchMolecular mechanism of cholesterol and fat release into the bloodstream, Prion infectious diseases (chronic wasting disease and mad cow disease), Virus discovery and characterization (bacteriophages) Biochemistry Alan D. Attie (grad student)
D. M. GrevstadBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology2011 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Axel G GriesbeckOrganic Chemistry19921993 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (research scientist)
Timothy J. Griffindevelopment and application of mass spectrometry-based tools to study proteins and proteomes1999 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Byron R. GriffithBiomolecular recognition2003 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
R. David Grigg2014 Jennifer M. Schomaker (grad student)
Joseph C. Grimbiomaterials, glycobiology, immunology Chemistry2014 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Eric P. GrimsrudAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry1970 James W. Taylor (grad student)
Charles B. GrissomBioorganic Chemistry19851987 W. Wallace Cleland (grad student), John L. Markley (post-doc)
Michael D. GriswoldSertoli cell structure and functions, role of Vitamin A in spermatogenesis Philip Pacy Cohen (post-doc)
Carol A. GrossBiochemistry Richard R. Burgess (post-doc), Howard M. Temin (post-doc)
Laurie E. Grove2008 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Todd D. GruberBiomolecular recognition2009 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Angela J. Gruberchemical reaction dynamics Biochemistry-ALS2014 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Marielle C. Gruenigchemical reaction dynamics2010 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Gary L. Grunewaldneurotransmitters and drugs affecting them in the central nervous system1966 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Hairong GuanInorganic chemistry, catalysis Chemistry20052007 Charles P. Casey (post-doc)
Shouhong GuangTranscriptional regulation in DNA tumor viruses and breast cancer2004 Janet E. Mertz (grad student)
Alma N. GuerraCell Biology, Immunology, Molecular Biology2002 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Yue GuiSolid-state chemistry School of Pharmacy20162020 Lian Yu (grad student)
James Keith Guillory1961 Takeru Higuchi (grad student)
Andrew M. Gulick1995 Ivan Rayment (post-doc), William E. Fahl (grad student)
Li Guobiologically active polymers2010 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Yiming Guo chemistry20112016 Daniel C. Fredrickson (grad student)
Jugal K. Guptainterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2009 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Elif I. Gurbuzheterogeneous catalysts Chemical Engineering2012 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Christine Guthrie1970 Masayasu Nomura (grad student)
Craig T. Gutman Chemistry2013 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
C. David GutscheOrganic chemistry1947 William Summer Johnson (grad student)
Zehra T. Guvener2000 Glenn H. Chambliss (grad student)
Jeung-Hoi Ha19901993 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Kook S. HaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology Biology2010 Robert C. Landick (grad student)
Michael P. Haaforganosilicon chemistry2000 Robert C. West (grad student)
Jeffrey A. HaasBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2001 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Holly S. Haasebiologically active polymers2012 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Christina A. Hackernanoscience2002 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Amelia Hadler Chemistry20082013 Daniel C. Fredrickson (grad student)
Erik B. Hadleybiologically active polymers2008 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Dieter G. Haemmerich2001 John G. Webster (grad student)
Rolf M.A. Hahnechemical effects of nuclear transformations; chemical exposure assessment using passive monitors1964 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Marcia C. Haigis Department of Biochemistry2002 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Leo M. Hall Biochemistry and Genetics1956 Philip Pacy Cohen (grad student)
James L. Hall1939 John Warren Williams (grad student)
Michael B. HallInorganic Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry1971 Richard F. Fenske (grad student)
Klaas HallengaNMR spectroscopy
William C. HallowsChromatin and epigenetics2010 John M. Denu (grad student)
Robert J. Halterunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2002 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Samera H. HamadEnvironmental Engineering Environmental Chem and Tech2014 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Robert J. Hamersnanoscience
James P. HamiltonNanotechnology, Photonics, Physical Chemistry, AMO Physics19861993 John C. Wright (grad student)
Heidi E. HammG proteins19801983 Deric Bownds (post-doc)
Bernard Wernick Hammerdairy bacteriology19081909 Edwin George Hastings (research assistant)
Gordon G. Hammesenzyme catalysis1959 Robert A. Alberty (grad student)
Randy HamptonBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Christian R.H. Raetz (grad student)
Eungnak HanPolymer Synthesis2011 Padma Gopalan (grad student)
Byung Woo W. HanStructural biology, X-ray crystallography, Pharmacy, Immunology20012006 George N. Phillips (grad student)
Shih-Tsung HanImmunology, Cell Biology Cellular & Molecular Bio-LS2013 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Charles C. Han1974 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
Yousoo HanWood Technology Agriculture, Materials Science Engineering, Agricultural Chemistry2002 Roger M. Rowell (grad student)
Kenneth George Hancock Chemistry1968 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Robert E. Handschumacher1953 Frank M. Strong (grad student)
Paul Robert Hanlon2003 Colin R. Jefcoate (grad student)
Blue-leaf A. HannahGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology2004 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Robert J. HanrahanPhysical Chemistry1957 John Ela Willard (grad student)
R Gaurth Hansen1947 Paul H. Phillips (grad student)
Mary J. Hansenmolecular structure and dynamics of liquids by NMR2001 Thomas Clark Farrar (grad student)
Gregory Huston Hanson2006 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Paul C. Hanson2003 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Israel HanukogluEpithelial sodium channel (ENaC), Steroidogenesis, Keratin structure, Oxidoreductase enzymes, Cell biology Endocrinology-Reproductive Physiology Program Department of Pharmacology19771980 Harry J. Karavolas (grad student), Robert W. Goy (grad student), Colin R. Jefcoate (grad student)
Andrew J. HanzCivil Engineering Civil & Environmental Engr2012 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Harry Alexis Hardingdairy bacteriology1898 Harry Luman Russell (grad student)
Ralph W. F. HardyNitrogen fixation
Monica K. HarkeyAtmospheric Sciences2009 Matthew H. Hitchman (grad student)
Joanne E. HarmataPalladium-Catalyzed Oxidation Chemistry Chemistry2015 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Laura A. Harperorganic synthesis2001 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Alfred Edwin HarperBiochemistry and Nutritional Sciences1953 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Horace J. HarperSoils1923 Emil Truog (grad student)
John Edward Harrimanelectronic structure of molecules
Robert A. Harrismitochondrial kinases and phosphatases that regulate the pyruvate dehydrogenase and branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes Institute for Enzyme Research David E. Green (post-doc)
Caleb F. HarrisInorganic Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20202020 John Berry (post-doc), John Berry (research scientist)
Dennis R. HarrisBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology2007 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Natholyn Dalton HarrisFood science1967 Dorothy Hussemann Strong (grad student)
Edwin B. Hartanalytical chemistry, dairy chemistry, and in proteins, enzymes and mineral elements, nutrition. Stephen M. Babcock (research scientist)
Richard W. HartelFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry
Walter Henry HartungPharmaceutical Chemistry1926 Homer B. Adkins (grad student)
V. L. HarveyGeophysics, Environmental Sciences2001 Matthew H. Hitchman (grad student)
Brian G. HashiguchiOrganometallic Chemistry2008 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Larry Allen HaskinGeology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy
Ole Hassager Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering19701973 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
Jayne Elizabeth Hastedt1990 George D Zografi (grad student), James Lee Wright (grad student)
Edwin George Hastingsbacteriology1899 Stephen M. Babcock (research assistant), Harry Luman Russell (research assistant)
T. Alan Hattonnanoparticles, nanofibers, surfactants, polymers and gels1981 Edwin N. Lightfoot (grad student)
Karl E. HauschildRegulation of gene expression at the interface of chemistry, biology and genomics2009 Aseem Z. Ansari (grad student)
Michael L. Hausechemical reaction dynamics2007 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Sonya M. HavensEnvironmental Sciences, Analytical Chemistry2011 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Michael HaveyPlant Culture Agriculture, Analytical Chemistry
Andrew J. Hawksynthesis of natural products2009 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Osamu HayaishiBiochemistry19491950 David E. Green (post-doc)
Ryuji Hayashi20082011 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Melissa E. Haysinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2007 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Gerald L. HazelbauerBacterial Chemotaxis1970 Julius Adler (grad student)
Yiyong Hedynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers2005 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Rong Heheterogeneous catalysts2004 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Kevin D. Healyvitamins A and D2004 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Alexander S. HebertBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics Biomolecular Chemistry2013 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Maximilian M. Heckscherchemical reaction dynamics2002 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Curtis J. HedmanEnvironmental Sciences, Analytical Chemistry Environmental Chem & Tech2012 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Adrian D. HegemanPlant Metabolomics and Proteomics Enzyme Institute Biochemistry Biotechnology Center20022007 Perry A. Frey (grad student), Michael R. Sussman (post-doc), Amy C. Harms (post-doc)
Warren HeidemanBiochemistry, Toxicology
Lawrence Joseph Heidtphysical chemistry1930 Farrington Daniels (grad student)
Pyae P. HeinBiochemistry Biochemistry-ALS2013 Robert C. Landick (grad student)
Oliver U. HeiseForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Wood Technology Agriculture, Chemical Engineering2003 Raymond A. Young (grad student)
Richard F. Helmproteomics and metabolomics1987 Raymond A. Young (grad student)
Phillip A. HelmkeSoil Science Agriculture, Biogeochemistry
Kate L. Henderson Biochemistry M Thomas Record (post-doc)
Peter J F HendersonMembrane transport; Resistance to drugs and antibiotics; Protein structure; Enzyme kinetics1969 Henry A. Lardy (post-doc)
LaVell M. Hendersonnutritional science, biochemistry1947 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student), Esmond E. Snell (grad student)
Jonathan R. HendricksPaleontology Dana Helen Geary (research assistant)
Alvan C. HenggeOrganic Chemistry Biochemistry19871990 W. Wallace Cleland (post-doc)
Tina M. HenkinRegulation of gene expression1984 Glenn H. Chambliss (grad student)
Samuel B. Henryphotochemical oxidation processes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that produce tropospheric ozone Chemistry2013 Frank N. Keutsch (grad student)
Katherine Henzler-Wildman Biochemistry19982003 Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy (grad student)
Jongyun HeoBiochemistry2001 Paul W. Ludden (grad student)
John M. HerbertElectronic structure theory and molecular quantum mechanics2003 John Edward Harriman (grad student)
Ive HermansChemical Engineering
Christopher D. HerringGenomics, gene regulation, bacteria, bioinformatics, DNA chips, genome engineering2004 Frederick R. Blattner (grad student)
Jill L. HerschlebMolecular and computational genomics2009 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
John Hershberger Chemistry20102011 Jennifer M. Schomaker (post-doc)
Daniel HesselsonGenetics2006 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
William Andrew HiestandPharmacology1930 William Stanley Marshall (grad student)
Michelle S. HigginBiomolecular recognition2004 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Steven R. Higginssurface chemistry, scanning probe microscopy Chemistry19911996 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Daniel A. HigginsNear Field Optics, Single Molecule Detection and Spectroscopy19881993 Robert M. Corn (grad student)
Jeremy M. Higginschemistry and physics of nanoscale materials2011 Song Jin (grad student)
Takeru Higuchipharmaceutical chemistry1943 John Ela Willard (grad student)
William I. HiguchiPharmacy19561958 Takeru Higuchi (post-doc)
Albert Christian HildebrandtPlant pathology1945 Albert Joyce Riker (grad student), Benjamin Minge Duggar (grad student)
Ryan T. Hilgersurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2009 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Charles Whitacre Hill1967 Harrison Echols (grad student)
Lindsay M. HillImmunology, Pharmacology, Cell Biology2010 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Tina R. HillGeology, Mineralogy, Nanoscience Geoscience2012 Huifang Xu (grad student)
Homer W. Hillyer
Andrew P. Hinck Biochemistry19871993 John L. Markley (grad student), Laura Lee Kiessling (post-doc)
Daniel M. Hinckleypolymer Chemical Engineering2014 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Glen T. HinckleyMechanisms of enzyme and coenzyme action; stereochemistry and mechanisms of phospho- and nucleotidyl transferase action; structure and function of multienzyme complexes2005 Perry A. Frey (grad student)
Ronald J. HinklinBiomolecular recognition2002 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Cassie HintzCivil Engineering Civil & Environmental Engr2012 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Jeffrey HirschBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2001 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Joseph O. Hirschfeldertheoretical chemistry
Ralph F. Hirschmannorganic, medicinal and bioorganic chemistry1950 William Summer Johnson (grad student)
Frederick Lee Hisawendocrinology, relaxin1925 Michael Frederic Guyer (grad student), Arthur Sperry Pearse (grad student), Walter J. Meek (grad student)
Clarence Francis HiskeyAnalytical Chemistry1939 Villiers Willson Meloche (grad student)
Matthew H. HitchmanAtmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry
Ralph M. Hixoncarbohydrate chemistry1922 Richard Fischer (grad student)
Jia-Jung HoPhysical Chemistry, Spectroscopy Chemistry2012 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Jack Ho Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Dennis R. Hoaglandplant nutrition1913 Elmer V. McCollum (grad student)
Trish T. Hoang Department of Biochemistry2016 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Khanh C. Hoangstudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems2004 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
Michael D. Hobbschemical reaction dynamics2006 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
William A. Hoch2003 Brent H. McCown (grad student)
Joseph T. Hodges1989 David E. Foster (grad student)
Jonathan A. Hodgesunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules20002004 Robert J. McMahon (grad student), Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Carl A. HoegerChemistry and Biochemistry1983 Hans J. Reich (grad student)
William George Hoekstra1954 Paul H. Phillips (grad student)
Dominik Hoelper20132019 Peter W Lewis (grad student)
Kyle Q. Hoffmanninterfacial phenomena and complex fluids Chemical Engineering2014 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Brian R. HoffmannBiochemistry, Pharmacology2010 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Stephen R. HoffmannEnvironmental Sciences, Biogeochemistry2002 David E. Armstrong (grad student)
Peter J. HofsteenHuman Development, Toxicology Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Warren Heideman (grad student)
Stephanie R. Hogendoornnanoscience2011 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
John B. Hogeneschgenomics, computational biology, drug discovery, circadian rhythms19921999 Christopher Alan Bradfield (grad student)
Timothy A. HoggardMolecular Biology Cellular & Molecular Bio - AG2013 Catherine A. Fox (grad student)
James M. Hoglestructural biology1978 Muttaiya (Sunda) Sundaralingam (grad student)
Lowell Edward HokinBiochemistry
Hazel Marguerite HoldenBiochemistry
Jessica Holden-Kloda
Robert J. Holidaychemical reaction dynamics2006 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Peter C. HollenhorstBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2002 Catherine A. Fox (grad student)
Richard Hadley Holmtransition element chemistry
Osmund Holm-Hansen1954 Folke Karl Skoog (grad student), Gerald Carl Gerloff (grad student)
Bruce K. Holmer Department of Chemistry Phillip R. Certain (grad student)
Steven K. Holmgren19951997 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
M. Leslie HoltInorganic electrochemistry1930 Louis Albrecht Kahlenberg (grad student)
Robert J. Hondal19982002 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Kuang-Sheng HongMaterials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Geochemistry2010 Huifang Xu (grad student)
Dong G. Hong Biomedical Engineering2013 John G. Webster (grad student)
Charles G. HoogstratenProtein Structure and Molecular Biophysics Biophysics19901995 John L. Markley (grad student)
Jessica M. Hoovercoordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, catalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, kinetics and mechanism20092012 Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Henning HopfOrganic chemistry1967 Harlan L. Goering (grad student)
James Ernest HopperMolecular Biology, Biochemistry1970 Stanley J. Peloquin (grad student)
John M. HoraGeology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy2009 Bradley S. Singer (grad student)
Ulfert HornemannAnalytical Chemistry
Jia-Cherng Horng20042006 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
John R. Hottlephotochemical oxidation processes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that produce tropospheric ozone2009 Frank N. Keutsch (grad student)
Guanhua Houcomputational chemistry and biophysics Chemistry2012 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Zhonggang HouBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2008 Catherine A. Fox (grad student)
Olaf A. Hougenmaterial and energy balances1925 Otto Louis Kowalke (grad student)
Jeffrey N. HouserLimnology Biology, Ecology Biology2001 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Ryan Van Hoveln2015 Jennifer M. Schomaker (grad student)
Jennifer HovisBiophysical Chemistry19951999 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Jerome Johnson Howlandnuclear chemistry19391940 John Ela Willard (research assistant)
Sigrun HrafnsdottirCell Biology, Molecular Biology2000 Anant K. Menon (grad student)
H. Steve Hsieh Howard Ganther (grad student)
Kuang-Lung HsuehNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biophysics20052011 John L. Markley (grad student)
Richard P. HsungNatural Product Synthesis
Ming Kuan Hu School of Pharmacy19901994 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Xuanxin Hu2019 Dawei Feng (grad student)
Xuhui HuangTheoretical chemistry, biophysics, computational biology, statistical mechanics, structural biology
Elise Huanginterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2011 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Eva Y. Huang1994 George D Zografi (grad student)
Chi-Chieh HuangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Materials Science Engineering Electrical Engineering2014 Hongrui Jiang (grad student)
Wen-Tsung HuangPhysical chemistry Chemistry20132018 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Frank P. Hubbardinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2006 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Steven HuberBotany Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry Molecular Biosciences Gerald E. Edwards (grad student)
George W. Huberheterogeneous catalysts2005 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Bayard R. Huckbiologically active polymers2002 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Gregory A. Hudalla2010 William Leo Murphy (grad student)
Frank M. Huennekens19481952 David E. Green (post-doc)
Carl Fountain Huffmanmicronutrient needs of cattle1933 Gustav Bohstedt (grad student)
Lauren M. Huffman20042010 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Limei HuiBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Chemistry2012 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Andrew J. Huismanphotochemical oxidation processes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that produce tropospheric ozone2010 Frank N. Keutsch (grad student)
Christina M. Hullfungal development and virulence
Chun-Hsiung HungEnvironmental Engineering2000 Daniel R. Noguera (grad student)
Christopher G. Hunt2006 John C. Wright (grad student)
Jacob T. Hunterinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids Chemical Engineering2014 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Loren Curtis Hurd1929 Victor Lenher (grad student), George Irving Kemmerer (grad student), Villiers Willson Meloche (grad student)
James P. HurleyEnvironmental Chemistry, Mercury David E. Armstrong (grad student)
Katherine Hurley Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Anna E. Hurtleycatalytic methods for organic synthesis Chemistry2014 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Charles Richard HutchinsonNatural Product Biosynthesis
Edward L. Huttlin2008 Michael R. Sussman (grad student)
Kristin G. HuwilerBiochemistry, Cell Biology, General Biophysics2000 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Tawin IemprideeTranscriptional regulation in DNA tumor viruses and breast cancer Cancer Biology2014 Janet E. Mertz (grad student)
Aaron John IhdeFood chemistry, history of chemistry1941 Henry August Schuette (grad student)
Kyuhyun Im Chemistry20082009 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (post-doc)
Hogune ImGenetics, Biochemistry, Physiology Biology2006 Emery H. Bresnick (grad student)
Antonino Incardona1962 Paul J. Kaesberg (grad student)
Guilherme L. IndigPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology
Ross B. InmanBiochemistry, molecular virology, DNA
Robert Ellsworth Irelandorganic synthesis1954 William Summer Johnson (grad student)
Michael A. Ischaycatalytic methods for organic synthesis2011 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Ruth Isenberg20172023 Mark J. Mandel (grad student)
Rustem F. IsmagilovComplex Networks of reactions, cells and organisms1998 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Albena Ivanisevicsurface techniques to immobilize bio-molecules on inorganic and tissue surfaces19962000 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Sergei A. Ivanovtransition metal clusters2002 Lawrence F. Dahl (grad student)
David H. Ivesdeoxynucleoside kinases, nucleoside phosphotransferase19601962 Van Rensselaer Potter (post-doc)
Melicote R. Iyengar Biochemistry1956 Jesse N. Williams, Jr. (grad student), Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Aslin Izmitli Apikpolymer 2010 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Timothy A. Jacksonbioinorganic chemistry20002004 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Randall D. JacksonNatural Resource Management, Range Management Agriculture, Biogeochemistry
Randy JacksonHorticulture Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology, Soil Science Agriculture
Marion LeRoy Jacksoncolloid and chemical analysis of soil minerals1939 Emil Truog (grad student)
Grayson Jackson Chemistry20132018 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
Thazhuthaveetil Mathai JacobSynthetic organic chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology19611966 H. Gobind Khorana (post-doc)
Victor Jaffett Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Kamakshi Jagannathantheoretical chemistry2005 Arun Yethiraj (grad student)
Amber Jaindynamics of highly excited polyatomic molecules in the gas and liquid phase Chemistry2014 Edwin L. Sibert (grad student)
Tushar S. Jainpolymer 2004 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Siddhant Jain20132020 Peter W Lewis (grad student)
Aayushi Jain2015 Peter W Lewis (grad student)
Almaz S. Jalilovelectron transfer reactions2011 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Thomas L. JamesPharmaceutical Chemistry1969 Joseph H. Noggle (grad student), Richard Joseph Kula (grad student)
Soujanya N. JampalaMaterials Science Engineering2007 Ferencz S. Denes (grad student)
James W. JanetkaMedicinal Chemistry, Proteases, Kinases, Lectins19901996 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Paul A. Janmeybiopolymer networks1982 John Douglass Ferry (grad student)
Aaron P. JansenOncology, Cell Biology2000 Ajit K. Verma (grad student)
Kevin L. JantziOrganic and organometallic chemistry Organolithium structure and reactivity NMR Spectroscopy Stereochemistry2004 Hans J. Reich (grad student)
Colin R. JefcoateCytochromes P450, xenobiotic metabolism, steroidogenesis
Henry Jeffay1953 Karl Paul Link (grad student)
Richard M. Jendrejackpolymer 2003 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Glenn Llewellyn Jenkinspharmacology1926 Edward Kremers (grad student)
James Jennings Chemistry20132016 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (post-doc)
Katrina H. Jensen20102011 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Zena Jensvold2017 Peter W Lewis (grad student)
John J. JeongCell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology2011 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Kwang C. JeongMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology2004 Charles W. Kaspar (grad student)
Karen K. JettePharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy2004 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Christopher M. Jewell(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces2008 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Chenxi JiaBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Xiaoyue JiangBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2011 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Yueheng Jiangsynthesis of natural products2007 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Ruomu Jiangdynamics of highly excited polyatomic molecules in the gas and liquid phase2011 Edwin L. Sibert (grad student)
Hongrui JiangMaterials Science Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry
Hongquan JiangMaterials Science Engineering2005 Ferencz S. Denes (grad student)
Chutima JiarpinitnunBiomolecular recognition2008 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Brian R. JichaGeology2006 Bradley S. Singer (grad student)
Yutong Jin Chemistry20142019 Ying Ge (grad student)
Song Jinchemistry and physics of nanoscale materials
Sung-Ro JoCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Kyubong JoMolecular and computational genomics2006 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
Babou Jobe Soil Science Phillip Barak (grad student)
Richard J. Jodts Thomas C. Brunold (research assistant)
Lennart N. Johanson1948 Kenneth M. Watson (grad student)
Marvin J. Johnson1932 William Harold Peterson (grad student)
Kenneth A. JohnsonCellular and Molecular Biology1975 Gary G. Borisy (grad student)
Jeffrey B. Johnson2004 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Barbara Alice Johnson1982 George D Zografi (grad student)
Bruce Connor Johnsonmolecular mechanisms of vitamins in health, disease and aging1940 William Harold Peterson (grad student)
William Summer Johnsonsynthesis of natural products
Bruce R. Johnson Chemistry1981 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (grad student)
R. Jeremy Johnson Department of Biochemistry2007 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Richard P. Johnson1978 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (post-doc)
Lisa M. Johnsonbiologically active polymers Chemistry2012 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Murray V. Johnston John C. Wright (grad student)
Francis J. JohnstonIsotope exchange kinetics1945 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Sean B. Johnston Department of Biochemistry2015 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
William D. Jonestransition metal organometallic compounds1980 Charles P. Casey (post-doc)
Amanda C. JonesRapid-Injection NMR, Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry 2007 Hans J. Reich (grad student)
John Frank JonesOrganic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry19471951 Homer B. Adkins (grad student)
Matt JonesGABA(A) receptor biophysics; mechanisms of inibitory synaptic transmission
Maitland Jones, Jr.chemistry of reactive intermediates1964 Jerome A. Berson (post-doc)
Yongho JooPolymer, Carbon Nanotube Materials Science20132017 Padma Gopalan (grad student)
Virgil Craig Jordantamoxifen
Richard F. Jordansynthetic and mechanistic organometallic chemistry19811983 Charles P. Casey (post-doc)
Abhijeet Joshiinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids Chemical Engineering2014 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Hyuntae JungPolymer Simulation Chemistry2015 Arun Yethiraj (grad student)
Lisa M. JungbauerProtein folding in the cell and Biomolecular spectroscopy2005 Silvia Cavagnero (grad student)
Raymond W. K. WongBiochemistry Sociology1989 Robert M. Hauser (grad student)
Gregory L. KabachinskiBiochemistry, Cell Biology2011 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Paul J. Kaesbergvirology1949 William Waldron Beeman (grad student)
Louis Albrecht Kahlenberg1893 Homer W. Hillyer (grad student)
Amy M. KamarainenLimnology Biology, Ecology Biology, Climate Change2009 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Irawati K. KandelaPharmacology, Immunology2006 Ralph M. Albrecht (grad student)
Shampa Kandoiheterogeneous catalysts2006 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Yisheng KangGenomics, gene regulation, bacteria, bioinformatics, DNA chips, genome engineering2005 Frederick R. Blattner (grad student)
Myungook M. KangCivil Engineering Civil & Environmental Engr2014 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Yoon-A KangCell Biology, Molecular Biology Cellular and Molecular Bio-LS2013 Emery H. Bresnick (grad student)
Byung-Ho KangCell Biology, Botany Biology, Biochemistry2003 Sebastian Y. Bednarek (grad student)
Kunnawee KanitpongCivil Engineering2005 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Weiyuan J. KaoPharmaceutical Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering
C. Cheng Kao19901993 Paul Gerald Ahlquist (post-doc)
Govind Jethabhai KapadiaMedicinal and Natural Products Chemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences1959 Edward Ervin Smissman (grad student), Stanley D. Beck (grad student)
Haridas Kar20182020 Padma Gopalan (post-doc)
Harry J. KaravolasNeurosteroids
Steven D. Karlen
Nancy Wangechi KaruriBioengineering2005 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Charles W. KasparMicrobiology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Biochemistry
Kimberly J. Kaufmanbiologically active polymers2010 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Michael KavanaBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2001 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Shan Ke2007 John C. Wright (grad student)
Kenneth L. Kearnsdynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers2009 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Gary Eugene KeckSynthetic Organic Chemistry19711975 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
James L. Keckstructure, DNA replication
Stacy J. Kedingaspartic protease2001 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Kenneth KeegstraBiochemistry
Ehud Keinan19771980 Barry M. Trost (post-doc)
George Wannamaker KeittPlant Physiology1957 Folke Karl Skoog (grad student)
Bradley R. Kelemen Department of Biochemistry1999 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Valerie A. Kellersynthesis of natural products2004 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
John William KellerOrganic chemistry McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research Chemistry19761979 Charles Heidelberger (grad student), Marion Hugh O'Leary (post-doc)
George Irving KemmererQuantitative analysis
Jason KenealeyBiochemistry2011 Arthur S. Polans (grad student)
Alan J. KennanOrganic Chemistry, Virology Biology19911997 Howard William Whitlock (grad student)
Julia H. Kennedy-Darlingsurface chemistry, mass spectrometry Chemistry2014 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Sara C. KerrEnvironmental Sciences, Biogeochemistry2007 David E. Armstrong (grad student)
Aaron M. KershnerGenetics2011 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Thomas F. KeuchInorganic Chemistry, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Frank N. KeutschAtmospheric Science
Muhammad M. KhalifaSynthetic Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry2015 Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Mohamed A. KHatriCivil Engineering Civil & Environmental Engr2005 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Chuenchanok KhodthongNeuroscience Biology2010 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Mikhail Khoudiakovmaterials science2000 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Carly KibbeMolecular Biology, Endocrinology Biology, Nutrition Endocrinol-Reprod Physiol - AG Medicine/Endocrinology20122017 Emery H. Bresnick (grad student), Dawn Belt Davis (post-doc)
Ambrose R. KiddCell Biology, Genetics2005 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Ryan D. Kiedachemical reaction dynamics Chemistry2014 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Laura Lee KiesslingBiomolecular recognition
Dane Olin KildsigPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy1965 Dale Erwin Wurster (grad student)
Brandon J. Kilduff Chemistry20112016 Daniel C. Fredrickson (grad student)
Michael P. Killoranstructure, DNA replication Biomolecular Chemistry20022008 James L. Keck (grad student)
Heesuk Kimnanoscience2008 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Yong S. Kimunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2005 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Evelina B. Kimpolymer 2004 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Dongshin KimMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2006 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Shin-Il KimMolecular Biology, Genetics2008 Emery H. Bresnick (grad student)
Jin Hae Kim20052011 John L. Markley (grad student)
Jin-Soo Kim Department of Biochemistry1994 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Byung-Moon Kim19961999 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Yong-Nyun KimCell Biology, Oncology, Biochemistry2000 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Jun Soo KimComputational Theoretical Physical Chemistry20042009 Arun Yethiraj (grad student)
Myungwoong KimPolymer Chemistry Materials Science2013 Padma Gopalan (grad student)
Jinho Kim Chemistry20122014 Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Jiyong Kim Chemical Engineering20092013 Christos T. Maravelias (post-doc)
Kyoungtea KimNanotoxicology Molecular and Environmental Toxicology20152021 Joel A. Pedersen (grad student)
Chanjoong Kim2003 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
James W. Kimvitamins A and D2009 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Mindy J. Kim-MillerNeuroscience Biology2001 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Judith E. KimbleMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Franklin Hiram Kingagricultural physics
Amanda E. King20042009 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Edward L. King
Bretta F. King Chemistry1994 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Antonis Kirmizis2004 Peggy J. Farnham (grad student)
Rein U. Kirss Paul M. Treichel (grad student)
Artis Klaparsorganic synthesis2000 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Joseph R. KlimBiomolecular recognition Cellular & Molecular Bio - AG2012 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Robert Joseph KlineInorganic chemistry1953 Aaron John Ihde (grad student)
Audrey Klingelechemical reaction dynamics2011 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Tony A. Klink Department of Biochemistry2000 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Spring Knapp Chemistry2013 Clark R. Landis (post-doc)
Stephanie N. Knezzchemical education
Dennis H. KnightBotany Biology, Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture1964 Orie L. Loucks (grad student)
Thomas A. Knottspolymer 2006 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Danielle C. KnutsonNeuroscience Biology, Genetics2008 Margaret Clagett-Dame (grad student)
Changhong KoNatural Product Synthesis2008 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Brandon M. KobilkaOrganic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering20132015 Trisha L. Andrew (post-doc)
C. Frederick Koelschchemistry of aromatic compounds1931 Samuel M. McElvain (grad student)
Alfred Edward Koenig1914 Louis Albrecht Kahlenberg (grad student)
Gary M. Koeniginterfacial phenomena and complex fluids20052009 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Justin T. KoepselBiomedical Engineering, Cell Biology Biomedical Engineering2012 William Leo Murphy (grad student)
Henry E. Kofflermicrobiology and biochemistry1947 Robert H. Burris (grad student), William Edward Tottingham (grad student)
Eric Michael KohnChemistry, Biophysics, Biochemistry Chemistry20192024 Jeffrey D. Martell (grad student)
Matthew J. KohnGeochemistry, Paleontology19911996 John W. Valley (post-doc)
Kristopher J. KolonkoOrganic and organometallic chemistry Organolithium structure and reactivity NMR Spectroscopy Stereochemistry2009 Hans J. Reich (grad student)
Erin M. KolonkoBiomolecular recognition2008 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Glenn C. Komplin1990 William J. Pietro (grad student)
Chutima Kongkittingamorganic synthesis2001 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Michael M. KonnickOrganometallic Chemistry20022009 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Catherine A. KonopkaCell Biology2008 Sebastian Y. Bednarek (grad student)
Michael C. KonopkaQuantitative Fluorescence Microscopy, Single-Cell Analysis20002006 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Asgeir E. Konradssonelectron transfer reactions2004 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Mark James Kontny1985 George D Zografi (grad student)
Laura A. Kopffunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules Chemistry2012 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Brett J. KopinaPharmacy, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences2014 Charles T. Lauhon (grad student)
Sandy Koppenol1996 George D Zografi (grad student)
Kathryn M. Kornau2009 John C. Wright (grad student)
Katherine P. KorneckiStructure and Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds Chemistry2013 John Berry (grad student)
Nicole M. KoropatkinBiochemistry, General Biophysics2004 Hazel Marguerite Holden (grad student)
Nichole L. Korpi-SteinerBiochemistry, Immunology2006 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Sadi KoseCivil Engineering2002 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
John Anton KostalekOrganic Chemistry1908 Louis Albrecht Kahlenberg (grad student)
Harry Barr Kostenbauder1956 Takeru Higuchi (grad student)
Nenad M. KostićElectron-transfer reactions of metalloproteins, Selective cleavage of peptides and proteins with metal complexes, Reactions of encapsulated enzymes1982 Richard F. Fenske (grad student)
Frank W. KotchSupramolecular Chemistry20032007 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Otto Louis Kowalke1909 Louis Albrecht Kahlenberg (research assistant), Charles F. Burgess (grad student)
Michael A. Kozeetransition metal clusters2000 Lawrence F. Dahl (grad student)
Cynthia J. Koziol-WhiteCell Biology2009 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Matthew Brian KraftOrganic Synthesis, Chemical Biology
Stefan Kraftorganometallic chemistry2001 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Charles S KraihanzelOrganosilicon chemistry, Coordination complexes, metal carbonyl complexes molecular modelling, infrared and nmr spectrocopies1962 Robert C. West (grad student)
Albert Raymond Krall1953 Robert H. Burris (grad student)
Paul Alan KramerPulmonary absorption of macromolecules, pharmacokinetics1968 Kenneth Antonio Connors (grad student)
Francis Craig Krauskopfphysical chemistry1910 Louis Albrecht Kahlenberg (grad student)
Mark P. KrebsMammal retina1987 William S. Reznikoff (grad student)
Steven J KregelGas phase Chemistry/Mass Spectrometry Chemistry Biotechnology20182018 Etienne Garand (grad student), Joshua J. Coon (research scientist)
Willard A. KrehlNutrition Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Edward Kremerspharmaceutical chemistry18861888 Frederick Belding Power (research assistant)
Andrzej M. Krezel Biochemistry19871991 John L. Markley (grad student)
Siddarth H Krishnaheterogeneous catalysis, sustainable chemistry Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering20142019 James A. Dumesic (grad student), George W. Huber (grad student)
Michael A. KrolRNA replication, gene expression/regulation2000 Paul Gerald Ahlquist (grad student)
Paul J. Kropp Chemistry19571962 William Summer Johnson (grad student)
Eric L. KrugerForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Plant Physiology
Amber T. Krummel2D IR spectroscopy2007 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Casey J. Krusemark Biochemistry2007 Michael R. Sussman (grad student), Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
Emilia K. Kruzelfungal development and virulence2011 Christina M. Hull (grad student)
Johanna Liesbeth Kubelka1963 Oscar Nelson Allen (grad student)
Rachel L. KubiakBiochemistry Biochemistry-ALS2013 Hazel Marguerite Holden (grad student)
Christopher J. KucharikAgronomy Agriculture, Soil Science Agriculture, Biogeochemistry
Robert J. Kuethereuropium contrast agents Engineering Mechanics2014 Matthew J. Allen (grad student)
Joseph C. KuhlGenetics, Plant Pathology Agriculture2000 Michael Havey (grad student)
Richard Joseph Kula
Anuj K. KuldipkumarPharmaceutical Chemistry2006 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Suzanne E. Kulevichsurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2010 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Emine S. KulogluNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biochemistry19962002 John L. Markley (grad student)
Revati Kumarphysical chemistry, computational chemistry, electrolytes, force-fields Chemistry20022007 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Donald Gerald Kundiger1942 Samuel M. McElvain (grad student)
Nitya Gopal KunduSynthetic organic chemistry19621966 Jerome A. Berson (grad student)
Ching Kung
Robert A. Kunz19691974 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
S. Morris Kupchannatural products, cytostatics19551957 William Summer Johnson (research scientist)
James Kurle Plant Pathology Craig Grau (post-doc)
Andrei G. KutateladzeOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19921995 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (post-doc)
Tatiana G. Kutateladze19941995 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
James P. KutneyAlkaloid Total Synthesis1956 Eugene van Tamelen (research assistant)
Kimberly K. Kutz-NaberBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2006 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Jason Kwan School of Pharmacy20102013 Eric W. Schmidt (post-doc)
Glen S. KwonPharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Jennifer E. Laaser2D IR spectroscopy Chemistry2013 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Martha C.A. Laboissière Department of Biochemistry1995 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Carrie A. M. LaboskiSoil Science Agriculture, Inorganic Chemistry
John L. Lach1954 Takeru Higuchi (grad student)
Jade S. LackeyGeology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy2005 John W. Valley (grad student)
Daniel T. Ladrorsurface chemistry, mass spectrometry Chemistry2013 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Yu-Chi Lai2008 John G. Webster (grad student)
Jonathan R. LaiBiochemistry, Chemical Biology, Protein Chemistry19992004 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Allison C. LamannaBiomolecular recognition2004 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Jennifer A. LamberskiTranscriptional regulation in DNA tumor viruses and breast cancer2010 Janet E. Mertz (grad student)
William T Lambertorganic synthesis, agrochemical research and development Chemistry19982003 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
David O. LambethBiochemistry Enzyme Institute Biochemistry Henry A. Lardy (grad student)
Liana B. LamontCell Biology2006 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Shane M. Lamossurface chemistry, mass spectrometry Chemistry19992006 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student), Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
Diane K. Lancasterreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films Chemistry2014 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Robert C. LandickMicrobiology Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry
Clark R. Landiscatalysis involving transition metal complexes
Elizabeth C. Landisnanoscience2010 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Joseph M. Langenhanbiologically active polymers2003 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Charley C. LangleyMicrowave spectroscopy2002 R. Claude Woods (grad student)
Kevin A. LanhamBiochemistry, Toxicology Biomolecular Chemistry2013 Warren Heideman (grad student)
Jules Benjamin LaPidusmedicinal & pharmaceutical chemistry1958 Edward Ervin Smissman (grad student), Stanley D. Beck (grad student)
Henry A. Lardythe vitamin biotin, thyroid toxicity and the thyroid hormone. the coupling of energy from respiration with ATP formation and the sites of uncoupling by the antibiotics aurovertin, oligomycin, antimycin A, and rutamycin, etc.1943 Paul H. Phillips (grad student)
Edwin M. LarsenInorganic chemistry
Robert J. LascolaAnalytical chemistry, optical spectroscopy, chemometrics Chemistry19931998 John C. Wright (grad student)
Charles T. LauhonPharmacy, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry
George H. LausterLimnology Biology, Ecology Biology, Environmental Sciences, Microbiology Biology2000 David E. Armstrong (grad student)
Mark LautensOrganic Synthesis1985 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Jeremy A. LavineMolecular Biology2010 Alan D. Attie (grad student), Dawn Belt Davis (post-doc)
Christopher P. Lawrencestatistical mechanics to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems2003 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Jennifer R. Lawrencereactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films2004 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Stephanie M. Lawry
Richard G. LawtonBioorganic Reagents as Chemical Probes of Molecular Architecture1962 Eugene van Tamelen (grad student)
Robert J. Le RoyPotentiology, diatomics, spectroscopy1971 Richard B. Bernstein (grad student)
Chauncey D. LeakePharmacology, anesthesia Walter J. Meek (grad student)
Ron S. Leder2000 John G. Webster (grad student)
Aaron R. LedvinaBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics Chemistry2012 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Hau-Nan Leedynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers2009 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Manjui V. LeeBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics2011 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Sanghee Leeprostate cancer Cellular and Molecular Bio - AG2015 Wade A. Bushman (grad student)
Jechan Leeheterogeneous catalysts Chemical Engineering2015 George W. Huber (grad student)
Hee-Seung Lee Samuel H. Gellman (post-doc)
Hsiang-Ying LeeMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology2011 Emery H. Bresnick (grad student)
J. Eugene Lee Department of Biochemistry2006 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Chen-Hsien LeeFood Science and Technology Agriculture2001 Kirk L. Parkin (grad student)
Beom-Goo LeeForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Ecology Biology2001 Roger M. Rowell (grad student)
Jongwon Lee Biochemistry1990 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Charles Oren Lee1930 Edward Kremers (grad student)
Sarah Eldred Lee Chemistry20002005 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Woonghee LeeNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biochemistry-ALS20092013 John L. Markley (grad student)
Jinwoo Lee Endocrinol-Reprod Physiol - LS2012 Colin R. Jefcoate (grad student)
Steven H. Lee1981 John C. Wright (grad student)
Ho Jae Lee Chemical Engineering20142019 Christos T. Maravelias (grad student)
Vincent H. L. LeeOphthalmology, Cell Biology, General Biophysics, Pharmacology1979 Joseph R. Robinson (grad student)
Ya-Pin Lee19551957 Henry A. Lardy (post-doc)
Traci Lee19931999 Peggy J. Farnham (grad student)
Kanghyun Lee Biochemistry20112018 Elizabeth Anne Craig (grad student)
Daesung Leeorganic synthesis
Albert L. Lehningerbioenergetics1942 Edgar John Witzemann (grad student)
Peter A. Leland Department of Biochemistry2000 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
David M. LemalOrganofluorine chemistry; unusual organic species, stable and short-lived
Victor Lenher
Alastair J. J. LennoxPhysical organic chemistry, electrochemistry, catalysis, green chemistry Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Joseph Richard LennoxSynthetic organic chemistry (natural products), heterocyclic chemistry (amino acid-derived), medicinal chemistry (K-channels, HCV, HCB, prodrug design, HIV, oncology), STEM success in higher education Chemistry19931997 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Melvina LeolukmanPolymer Synthesis2010 Padma Gopalan (grad student)
Claudia LeonardiAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture2004 Louis E. Armentano (grad student)
Ryan Lepak Environmental Chemistry and Technology20122018 James P. Hurley (grad student)
Samuel LepkovskyNutrition, neurophysiology, biochemistry, neuroanatomy,1924 Harry Steenbock (grad student), Edwin B. Hart (grad student)
Paul R. LePlaebiologically active polymers2002 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Brian LeporeSoil Science Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology2007 John M. Norman (grad student)
Elena J. LevinBiochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology2008 George N. Phillips (grad student), Ming Zhou (post-doc)
Michael N. Levine2011 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Konstantin LevitskyBiochemistry2005 Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
Peter W Lewis
Gregory J LewisMicroporous Materials such as Zeolites and AlPOs, transition metal oxides, silicates and phosphates, environmental remediation, High Throughput Chemistry Department of Chemistry19821991 Lawrence F. Dahl (grad student)
Ian A. LewisNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biochemistry20032010 John L. Markley (grad student)
Lavinia M. LewisPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology2001 Guilherme L. Indig (grad student)
Chenhui LiElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering2013 Hongrui Jiang (grad student)
Lingjun LiBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry
Shuzhou Listatistical mechanics to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems2006 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Fu LIstatistical mechanics to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems2012 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Lingyin LiBiomolecular recognition2010 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Gaoquan Lielectron transfer reactions2008 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Gongyu Limass spectrometry, analytical chemistry
Jun Li
Shijun LiAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture Animal Sciences2012 Marion Lewis Greaser (grad student)
Wenting Li2016 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Zhifei Li Chemistry2018 Robert J. Hamers (post-doc)
Gang Lichemistry20052009 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Jianping Li2020 Christos T. Maravelias (post-doc), Reid C. Van Lehn (post-doc)
Xiaojun Lianpolymer Chemical Engineering2012 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
James C. LiaoChemical and Biomolecular Engineering 1987 Edwin N. Lightfoot (grad student)
Dennis Lee LichtenbergerInorganic Chemistry chemistry1974 Richard F. Fenske (grad student)
Robert LichterNMR Spectroscopy1967 David M. Lemal (grad student)
Rachel LickerEnvironmental Sciences, Agronomy Agriculture, Natural Resource Management2012 Christopher J. Kucharik (grad student)
Brendan J. LiddleInorganic materials/chemicals19992000 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (research assistant)
Edwin N. Lightfootmass-transport reaction modeling, biological mass-transfer processes, separations processes
Dritan LikoMolecular Biology2009 Warren Heideman (grad student)
Mary Ann LilaBioexploration, functional foods Horticulture1985 Brent H. McCown (grad student)
Jason W. LillyGenetics, Botany Biology2000 Michael Havey (grad student)
Pei-Yin LimBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Virology Biology2007 Rebecca I. Montgomery (grad student)
I-Jin LinNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biochemistry20002005 John L. Markley (grad student)
Qi Linsynthesis of biologically active molecules2007 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Yu-Shan Linstatistical mechanics to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems2009 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Shishi Lincatalytic methods for organic synthesis Chemistry2015 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
I-Hsin Lininterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2010 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Ti-Yu Lin Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Robert C. LindsayFlavor Chemistry
Janet E. LindsleyBiochemistry Biochemistry1989 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Yun L. Ling2D IR spectroscopy2010 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Karl Paul LinkWarfarin1925 William Edward Tottingham (grad student)
Vanessa Puchalska Linke Chemistry2020 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Hellen Martha LinkswilerNutrition1951 Carl A. Baumann (grad student), May Statler Reynolds (grad student)
Robert J. Lipinskiprostate cancer2008 Wade A. Bushman (grad student)
Corinne E. Lipscomb(i) biodegradable block copolymers and block copolymer surfactants, (ii) bulk, thin film, and lyotropic phase behavior of polydisperse block copolymers, and (iii) media for selective chemical transport derived from surfactant self-assembly20072011 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
Matthew D. LiptakBioinorganic chemistry, Optical spectroscopy, Computational chemistry20032008 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Morris A. Lipton Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Matt Lish Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Jeremy D. Littleorganic synthesis2001 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Dan (R. Daniel) Littleorganic chemistry1974 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Gerald Litwackglucocorticoid receptor1953 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student), Jesse N. Williams, Jr. (grad student)
Shi LiuChemical Biology Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Qingyang Liuair pollution, source apportionment20162017 James J. Schauer (research scientist)
Wen Liu20002003 Ben Shen (post-doc)
Guoliang LiuPolymer, Nanomaterials20052011 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Chi-Chun Liu2011 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Mingzhu LiuGenomics, gene regulation, bacteria, bioinformatics, DNA chips, genome engineering2005 Frederick R. Blattner (grad student)
Yuxia (Sonny) Liuorganosilicon chemistry2001 Robert C. West (grad student)
Ranran Liusurface chemistry, mass spectrometry Chemistry2015 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Xianghui Liu(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces2008 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Tingting LiuQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro2006 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Xiaoyang Liuinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2010 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Lingling LiuCell Biology, Molecular Biology2007 Christiane Wiese (grad student)
Chi-Wei LoMaterials Science Engineering2011 Hongrui Jiang (grad student)
Matthew R. LockettAnalytical Sensors, Surface Chemistry, Array Fabrication, Microbial Communities (Natural and Synthetic), Molecular Recognition, Protein-DNA interactions, Synthetic Biology 2009 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Timothy P. LodgeAnalytical Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry; Experimental Physical Chemistry1980 John L. Schrag (grad student)
Stewart N. Loh Biochemistry19871993 John L. Markley (grad student)
Timothy M. LohmanDNA helicases, SSB proteins, DNA repair, thermodynamics, kinetics1977 M Thomas Record (grad student)
Andrew G. LohseNatural Product Synthesis2011 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Jo E. Lomax Graduate Program in Cellular & Molecular Biology2014 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Justin Paul LomontSpectroscopy, Biophysics Chemistry20162019 Martin T. Zanni (post-doc)
Amanda K. LongStructure and Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds2011 John Berry (grad student)
Juan Lopera Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences2015 Jason C. Kwan (post-doc)
Maria d. Lopez GarciaMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2009 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Glynis C. LoughEnvironmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Automotive Engineering2004 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Kacie M. Louisnanoscience Chemistry2012 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Alyssa Love Chemistry20132018 Ive Hermans (grad student)
Aaron M. Loweinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2009 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Kelly M. LoyetBiochemistry2000 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Zhan Luearth abundant transition metal catalysis; asymmetric catalysis Chemistry Chemistry20092012 Tehshik P. Yoon (post-doc), Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Manchun Lusurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2003 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Duo Lustructure, DNA replication Biomolecular Chemistry20042009 James L. Keck (grad student)
Susan P. Lucasunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2006 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Brian Stuart Lucas2006 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Paul W. LuddenBiochemistry1977 Robert H. Burris (grad student)
Ralf Ludwig Chemistry1994 Frank Albert Weinhold (post-doc)
Yan-Yeung Lukchemical biology of cell adhesion20012003 Nicholas L. Abbott (post-doc)
John C. LukeshMedicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology Department of Chemistry2014 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Mark A. Lukowskichemistry and physics of nanoscale materials Chemistry2013 Song Jin (grad student)
Guangfu LuoComputational Materials Science Department of Materials Science and Engineering20122017 Dane D Morgan (post-doc)
Yun Luo2006 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Shelley L. Lusettichemical reaction dynamics2002 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Jeremy S. LuterbacherCatalysis, Chemical Engineering20122014 James A. Dumesic (post-doc)
Xiuliang Lv Chemistry2019 Dawei Feng (post-doc)
Robert E. Lyleorganic chemistry1949 Samuel M. McElvain (grad student)
Karen S. LyleBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2003 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Richard Lee LymanBiochemistry, nutrition1951 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Kara L. LynchBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology2007 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
John C. LynchMedicinal Chemistry
Eldin Verne Lynnsynthetic medicinals and the chemistry of plants Pharmacy1918 Edward Kremers (grad student)
David M. Lynn(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces
Philip A. Lyons Chemistry Paul J. Bender (grad student)
Wenjiang MaBiochemistry Biochemistry-MED2015 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Mingming MaBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2008 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Di MaBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Liang Macomputational chemistry and biophysics2009 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Susanna Marie Mac2000 Peggy J. Farnham (grad student)
Alan G. MacDiarmidPhysical chemistry1953 Norris F. Hall (grad student)
Ian Francis Macdonald1968 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
David H. MacLennanCalcium handling19631964 David E. Green (post-doc)
Kento T. Magara GomezEnvironmental Engineering, Alternative Energy2011 James J. Schauer (grad student)
John Lafayette MageeChemical physics, radiation chemistry1939 Farrington Daniels (grad student)
Olafur T. MagnussonMechanisms of enzyme and coenzyme action; stereochemistry and mechanisms of phospho- and nucleotidyl transferase action; structure and function of multienzyme complexes2001 Perry A. Frey (grad student)
Mahesh K. Mahanthappa(1) bulk, thin film, and lyotropic phase behavior of block copolymers, (2) lyotropic self-assembly of surfactants and their emulsification behaviors, (3)
Ramesh MaheshwariFungal genetics, biochemistry Albert Christian Hildebrandt (grad student)
Henry R. MahlerMitochondria, Neurochemistry David E. Green (post-doc)
Soham MaityOrganic synthesis, catalysis, methodology20192021 Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Michal Maj20162018 Martin T. Zanni (post-doc)
Brian J. MajesticEnvironmental Sciences, Analytical Chemistry, Atmospheric Sciences2007 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Siddhardha S. MaligireddyRNA Biology, RNA Modifications, Epitranscriptomics Department of Anesthesiology20182021 Zachary T Campbell (research assistant)
Howard Vincent Malmstadtanalytical chemistry1950 Walter J. Blaedel (grad student), Alfred L. Wilds (research assistant)
Rohit Malshepolymer 2011 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Dustin James MalyChemical Biology of Signal Transduction1997 Laura Lee Kiessling (research assistant)
Mark J. Mandelbacterial genetics
Joshua B. Mandirsurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2008 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Andrew N. Manghamnanoscience2009 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Shane L. MangoldBiomolecular recognition Chemistry2012 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
David Arthur Mann2000 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Uttam Manna20112015 David M. Lynn (post-doc)
David S. Mannel Chemical Engineering20092015 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Gilbert J. Manneringdrug metabolism, biochemical toxicology1944 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Daniel E. Manson Chemistry20152020 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Steven O. MansoorabadiBiochemistry, General Biophysics2006 George H. Reed (grad student)
Heidi MansourPharmacy, Medical Biophysics2003 George D Zografi (grad student)
Kelly A. Mantheistructure, DNA replication Biomolecular Chemistry20072013 James L. Keck (grad student)
Marie K. Mapesdynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers2006 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Lynne Elizabeth MaquatRNA metabolism1982 William S. Reznikoff (grad student), Jeffrey Ross (post-doc)
Christos T. Maraveliasprocess systems engineering
Aimee H. Marceaustructure, DNA replication Microbiology20072012 James L. Keck (grad student)
Ryan J. MarcheschiBiochemistry, General Biophysics, Molecular Biology2009 Samuel Butcher (grad student)
Craig B. MarcusBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1981 E. Paul Lichtenstein (grad student)
Seth R. Mardermaterials for nonlinear optics, applications of organic dyes for photonic, display, electronic, and medical applications, and organometallic chemistry1985 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Patrick S. MarianoOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry1969 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Jane M. MaritaBiochemistry, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture2001 John Ralph (grad student)
John L. MarkeyBiochemistry
John L. MarkleyNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications
David D. MarkwardtPharmacology, Cell Biology2000 Warren Heideman (grad student)
Allen Gerald Marr1952 Joe Bransford Wilson (grad student), Perry William Wilson (grad student)
Brett M. Marsh Chemistry20122015 Etienne Garand (grad student)
W. Robert Marshall1941 Olaf A. Hougen (grad student)
Jeffrey D. MartellEnzyme-Mimicking Catalysis in Evolvable Three-Dimensional Scaffolds
David Charles Martens1964 Gordon Chesters (grad student)
Thomas F. J. MartinBiochemistry
Oana M. Martinstudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems2006 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
Langdon J. Martin20082012 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Mario A. Martinez FariasBiomolecular recognition Chemistry2014 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Susie C. Martinsorganometallic chemistry2004 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Sebastian MartinuzziForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Conservation Biology20102012 Volker Christian Radeloff (post-doc)
Wilfung MartonoCivil Engineering2008 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Melissa L. MartowiczMolecular Biology2006 Emery H. Bresnick (grad student)
Christopher C. Marvinsynthesis of natural products2008 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Katherine A. MarvinBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2008 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Mark Marzinke Biochemistry Margaret Clagett-Dame (grad student)
Jeneylyne C. MarzuPlant Culture Agriculture, Plant Pathology Agriculture Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics2015 Michael Havey (grad student)
Vincent Masseyflavin chemistry, flavin enzymology1954 Robert A. Alberty (post-doc)
Ethan A. Mastnypolymer 2007 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Andrea Marie MastroBreast cancer and the immune system19711973 Gerald Conrad Mueller (post-doc)
Robert Louis Matchatheoretical chemistry1966 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (grad student)
Nathan A. Mathew2010 John C. Wright (grad student)
F. Al MatsenTheoretical Chemistry19351937 Farrington Daniels (research assistant)
Gerald B. Matsonmagnetic resonance1967 Edward O. Stejskal (grad student)
Margie Mattmannsynthesis of biologically active molecules2010 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Ivan J. MaureiraGenetics, Agronomy Agriculture2004 Thomas C. Osborn (grad student)
Lisa M. MaurerBiochemistry, Pharmacy2011 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Manos MavrikakisComputational Surface Science and Catalysis
Daniel S MayNatural Products Bacteriology2018 Cameron R. Currie (post-doc)
John F. MayBiomolecular recognition2009 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Joshua A. MayerMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry2008 Kurt J. Amann (grad student)
Jonathan R. MayersBiochemistry Biochemistry-ALS2012 Anjon Audhya (grad student)
Stacy J. Maynardbiologically active polymers Chemistry2015 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Rudolph C. Mayrhofer Department of Chemistry Edwin L. Sibert (grad student)
Jared R. MaysOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2007 Scott R. Rajski (grad student)
Graeme C. McAlisterBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics2009 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
William H McClainMolecular Biology
Cynthia McCluresynthetic methodology Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
William Robert McClureBiochemistry1970 Henry A. Lardy (grad student)
Elmer V. McCollumnutritional biochemistry
Kristopher H. McConnellMolecular Biology2007 Catherine A. Fox (grad student)
Bruce McCordAnalytical Chemistry, Forensic Science Chemistry19811986 James W. Taylor (grad student)
Brent H. McCown
Jason G. McCoyBiochemistry, X-ray diffraction, computational biology2006 George N. Phillips (grad student), Ming Zhou (grad student)
Anne B. McCoyTheoretical and computational chemistry1992 Edwin L. Sibert (grad student)
Aaron M. McCoystudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems Chemistry2014 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
Jesse McDanielComputational chemistry Chemistry2014 Jordan R. Schmidt (grad student)
Tanner J. McDanielOrganometallic Chemistry, Catalysis, Organic Chemistry20172020 Clark R. Landis (post-doc)
Richard I. McDonald20052010 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
James P. McDonough19721976 Jack Lilien (grad student)
Donald Wayne McEachernreactor designs1963 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
Samuel M. McElvainOrganic chemistry
Nicholas Adam Mcgrath20102013 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Molly M. McGuirenanoscience2001 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Christie McInnissynthesis of biologically active molecules2011 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Sonya L. McKaybiologically active polymers2001 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Galen A. McKinleyBiogeochemistry, Physical Oceanography
Robert J. McMahonunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules
Colleen M. McMichaelCell Biology, Biochemistry, Plant Physiology2011 Sebastian Y. Bednarek (grad student)
Richard K. McMullan Chemistry19691974 Muttaiya (Sunda) Sundaralingam (research scientist)
Dawn M. McNameeBiochemistry2007 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
D. Tyler McQuadesynthesis of bio-active molecules1998 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Daniel W. Mead
Sandro Mecozzistudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems
Terrence F. Meehanvitamins A and D2003 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Adolf Mehlich1936 Emil Truog (grad student)
Charu Mehta Emery H. Bresnick (grad student)
Sergio A. MelgarAgronomy Agriculture, Molecular Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture2009 Michael Havey (grad student)
Clifford Cyrille Meloche1914 Victor Lenher (grad student)
Villiers Willson Meloche1923 Victor Lenher (grad student)
Yansheng MenMicrowave spectroscopy2001 R. Claude Woods (grad student)
Ann L. MenefeeBiochemistry2009 George H. Reed (grad student)
Fei Mengchemistry and physics of nanoscale materials Chemistry2014 Song Jin (grad student)
Fredric M. Mengersynthesis and examination of organic systems and materials having biological import1963 David M. Lemal (grad student)
Jessica L. Menkeunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2010 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Anant K. MenonBiochemistry
Sabeeha S. MerchantBiochemistry, Genetics and Genomics of Metal Nutrition and Chloroplast Metabolism1983 Bruce R. Selman (grad student), Glenn H. Chambliss (research assistant), Henry A. Lardy (research assistant)
Craig A. Merlicorganic and organometallic chemistry1988 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Janet E. MertzTranscriptional regulation in DNA tumor viruses and breast cancer
June M. Messmore Department of Biochemistry1999 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Christian M. Metallopolymer 2008 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Kevin M. Metznanoscience2007 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Ricardo B. MetzIon spectroscopy, Photodissociation dynamics, Catalysis19911995 F. Fleming Crim (post-doc)
Aïda B. MetzenbergMolecular basis of heritable human disease19811989 Oliver Smithies (grad student)
David E. Metzler1952 Esmond E. Snell (grad student)
Gerald J. Meyerphotodriven electron and energy transfer in inorganic coordination compounds and extended solids1989 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Roland K. MeyerEndocrinology, zoology, biochemistry1930 Frederick Lee Hisaw (grad student)
Kent A. Meyer2004 John C. Wright (grad student)
Leslie Meyer-Leon Biochemistry1988 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Ivar MeyvantssonMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2006 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Sun-Il Mho Chemistry1983 John C. Wright (grad student)
David J. Michaelis20052009 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Cathy Middlecampsocietal issues of chemistry1976 Robert C. West (grad student)
Alvin Rees Midgley1929 George Byron Mortimer (grad student), Emil Truog (grad student)
Thomas John Mikkelson1970 Joseph R. Robinson (grad student)
Ian Miller Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Jason C. Kwan (grad student)
Zachary Miller chemistry2015 Tehshik P. Yoon (post-doc)
Edward Ernst Millersoil-water physics1941 John R. Roebuck (grad student)
Clark A. Millerpolymer 2008 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
John R. Miller1971 John Ela Willard (grad student)
Wilmer G. Millerpolymer-surface interactions, properties of stiff-chain polymers, and polymer latexes1958 Robert A. Alberty (grad student)
James A. Millerchemical carcinogenesis1943 Carl A. Baumann (grad student)
Elizabeth Cavert Millercancer research1945 Carl A. Baumann (grad student)
Brian G. MillerProtein Structure, Function, and Evolution20012005 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Joshua R. MillerBioinorganic chemistry Department of Chemistry2017 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Russell A Miller Biochemistry Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
Pamela MillsOrganic Chemistry, Sciences Education1985 M Thomas Record (grad student)
Russell C. MillsBiochemistry1944 Edwin B. Hart (grad student)
Julie C. MitchellBiochemistry, Computer Science, Oncology
Sankar MitraBiochemistry1964 Paul J. Kaesberg (grad student)
Kalie A. Mix Department of Biochemistry2017 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Shoji Mizushima Masayasu Nomura (post-doc)
Christine Mlot Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Jason C. Kwan (research scientist)
Luke A. MoeBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2005 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Therald Moellerinorganic chemistry1938 Francis Craig Krauskopf (grad student)
Swomitra K. MohantyMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2007 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Sonisilpa Mohapatra2018 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Jeffrey C. Mohrpolymer 2007 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Nimrod Moiseyev Chemistry1977 Frank Albert Weinhold (post-doc)
Gary A. MolanderSynthetic organic chemistry1981 Barry M. Trost (post-doc)
David A. Molineorganosilicon chemistry2000 Robert C. West (grad student)
Jagannath MondalComputer simulations20062011 Arun Yethiraj (grad student)
Biswajit Mondal20172019 Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Martha F. Montague2004 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Sara I. Montanez-SauriMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health Materials Science2014 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Eric J. Montemayor Biochemistry Samuel Butcher (post-doc)
Rebecca I. MontgomeryBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Virology Biology
Kelly Montgomery Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences2016 Jason C. Kwan (grad student)
Rachel A. MooneyMolecular Biology, Microbiology Biology2007 Robert C. Landick (grad student)
Kyle J. MooreBiochemistry2009 Robert Harley Fillingame (grad student)
Joseph Donald Moore2015 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
David D Mooremolecular biology Molecular Biology19751979 Frederick R. Blattner (grad student)
David S. Moore Chemistry1980 John C. Wright (grad student)
Stanford MooreBiochemistry, analytical biochemistry1938 Karl Paul Link (grad student)
John W. MooreChemical education
Jaisree MoorthyMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2004 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Claudia I. MoraGeochemistry, Geology1988 John W. Valley (grad student)
Raquel MoraesCivil Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engr2014 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Christine M. Morales2005 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Sean D. MoranInfrared Spectroscopy, Biophysics20092013 Martin T. Zanni (post-doc)
Rocco MorettiRegulation of gene expression at the interface of chemistry, biology and genomics2009 Aseem Z. Ansari (grad student)
A. Richard Morganmolecular biology H. Gobind Khorana (post-doc)
Jason A. Morganreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films2000 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Cristine L. MorganSoil Science Agriculture, Statistics2003 John M. Norman (grad student)
Dane D MorganMaterials Science Engineering, Geophysics
Dyan E. MorganCell Biology, Microbiology Biology2011 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Clinton T. MorganBiochemistry, Human Development Biochemistry-ALS2013 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Stephen A. Morinchemistry and physics of nanoscale materials2011 Song Jin (grad student)
Elaine V. Morlock Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology2012 Cynthia Czajkowski (grad student)
Scott W. MorricalMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry1987 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
John R. Morris
Frank Barron MorrisonAnimal Husbandry and Animal Nutrition19111915 Edwin B. Hart (research assistant), William Arnon Henry (research scientist), Harry Luman Russell (research assistant)
Harry MorrisonOrganic Photochemistry19621963 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (post-doc)
Natalia S. MorsciCell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology2012 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
David E. Mortensonbiologically active polymers Chemistry2014 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
George Byron Mortimer
Howard E. MortonOrganic Chemistry Chemistry Barry M. Trost (post-doc)
John S. Moscariellodiffusion in porous media2004 Thatcher W. Root (grad student)
Elizabeth M. Moscato-Goodpastercatalysis involving transition metal complexes2010 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Deane F. MosherBiochemistry
Michael C. MossingBiochemistry1985 M Thomas Record (grad student)
Kathryn D. MouzakisBiochemistry, Virology Biology Biochemistry-ALS2013 Samuel Butcher (grad student)
Patricia A. MoweryBiomolecular recognition2003 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Amorntip MuangpromGenetics, Agronomy Agriculture, Cell Biology2004 Thomas C. Osborn (grad student)
Robert John MuckenhirnSoil sience1936 Emil Truog (grad student)
John Brian MuddLipid metabolism in plants; mechanism of enzyme action; biochemical effects of toxic oxidants.1958 Robert H. Burris (grad student)
Philipp MuellerMolecular Biology, Genetics, General Biology Chemical Engineering20132017 Catherine A. Fox (grad student), Ive Hermans (grad student)
Gerald Conrad Muellerbasic cancer research1950 James A. Miller (grad student)
Annabel H. Muenterreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films2004 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Purba Mukerjee Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Prabuddha Mukherjee2D IR spectroscopy2008 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Sudipta Mukherjee2D IR spectroscopy Chemistry2013 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
John P. Mullerinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids Chemical Engineering2012 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Jacob D. MulliganBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2003 Alan D. Attie (grad student)
Andrew Edward MurneekSoil and Plant Sciences1924 Ezra Jacob Kraus (grad student)
Catherine J. Murphyinorganic nanomaterials1990 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Justin K. Murraybiologically active polymers2006 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Samira MusahBiomolecular recognition Chemistry2013 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Mainak Mustafi Chemistry James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Eddie L. Myers20062009 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Rahul NabarComputational Surface Science and Catalysis2009 Manos Mavrikakis (grad student)
Samuel T. NadlerBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2001 Alan D. Attie (grad student)
Umang Nagpalpolymer 2011 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Kitae NamCivil Engineering2005 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Chengalur Raman NarayananNatural products chemistry Eugene van Tamelen (post-doc)
Gilbert M. Nathansonreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films
A. Leslie NealAgricultural chemistry1943 Frank M. Strong (grad student)
Paul F. Nealey
Erwin Neher1967 William Waldron Beeman (research assistant)
John B. NeilandsBiochemistry1949 Frank M. Strong (grad student)
Elham Nejatistudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
Eleanor R. Nelsencatalysis involving transition metal complexes Chemistry2014 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Stephen F. Nelsenelectron transfer reactions
Norman Allan Nelson1952 Alfred L. Wilds (grad student)
Ryan C. Nelsoncatalysis involving transition metal complexes2006 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Lewis Bailey NelsonSoil science1940 Emil Truog (grad student), Robert John Muckenhirn (grad student)
David Lee Nelsonsignal transductions in the protozoan Paramecium
Victor Emanuel NelsonAnimal Nutrition1914 Edwin B. Hart (grad student)
Clark Nelson2005 Michael R. Sussman (grad student)
Julia Nepper Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Alok Nerurkar2015 Jennifer E. Golden (post-doc)
Donald Neu Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Monica Neugebauer
Robert W. Newberry Department of Chemistry2016 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Robert Warren NewburghBiochemistry1953 Robert H. Burris (grad student)
Sean A. NewmisterStructural Biology Biochemistry-ALS2012 Ivan Rayment (grad student)
Khanh V. Ngochemical reaction dynamics Biochemistry-ALS2012 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Hoang Long NguyenNanoscale imaging, spectroscopy, Raman, microscopy Chemistry2018 Randall H. Goldsmith (post-doc)
Truc M. Nguyenorganic synthesis2000 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Gerald P. Niccolai Chemistry19861992 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Beth M. Nicholsnanoscience2006 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Richard Selindh Nicholson1964 Irving Shain (grad student)
Anne-Marie L. Nickelmaterials science2002 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Bei Niesurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2006 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Carl G. Niemannthyroxine, sphingosine, histamine action, chymotrypsin1934 Karl Paul Link (grad student)
Nirca J. NievesPharmacology2009 Margaret Clagett-Dame (grad student)
Anand U. NilekarComputational Surface Science and Catalysis2008 Manos Mavrikakis (grad student)
Michael NippeStructure and Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds2011 John Berry (grad student)
Viriya NitteranonFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Nutrition2011 Kirk L. Parkin (grad student)
Min NiuBiophysics2011 He Zhang (grad student)
Daniel R. NogueraEnvironmental Engineering, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry
Mari NojiriBiochemistry2006 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Yuichiro Nomura Biochemistry Samuel Butcher (post-doc)
Monica J. NorbyPlant Culture Agriculture, Plant Pathology Agriculture2005 Michael Havey (grad student)
John M. NormanEnvironmental biophysics, soil-plant-atmosphere integrative modeling, measurements and modeling of non-point pollution, agricultural remote sensing. Soil Science1971 Champ Bean Tanner (grad student)
Gordon A. Novak2014 Timothy H. Bertram (grad student)
Christine M. NowakowskiFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry2000 Richard W. Hartel (grad student)
John M. NUSSDrug Discovery1986 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Diane L. NutbrownBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2010 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Lori L. O'BrienCell Biology2008 Christiane Wiese (grad student)
Joseph M. O'ConnorOrganotransition metal; organic; physical organic; bioorganometallic; synthetic; and inorganic chemistry1984 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Marion Hugh O'Leary
Brandon J. O'Neillheterogeneous catalysts Chemical Engineering2014 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Brian C O'Regandye-sensitized solar cells1990 John S Steinhart (grad student)
Gayle H. O'ReillyTranscriptional regulation in DNA tumor viruses and breast cancer2000 Janet E. Mertz (grad student)
Nora O'ReillyMaterials Science Engineering, Oncology, Inorganic Chemistry, Nanotechnology Animal Sciences2013 Ralph M. Albrecht (grad student)
Lawrence G. OatesNatural Resource Management, Range Management Agriculture, Biogeochemistry2009 Randall D. Jackson (grad student)
Matthew James Oberley2003 Peggy J. Farnham (grad student)
Jack OdleNutrition, Biochemistry1989 Norlin Jay Benevenga (grad student), Thomas Daniel Crenshaw (grad student)
Tyler Ogorek Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Jee-Hwan OhFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Microbiology Biology Food Science2013 James L. Steele (grad student)
Byung Ha Oh Biochemistry19851989 John L. Markley (grad student)
Satoshi Ohtakepolymer 2005 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Cynthia A. Oksanen1992 George D Zografi (grad student)
Hatice E. OktenEnvironmental Engineering2008 Daniel R. Noguera (grad student)
Susan V. OlesikAnalytical, Separation Science, Mass Spectrometry1982 James W. Taylor (grad student)
John W OlesikAnalytical Chemistry1982 John P. Walters (grad student)
Timothy A. OlesonBiogeochemistry2009 Nita Sahai (grad student)
Samuel S. OliverChromatin and epigenetics2012 John M. Denu (grad student)
John B. Olson, Biochemistry19891995 John L. Markley (grad student)
J. Lawrence Oncleyhigh density and low density lipoproteins1932 John Warren Williams (grad student)
Boonsri Ongpipattanakul1991 Ronald R. Burnette (grad student)
Mustafa S. Onses2012 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Jossian Oppenheimer20052007 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Ian J. OrlandPaleoclimate Science, Geochemistry Geoscience2012 John W. Valley (grad student)
William H. Orme-Johnsonbiological chemistry Helmut Beinert (post-doc)
Paul L OrnsteinExcitatory Amino Acids Chemistry19771982 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Thomas C. Osbornmolecular breeding and genome changes in polyploids1984 Fredrick A. Bliss (grad student)
Jessica P. OtisAnimal Physiology Biology2011 Hannah V. Carey (grad student)
Larry E. Overmansynthesis of natural products1969 Howard William Whitlock (grad student)
Jonathan S. Oweninorganic chemistry of semiconductor and metal nanocrystals2000 Clark R. Landis (research assistant)
Robert M. OwenBiomolecular recognition2003 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
H. Onder OzbelgeMass Transfer, Separation processes Edwin N. Lightfoot (grad student)
Bryam H. OzerMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2009 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Russell T. PackChemical Dynamics1967 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (grad student)
Albert Padwasynthesis of heterocyclic compounds19621963 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (post-doc)
Keewook Paengdynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers2010 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Yomaira J. Pagan-Torresheterogeneous catalysts2011 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Asher PageBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology Biology Biochemistry-ALS2012 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Paulo H. PagliariSoil Science Agriculture, Inorganic Chemistry2011 Carrie A. M. Laboski (grad student)
Amy L. PaguiriganMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2008 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Hunkyun Pak2004 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
Santanu Kumar PalSupramolecular Chemistry, Organic electronic devices, Liquid Crystal Biosensors, Covalent Organic Frameworks20082010 Nicholas L. Abbott (post-doc)
Michael John PalladinoNeurodegeneration2003 Barry Ganetzky (post-doc)
Andrew G. PalmerPlant Biochemistry Chemistry20082012 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (post-doc)
Graham Palmer19611964 Helmut Beinert (post-doc)
Michael J. Palte Graduate Program in Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology2012 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Tilak Pandey19891993 Dewan Singh Bhakuni (grad student)
Peerasak PaoprasertPolymer Synthesis2010 Padma Gopalan (grad student)
George J. Papakonstantopoulospolymer 2007 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Konstantinos PapanikolaouHeterogeneous Catalysis Manos Mavrikakis (post-doc)
Arthur B. Pardeecancer research19471949 Van Rensselaer Potter (post-doc)
Sangsoo Parkhealth science, medical device Chemistry19861992 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
Sang-Hyun Park Department of Biochemistry1999 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Gilbert C. ParkBilingual and Multicultural Education, Secondary Education, Sociology of Education2007 J. Eugene Lee (grad student)
Sookhee ParkBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2006 Sebastian Y. Bednarek (grad student)
Hee-Deung ParkEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences2005 Daniel R. Noguera (grad student)
Sungho V. ParkInorganic synthesis20152021 John Berry (grad student)
Kiyoung Park2010 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Heesoo Park Molecular 2013 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
Sang-Min Park2007 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Kirk L. ParkinFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Biochemistry
John S. Parkinsonsignal transduction, molecular genetics, microbial physiology Julius Adler (post-doc)
Lloyd McClain ParksPharmaceutical chemistry1938 Edward Kremers (grad student)
Ryan B. ParksBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2002 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Helen Tracy ParsonsNutrition1916 Elmer V. McCollum (grad student)
Katherine M. Partridge20052009 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Alexander L Patersonnuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Eric V. Pattersoncomputational mechanistic organic chemistry Chemistry19911996 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Erin E. PattersonGenetics2008 Catherine A. Fox (grad student)
Moushumi Paulorganic chemistry and chemical biology20052006 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Katherine M. PaulsenBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design Chemistry2013 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Charles A. Paulsonmaterials science2002 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Adam R. Pawloski2002 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Samuel PazicniChemistry Education, Bioinorganic Chemistry20012006 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
David S. PealBiomolecular recognition2006 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
William H. Pearsonsynthetic organic chemistry with a focus on the area of heterocyclic chemistry1982 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Ronald F. PeckArchaea, Halobacterium, bacteriorhodopsin20012006 James D. Bangs (post-doc), Mark P. Krebs (grad student)
William H. PeckGeochemistry, Mineralogy2000 John W. Valley (grad student)
Vincent L. PecoraroSynthetic Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry1984 W. Wallace Cleland (post-doc)
Lars C. Pedersen Biochemistry19941995 Hazel Marguerite Holden (post-doc)
Chimera R. PeetCell Biology, Oncology, Molecular Biology2009 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Carolyn A. PehlkeMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health Biomedical Engineering2012 David J. Beebe (grad student)
R. Lee PennEnvironmental Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Experimental Physical Chemistry1998 Jillian F. Banfield (grad student)
Stanford S. PennerCombustion, Fluid Dynamics1946 Farrington Daniels (grad student)
Rodolfo E. PerezEnvironmental Engineering2008 Daniel R. Noguera (grad student)
David PerlmanPharmacy, biochemistry1945 Marvin J. Johnson (grad student)
Samuel P. PeroneAnalytical Chemistry, Chemometrics Chemistry19591962 Irving Shain (grad student)
Dominic V. Perroni Chemistry20102015 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
Andrei G. PetcherskiMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2001 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Jason M. PetersGenetics, Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology Genetics2012 Robert C. Landick (grad student)
Trenton M Peters-ClarkeProteomics, Mass Spectrometry, Chemical Biology Chemistry20182023 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Jeffrey L. PetersenEarly transition metal chemistry and catalysis, x-ray crystallography.19691974 Lawrence F. Dahl (grad student)
Scott G. PetersenOrganic Chemistry2005 Scott R. Rajski (grad student)
Lloyd Allan PetersonSoil Science1958 Osborne James Attoe (grad student)
Kirk A. Peterson Chemistry1990 R. Claude Woods (grad student)
Amelia C. PetersonBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics Chemistry2013 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Steven C. PetersonRheology2002 John L. Schrag (grad student)
William Harold Peterson1913 Edwin B. Hart (grad student)
Matt PetrieBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2010 Thomas F. J. Martin (grad student)
Vessela Y. Petrovachemical reaction dynamics2010 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Zachary A. PfeifferCell Biology, Immunology2003 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Carl Curt Pfeiffer1935 Arthur Lawrie Tatum (grad student)
Douglas H. PhanstielBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics2011 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Caroline R. Pharrunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2008 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Satish Chandra Philkhana Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Margaret F. Phillipssurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2008 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Paul H. Phillipsanimal reproduction and nutrition1933 Edwin B. Hart (research assistant), Harry Steenbock (research assistant), Gustav Bohstedt (grad student)
John H. Phillips2005 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
William Henry PierreSoil Science1925 Emil Truog (grad student)
Jeffrey T. PietrasGeology, Geochemistry2003 Alan R. Carroll (grad student)
Darin Q. Pikepolymer 2011 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Praphan PinsirodomFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Plant Culture Agriculture, Plant Physiology2000 Kirk L. Parkin (grad student)
Melissa S. Pischke2004 Michael R. Sussman (grad student)
William G. Pitt Chemical Engineering1987 Stuart L. Cooper (grad student)
Gonzalo E. PizarroEnvironmental Engineering2001 Daniel R. Noguera (grad student)
Jonathan M. PleitnerAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture Animal Sciences2013 Marion Lewis Greaser (grad student)
Kristin N. PlesselOrganic and organometallic chemistry Organolithium structure and reactivity NMR Spectroscopy Stereochemistry2010 Hans J. Reich (grad student)
Sergei (Simon) Podkolzinheterogeneous catalysts2002 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Nicola L. Pohl1997 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Alan P. Poland
Arthur S. PolansBiochemistry
Lawrence Benjamin Polkowskiwastewater treatment1958 Gerard A. Rohlich (grad student)
Amina Imani Pollard2002 Thomas M. Frost (grad student), John J. Magnuson (grad student)
Anthony D. PollingtonGeochemistry, Geology, Sedimentary Geology Geoscience2013 John W. Valley (grad student)
Gregory M. PolzinBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2000 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
William C. PomerantzChemical Biology; Organic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry2008 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student), Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Julia Pomeroy Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Jason K. PontrelloBiomolecular recognition2005 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Nathaniel J. PopeBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Biomolecular Chemistry2013 Emery H. Bresnick (grad student)
Brian V. Popporganometallics, computational chemistry, kinetics and mechanism20022007 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
N. M. PorembskiQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro2001 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Teresa J. Porri2008 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Emilie A. Porterbiologically active polymers2003 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Philip S. PortogheseMedicinal Chemistry1961 Edward Ervin Smissman (grad student)
Terra B. Potockybiologically active polymers2005 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Anita PottekatCell Biology, Molecular Biology2005 Anant K. Menon (grad student)
Van Rensselaer PotterCancer Research, Bioethics, global bioethics1938 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Frederick Belding Powerflavours
Ginny L. PowersOncology, Pharmacology2011 Elaine T. Alarid (grad student)
Punit Prakash2008 John G. Webster (grad student)
Knick Praneenararatsynthesis of biologically active molecules2011 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Randall S. PratherAnimal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture, Biochemistry, Cell Biology19881991 Gerald P. Schatten (post-doc)
Kenneth E. Prehoda Biochemistry19911997 John L. Markley (grad student)
Nicholas D. PrestonLimnology Biology, Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry2009 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Thomas J. Prestonchemical reaction dynamics Chemistry2012 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Bradley D. PrestonPathology, Biochemistry1983 Elizabeth Cavert Miller (grad student), James A. Miller (grad student)
Joshua L. PriceChemical Biology20032008 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
John E. PritchardGenetics, Botany Biology, Molecular Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture2005 Michael Havey (grad student)
Joe Prohaska Howard Ganther (post-doc)
Robert K. Prud'hommerheology and self-assembly of complex fluids1978 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
John P. PuccinelliMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2010 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Erik B. PufferBiomolecular recognition2007 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Curtis R PulliamInorganic& Analytical Chemistry1986 Lawrence F. Dahl (grad student)
Becca Putans Chemistry20082014 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Becca Putans
Wei QiaoMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry2008 David J. Eide (grad student)
Yu QiuGenomics, gene regulation, bacteria, bioinformatics, DNA chips, genome engineering2006 Frederick R. Blattner (grad student)
XiaoHua Qiudynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers2001 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Forrest Ward Quackenbush1937 William Harold Peterson (grad student)
Peter QuayleOrganometallics, Synthetic Methodology, Atom Transfer Reactions, Asymmetric Synthesis, Polymer Chemistry Barry M. Trost (post-doc)
Pablo A. QuijadaGenetics, Molecular Biology, Agronomy Agriculture, Plant Culture Agriculture2003 Thomas C. Osborn (grad student)
Beatriz H. Quinchia-RiosMolecular Biology2006 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Kevin James Quinn2000 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
David J. Quirk Department of Biochemistry1996 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Dallas L. RabensteinAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry1968 Richard Joseph Kula (grad student)
Murray RabinowitzBiochemistry, physiology David E. Green (post-doc)
Jesse C. Rabinowitzbiochemistry of folic acid1949 Esmond E. Snell (grad student)
Philipp W. RaessBiochemistry2007 Alan D. Attie (grad student)
Tami L. Ragusebiologically active polymers2005 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Donald T. RainesBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Oncology
Ronald T. Raineschemical biology, protein design and engineering, enzymology, biofuels
Summer M. RainesBiochemistry, Animal Physiology Biology, Nutrition2010 Alan D. Attie (grad student)
Senapathy RajagopalanProtein folding in the cell and Biomolecular spectroscopy2006 Silvia Cavagnero (grad student)
Prashant RajbhandariOncology, Biochemistry Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology2013 Elaine T. Alarid (grad student)
Uttam L. RajBhandaryTransfer RNAs, Protein Synthesis, Suppressor tRNAs, RNA-protein Interactions and Proteins Carrying Unnatural Amino Acids1964 H. Gobind Khorana (post-doc)
Manohary Rajendram Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Rajshekharpolymer 2011 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Scott R. RajskiPharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
John RalphWood Technology Agriculture, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Tangirala RamasarmaBiochemistry19571959 David E. Green (post-doc)
David M. RancourBiochemistry2000 Anant K. Menon (grad student)
Linda L. Randallprotein export in Escherichia coli1971 Charles G. Kurland (grad student)
N Rangarajan2015 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Koppaka Visweswara Raopharmacognosy1951 William Harold Peterson (grad student)
Andrew Rashoff2018 Peter W Lewis (grad student)
Nitin Rathorepolymer 2005 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Frank M. RaushelEnzymology1976 W. Wallace Cleland (grad student)
Ivan RaymentStructural Biology
Elizabeth A Raymond Caselle Biochemistry20162019 Alessandro Senes (post-doc)
Andrew V. Razgulinstudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems2009 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
M Thomas RecordProtein-nucleic acid interactions
Govardhan P. ReddyPolymer Physics, Biophysics2006 Arun Yethiraj (grad student), Arun Yethiraj (grad student)
Allam S. Reddypolymer 2010 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Joanne Redford Chemistry20092015 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
George H. ReedBiochemistry1968 Richard Joseph Kula (grad student)
Alan E. Reed Chemistrry1981 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Wilkins Reeve1940 Homer B. Adkins (grad student)
Keil J. RegehrMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2011 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Michael ReggelinPolymer chemistry, low- and high-molecular weight compounds for organic electronic applications, sulfoximines as chiral auxilliaries, ligands for asymmetric catalysis
Richard A. RegisterPolymeric materials1989 Stuart L. Cooper (grad student)
Tyler Reich2019 Peter W Lewis (grad student)
Hans J. ReichOrganic and organometallic chemistry Organolithium structure and reactivity NMR Spectroscopy Stereochemistry
Emily L. ReichertQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro2001 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
J Gregory ReidSynthetic Chemistry Chemistry19791983 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Amanda J. Reig (Brooks)2006 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Christy Remucal
Qin RenFood Science and Technology Agriculture2006 Kirk L. Parkin (grad student)
Milton H. Repollet-Pedrosa Chemistry20082014 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
Susan ReslewicMolecular and computational genomics2005 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
Jose A. RestituyoOrganic Chemistry2006 Scott R. Rajski (grad student)
Juan Manuel Restrepo-Florez2019 Christos T. Maravelias (post-doc)
Mark Reynoldsbioinorganic Chemistry Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
May Statler Reynolds1936 Helen Tracy Parsons (grad student), Harry Steenbock (grad student)
William S. ReznikoffBiochemical genetics; studies on the molecular mechanism of transposition
Meredith K. RhodesGeology, Geochemistry2002 Alan R. Carroll (grad student)
Marc Ribó19951995 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Demian Riccardicomputational chemistry and biophysics2006 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Robert Vernon Ricesmooth muscle, ultrastructural analysis19501954 Mark Arnold Stahmann (grad student)
Daniel H. Richaspartic protease
Charles Irvin Richclay mineralogy, soil chemistry, and soil-plant relationships1950 Emil Truog (grad student)
Oliver C. RichardsMolecular Biology2009 Alan D. Attie (grad student)
Michele R. Richards Chemistry19961998 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Mark A. Rickard2008 John C. Wright (grad student)
Will A. Rickeprostate cancer
Kimberly A. Rickertmaterials science2002 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Anna Tate RiegelOncology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology1983 Virgil Craig Jordan (grad student)
Sidney Riegelman1949 Louis W. Busse (grad student)
Reuben Dennis RiekeOrganic Chemistry1966 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
James H. RigbyHigher Order Cycloadditions1977 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Robert A. Riggleman2007 Paul F. Nealey (grad student), Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Jared Rigoli2014 Jennifer M. Schomaker (grad student)
Matthew L. RigsbyPalladium-Catalyzed Oxidation Chemistry Chemistry2013 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Albert Joyce Rikerplant pathology1922 Lewis Ralph Jones (grad student), George W. Keitt (grad student)
Nicholas M. RileyMass spectrometry, glycoproteomics, proteomics, PTMs, chemical biology, glycobiology Chemistry20122018 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Bradley R. Ringeisenreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films2000 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Edward Grant Rippiepharmacy1959 Takeru Higuchi (grad student)
Roberto Mario Risi Chemistry2013 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Thomas Ralph Rizzo1983 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Insoo Rocatalysis Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering20122017 James A. Dumesic (grad student), George W. Huber (grad student)
Caroline Roach Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Wayne RobargeSoil Science Agriculture, Atmospheric Science Physics, Biogeochemistry1975 Richard Boardman Corey (grad student), John Keith Syers (grad student)
Ian McLean Robertson
Whitney R. Robertson2003 Michael R. Sussman (grad student)
Andrew D. Robertson Biochemistry19851988 John L. Markley (grad student)
Seth L. RobiaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Physiology Biology2002 Jeffery William Walker (grad student)
Lucy C. RobinsonBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Genetics19891993 Michael R. Culbertson (post-doc)
Matthew L. Robison2008 Michael R. Sussman (grad student)
Mara E. Robuchemical reaction dynamics2003 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Dean RoddickInorganic, organometallic Chemistry19841985 Charles P. Casey (post-doc)
Rachel B. Rodrigues Biochemistry-ALS2013 Michael R. Sussman (grad student)
Juan B. Rodriguez MolinaTranscription and RNA processing Biochemistry20072014 Aseem Z. Ansari (grad student)
Jose A. Rodriguez-Martinezbiochemistry, genomics, chemical biology Aseem Z. Ansari (post-doc)
Jung-Hye Roe
Marek J. RogalAtmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry2009 Matthew H. Hitchman (grad student)
Michelle M. Rogers20022007 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Cynthia M. Rohdevitamins A and D2002 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Gerard A. Rohlichindustrial wastes, water supply problems, and lake and stream pollution1940 Lewis Hanford Kessler (grad student)
Yuriy Roman-Leshkovheterogeneous catalysts2008 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Artie Romeromedicinal chemistry Chemistry19791985 Barry M. Trost (grad student)
Nima Roohi SefidmazgiCivil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Civil & Environmental Engr2014 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Daniel J. RooneySoil Science Agriculture, Geotechnology2006 John M. Norman (grad student)
Thatcher W. Rootdiffusion in porous media
Tara L. RootEnvironmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Hydrology2005 Jean M. Bahr (grad student)
Teryl R. RoperHorticulture Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology, Soil Science Agriculture
Jennifer A. Roppmolecular structure and dynamics of liquids by NMR2002 Thomas Clark Farrar (grad student)
Kimberly A. Rosaaencatalysis involving transition metal complexes2002 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Natalia Rosario-Meléndez20182020 Mark J. Mandel (grad student)
David P. RoseClinical Oncology, Obesity
Saul Rosemanbacterial sugar transport1952 Karl Paul Link (grad student)
Marissa C. RosenOrganic Chemistry2006 Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
Tylor Rosera Environmental Chemistry and Technology20162019 James P. Hurley (grad student)
Mary J. Rosovitz2000 Glenn H. Chambliss (grad student)
Kerry L. RossNutrition, Molecular Biology2002 Richard S. Eisenstein (grad student)
Jeffrey Ross
James William Rosselectrochemistry1957 Irving Shain (grad student)
Frank Rossitto20132014 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (research scientist)
Craig A. Rossleeinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2003 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Marie M. Rothsynthetic organic chemistry1951 William Summer Johnson (grad student)
Roger M. RowellWood Technology Agriculture, Materials Science Engineering, Agricultural Chemistry
John S. RowlinsonPhysical chemistry Chemistry19501951 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (post-doc)
Robert Harvey RowndDNA replication control, molecular medicine
Michael Roy
Patricia Rubert-NasonComputational Surface Science and Catalysis Chemical Engineering2013 Manos Mavrikakis (grad student)
David J. RudelGenetics, Cell Biology, Zoology Biology2001 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Frederick Byron RudolphBiochemistry19711972 Henry A. Lardy (post-doc)
Ehren N. Rudolphvitamins A and D2007 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Laura Ruiz Espeltcatalytic methods for organic synthesis Chemistry2014 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Harold Paul Ruschcancer research1933 Walter J. Meek (grad student)
Harry Luman RussellDairy bacteriology1890 Edward A. Birge (research assistant)
Jason D. RussellBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics Chemistry2012 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Rose E. Ruthernanoscience, spectroscopy, energy storage Chemistry20082012 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
William J. RutterDNA transcription1954 Henry A. Lardy (post-doc)
Andrew P. RutterEnvironmental Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Analytical Chemistry2007 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Edward W. RutterElectronic materials Chemistry Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Michael D. RyanAnalytical chemistry, Multi-electron reactions Chemistry19691973 Dennis H. Evans (grad student)
Bradford L. RylandPalladium-Catalyzed Oxidation Chemistry Chemistry2013 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Mark Sacchetti1992 George D Zografi (grad student)
Eric K. SackmannMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health Materials Science2013 David J. Beebe (grad student)
William J. SacksAgronomy Agriculture, Atmospheric Sciences2010 Christopher J. Kucharik (grad student)
Richard Douglas SacksHigh Speed Gas Chromatography, Atomic Emission Spectroscopy 19651969 John P. Walters (grad student)
Jack D. Sadowskybiologically active polymers2006 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Somen Sahapolymer 2007 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Nita SahaiPhysical Chemistry, Geochemistry
Halil T. SahinWood Technology Agriculture, Materials Science Engineering2001 Raymond A. Young (grad student)
Joshua SakonBiochemistry1993 Hazel Marguerite Holden (grad student), Ivan Rayment (grad student)
Azita Saleki-Gerhardt1993 George D Zografi (grad student)
Robert G. SalomonBiochemistry, Chemical Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Bio-Organic Chemistry, Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology, Natural Products, Pharmacology, Synthesis19701971 Jerome A. Berson (grad student), Charles J Sih (post-doc)
Sudeep SamantaHydrology, Environmental Sciences, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture2005 Eric L. Kruger (grad student)
Joseph S. M. Samec Charles P. Casey (research assistant)
Lauren M. SammelFood Science and Technology Agriculture2005 James R. Claus (grad student)
Marco A. Sanchez-Castilloheterogeneous catalysts2003 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Jordan M. SandOncology2010 Ajit K. Verma (grad student)
Aaron W. SandersOrganic and organometallic chemistry Organolithium structure and reactivity NMR Spectroscopy Stereochemistry2001 Hans J. Reich (grad student)
Gregg R. SanfordAgronomy Agriculture, Soil Science Agriculture, Biogeochemistry Agronomy2012 Christopher J. Kucharik (grad student)
Michael SantiagoBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2009 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Thiago Santos Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Dhruv SareenBiochemistry, Pharmacology, Oncology2007 Arthur S. Polans (grad student)
Padubidri S. SarmaBiochemistry, nutrition1946 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Dipali G. SashitalRNA-protein interactions2006 Samuel Butcher (grad student)
Glenn Arthur Sather
Trey K. Sato
Donald J. Saunders Chemistry1940 James Henri Walton, Jr. (grad student)
Eric M. Saurer(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces2010 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Darilis Saurez-GonzalezMaterials Science Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2011 William Leo Murphy (grad student)
Tomohisa Sawada19841985 Gerald P. Schatten (post-doc)
Brij B. Saxenareproductive endocrinology Roland K. Meyer (grad student)
Richard J. Saykallylaser spectroscopy1977 R. Claude Woods (grad student)
Mark A. Scalfsurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2000 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Ryan J ScampOrganic chemistry Chemistry20122017 Jennifer M. Schomaker (grad student)
Jenifer M. Scancellavitamins A and D2006 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Christopher Charles ScarboroughInorganic, organometallic, and organic chemistry20032008 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Allen Schaen Geoscience20152019 Bradley S Singer (grad student)
Adam G. L Schafer2020 Ryan L. Stowe (post-doc)
Kevin L. SchalinskeNutrition, Biochemistry19921996 Robert Darryl Steele (grad student), Richard S. Eisenstein (post-doc)
Heinz Schalleranimal viruses H. Gobind Khorana (post-doc)
Bryant C. ScharenbrochSoil Science Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology2007 James G. Bockheim (grad student)
Ryan E. Schaub Medical Microbiology and Immunology Joseph P Dillard (post-doc)
James J. SchauerEnvironmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Analytical Chemistry
Alexander Scheelinenonlinear systems in the realms of chemical biology and materials, spectroscopic instrumentation, oscillating chemical reactions, ultrasonically-levitated drops, elemental analysis1978 John P. Walters (grad student)
John R. SchefferPhotochemistry1966 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Jay Donald Schieberpolymer physics, rheology, transport phenomena, multiscale modeling1989 R. Byron Bird (grad student)
Roberto SchimmentiComputational Chemistry, Catalysis, Surface Science
Paula J Schlax Chemistry19891994 M Thomas Record (grad student)
Sarah SchliemannEcology Biology, Soil Science Agriculture2011 James G. Bockheim (grad student)
Thomas A. Schmedakeorganosilicon chemistry2000 Robert C. West (grad student)
Claire M. SchmerbergBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Joshua J. SchmidtBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2007 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Jordan R. SchmidtComputational chemistry2006 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Margaret A. Schmittbiologically active polymers2005 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Andrew L. Schmittchemistry and physics of nanoscale materials Chemistry20092012 Song Jin (grad student), Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (post-doc)
Adam Schmitt
Adam K. Schmitt Chemistry20092014 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
Jennifer M. Schomakersynthesis of natural products and other useful molecules
Jeffrey S. Schowalter2004 John G. Webster (grad student)
John L. SchragRheology19671970 John Douglass Ferry (post-doc)
M. Eric Schranzplant genomics, phylogenomics, polyploidy Agronomy Biochemistry Plant Pathology19972003 Thomas C. Osborn (grad student), Richard M. Amasino (grad student), Robert M. Goodman (research assistant)
Henry D. SchreiberPhysical chemistry1976 Larry Allen Haskin (grad student)
Marcel SchreierElectrocatalysis Science, Electrochemical Interfaces
Joan W. Schroeder(i) biodegradable block copolymers and block copolymer surfactants, (ii) bulk, thin film, and lyotropic phase behavior of polydisperse block copolymers, and (iii) media for selective chemical transport derived from surfactant self-assembly Chemistry20072012 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
Brock E. Schroeder19972001 Ann Elizabeth Kelley (grad student)
Laurie A. Schubertvitamins A and D2002 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Henry August SchuetteFood chemistry, biochemistry1916 Edward A. Birge (grad student)
Amber L. SchuhBiochemistry, Cell Biology, General Biophysics Biomolecular Chemistry2013 Anjon Audhya (grad student)
L. Wayne Schultz19951999 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Kevin P. Schultz2008 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Danielle Schultz Chemistry20122014 Tehshik P. Yoon (post-doc)
Max Otto SchultzeBiochemistry1936 Conrad (Arnold) Elvehjem (grad student)
Michael C. Schuster2002 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
David Israel Schusterorganic chemistry1961 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (post-doc)
Naviya R Schuster-Littlebottom-up proteomics, mass spectrometry Chemistry2024 Lloyd M. Smith (post-doc)
Thomas J SchwartzHeterogeneous Catalysis2015 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Johanna J. SchwartzPolymer Chemistry, Mechanochemistry, Additive Manufacturing Chemistry20142019 Andrew J. Boydston (grad student)
David C. SchwartzMolecular and computational genomics
Phillip A. SchwartzMechanisms of enzyme and coenzyme action; stereochemistry and mechanisms of phospho- and nucleotidyl transferase action; structure and function of multienzyme complexes2006 Perry A. Frey (grad student)
Cara E. Schwarz Chemistry2020 Ryan L. Stowe (grad student)
Udo SchwertmannSoil Science1962 Marion LeRoy Jackson (post-doc)
Marie K. Schwinnvitamins A and D2006 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Donald H. Secrestdynamics of van der Waals molecules1961 Joseph O. Hirschfelder (grad student)
Angela W. SeeNutrition2008 Margaret Clagett-Dame (grad student)
Ashok SekharProtein folding in the cell and Biomolecular spectroscopy2011 Silvia Cavagnero (grad student)
Rachel S. Selinskychemistry and physics of nanoscale materials Chemistry2012 Song Jin (grad student)
Bruce R. Selman
Pamela S. Semrad-DoolittleMicrowave spectroscopy2000 R. Claude Woods (grad student)
Julie Senecoff Biochemistry1987 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Alessandro SenesStructural biology
Pasupati SenguptaSynthetic organic chemistry, natural products chemistry19541956 Alfred L. Wilds (post-doc)
Seyed H. Seradjsynthesis of natural products2009 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Arnaldo L. SerranoPhysical and Biological Chemistry20132017 Martin T. Zanni (post-doc)
Nancy E. Severpolymer 2002 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Robert R. Severheterogeneous catalysts2003 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Hannah Sevianchemistry education19871992 James L. Skinner (grad student)
John W. Shabakerheterogeneous catalysts2004 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Christopher J. Shafferunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2010 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Alex ShaginianOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2005 Peter J. Belshaw (grad student)
Neerav M. Shahaspartic protease2003 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Rahul R. Shahinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2000 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Irving Shainelectrochemistry
Bassam Z. Shakhashirichemistry and science education
Sheri L. Shamblin1997 George D Zografi (grad student)
Maurice Shamma Chemistry1955 Eugene van Tamelen (grad student)
Lu Shangnanoscience2007 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Isaiah ShavittComputational quantum chemistry Physics Joseph O. Hirschfelder (post-doc)
Gillian Shaw Donald J. Zack (grad student)
Aubie K. Shawprostate cancer2007 Wade A. Bushman (grad student)
Rebecca J. SheesleyEnvironmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Toxicology2004 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Cunxi ShenFood Science and Technology Agriculture2001 Kirk L. Parkin (grad student)
Macy M. ShenNutrition Nutritional Sciences2013 Richard S. Eisenstein (grad student)
Meihua Shen20082009 Tehshik P. Yoon (post-doc)
Qingtao Shencryo-EM, translocons MCB20122014 Anjon Audhya (post-doc)
Ben ShenNatural Product Biosynthesis Charles Richard Hutchinson (post-doc)
Leonid Shepschemical reaction dynamics2005 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Nicholas C. SheraMolecular and computational genomics2008 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
Jack A. ShereMicrobiology Biology, Animal Pathology Agriculture2001 Charles W. Kaspar (grad student)
Robert D. Sheredastructure, DNA replication Biomolecular Chemistry20032008 James L. Keck (grad student)
Rachael T. SheridanBiomolecular recognition Biochemistry-ALS2013 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
James Morgan Shermanbacteriology1916 Edwin George Hastings (grad student)
Albert ShermanTheoretical Chemistry John H. van Vleck (post-doc), Farrington Daniels (post-doc)
Gloria M. Sheynkmansurface chemistry, mass spectrometry Chemistry2014 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Liang ShiTheoretical and Computational Chemistry20092014 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Frederick E. ShidemanPharmacology1941 Maurice H. Seevers (grad student)
Martin L. ShieldsGeology, Geophysics2005 Alan R. Carroll (grad student)
Sang-Hee Shim2D IR spectroscopy2008 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Jason Y. Shininterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2001 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Younghee Shinbiologically active polymers Chemistry2015 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Kazuhiko ShinkiBiophysics2010 He Zhang (grad student)
Troy R. ShirangiMolecular Genetics, Neuroscience, Development, Evolution20072010 Sean B. Carroll (post-doc)
Justin M. ShorbChemical education2011 John W. Moore (grad student)
Matthew D. Shouldersproteome repair2009 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Edwin L. Sibertdynamics of highly excited polyatomic molecules in the gas and liquid phase
Gurnimrat (Nimu) Sidhu Biochemistry Samuel Butcher (grad student)
Frank Leonard Siegel
Kellee R. SiegfriedGenetics, Molecular Biology2003 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Philip SiekevitzMolecular biology of PSDs19511954 Van Rensselaer Potter (post-doc)
Charles J Sihenzymatic catalyses to prepare enantiomerically-pure compounds; total synthesis of natural products; biosynthesis of vancomycin; and enzymatic mechanism of thyroxine biosynthesis1958 Stanley G. Knight (grad student)
Zana Sijan Environmental Chemistry and Technology20122014 James P. Hurley (grad student)
Robert J. Silbeyenergy and electron transfer Joseph O. Hirschfelder (post-doc)
Douglass R. Sillarscatalysis involving transition metal complexes2003 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Mauricio Silva BaptistaMoléculas Fotoativas e Interfaces, Métodos Óticos de Análise em Bioquímica, Mecanismo de ação de bioativos
Ken Simmonsstudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
Anthony P. SimonelliPharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry1960 Takeru Higuchi (grad student)
Dante A. Simonettiheterogeneous catalysts2008 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Jack P. SimonsTheoretical Chemistry1970 John Edward Harriman (grad student)
Bradley S. SingerGeology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy
Bradley S Singergeochronology geochemistry petrology
Steven W. Singerorganometallic chemistry2001 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Sadanand Singhpolymer Chemical Engineering2013 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Justin J. Skaifeinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2001 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
John T. SkinnerOrganic chemistry1932 William Harold Peterson (grad student), Harry Steenbock (grad student)
James L. Skinnerstatistical mechanics to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems
Folke Karl Skoogplant hormones
Kazimer L. Skubiorganic chemistry, methodology, radicals Chemistry20112017 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Jennifer N. Slaughterstudies of non-covalent interactions and the application of the resulting findings to biochemical and biomedical problems2006 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
Marek K. SliwinskiMicrobiology Biology, Plant Pathology Agriculture, Ecology Biology2003 Robert M. Goodman (grad student)
Michael J. SmanskiNatural Product Biosynthesis2011 Ben Shen (grad student)
Edward Ervin Smissmannatural products, synthetic chemistry1952 Eugene van Tamelen (grad student)
Aaron T. Smithbioinorganic chemistry, structural biology, spectroscopy Chemistry20072012 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Michael Elliot Smith2007 Alan R. Carroll (grad student), Bradley S. Singer (grad student)
Laura J SmithOrganic, organometallic Chemistry19851989 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Brian C Smithacetylation, bromodomains, sirtuins Chemistry20032009 John M. Denu (grad student)
Bryan D. Smith2006 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
George P. SmithMolecular imaging of cancer through phage display19701975 Oliver Smithies (post-doc)
Emily A. Smith2003 Robert M. Corn (grad student)
Thor L Smith1948 John Douglass Ferry (grad student)
Elizabeth A Smithbiophysics, computer vision, medical imaging
Nickolaus A. Smithmaterials science2005 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Lloyd M. Smithsurface chemistry, mass spectrometry
J. Harold Smith1941 Farrington Daniels (grad student)
Oliver Smithiesgenetics1954 John Warren Williams (post-doc)
Esmond E. Snellvitamins, antivitamins, and growth factors1938 William Harold Peterson (grad student)
Robert F. SniderKinetic theory of gases; collisions of nonspherical molecules; transport properties; relaxation theory1958 Charles F. Curtiss (grad student)
Joshua J. SnowCell Biology2011 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Pablo Sobradoenzymology of flavoenzymes20042007 Brian G. Fox (research scientist)
Kem A. SochackiQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro2011 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Matthew B. SoellnerSelective Protease Substrates, Substrate-competitive Kinase Inhibitors, Peptidomimetics for Disruption of Protein-Protein Interactions2005 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Theodore D Sokoloski1961 Takeru Higuchi (grad student)
Kenneth A. SolenBiomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry1974 Edwin N. Lightfoot (grad student)
Hans-Dieter Söling1967 Henry C. Pitot (research scientist)
Dieter Söllaminoacyl-tRNA19651967 H. Gobind Khorana (post-doc), Jack L. Strominger (research scientist)
Julie A. SommerMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Pharmacology2001 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Hugo Henry Sommer1922 Edwin B. Hart (grad student)
Ekasith SomsookInorganic Chemistry19952001 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Chang Yun SonComputational Chemistry, Biophysics, Energy Materials Chemistry Chemistry20122017 Arun Yethiraj (grad student), Qiang Cui (grad student)
Minjung SonPhysical Chemistry Chemistry20202023 Martin T. Zanni (post-doc)
Tiancheng Song Department of Physics20162021 Xiaodong Xu (grad student)
Zhen-Lei Song20052008 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Jikui SongNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biochemistry19932002 John L. Markley (grad student)
Gregory P. Sorenson(i) biodegradable block copolymers and block copolymer surfactants, (ii) bulk, thin film, and lyotropic phase behavior of polydisperse block copolymers, and (iii) media for selective chemical transport derived from surfactant self-assembly Chemistry20082013 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
Ronald B. Sorianosolid state inorganic materials, organic polymeric materials Chemistry Thomas A. Schmedake (grad student)
Elena P. SorokinHuman Development, Genetics, Molecular Biology Cellular and Molecular Bio2014 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
C. Harvey Sorum1927 Francis Craig Krauskopf (grad student), James Henri Walton, Jr. (grad student)
Frank W. Speetjens, Chemistry20102015 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
Thomas A. SpencerOrganic synthesis, bioorganic chemistry, enzyme mechanisms1960 Eugene van Tamelen (grad student)
Stephen H. Spiegelberg19841988 Stuart L. Cooper (research assistant)
Rebecca A. Splain20052011 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Edward Spoerl1947 John Thomas Curtis (grad student)
James M. Sprague Chemistry19301934 Homer B. Adkins (grad student)
Stephen R. SprangStructural Biology and Biochemistry: Biological Signal Transduction1977 Muttaiya (Sunda) Sundaralingam (grad student)
Peyton Spreacker Biochemistry20172022 Katherine Henzler-Wildman (grad student)
Michael W. Sraciceuropium contrast agents2011 Matthew J. Allen (grad student)
Vidya R. SridharFood Science and Technology Agriculture2003 James L. Steele (grad student)
Sudheer S. SridharamurthyElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2007 Hongrui Jiang (grad student)
Onsiri SrikunPharmaceutical Chemistry2005 Charles T. Lauhon (grad student)
Timothy E. StaceyGeneral Chemistry Chemistry20082013 Daniel C. Fredrickson (grad student)
Sarah M. StackpooleHorticulture Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology, Soil Science Agriculture2008 Randy Jackson (grad student)
Danielle M. Stacy Chemistry2013 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Shannon S. StahlPalladium-Catalyzed Oxidation Chemistry
Mark Arnold Stahmannplant disease resistance, polypeptides, polyamino acids, and proteins, mustard gases, and insecticides1941 Karl Paul Link (grad student)
Tyler H StanageDNA replication, DNA recombination, DNA repair Biochemistry2013 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Jean M. Standardtheoretical and computational chemistry Department of Chemistry19821987 Phillip R. Certain (grad student)
Vitali Stanevich Biophysics20082013 Yongna Xing (grad student)
Brynne C. Stantonfungal development and virulence2009 Christina M. Hull (grad student)
David W. StapleBiochemistry2006 Samuel Butcher (grad student)
Nicholas Staudaher Chemistry20172020 Clark R. Landis (post-doc)
Mark W. Staudtfungal development and virulence2009 Christina M. Hull (grad student)
P. Ryan SteedBiochemistry2010 Robert Harley Fillingame (grad student)
John K. Steehlerspectroscopy1984 John C. Wright (grad student)
James L. SteeleFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Biochemistry
Robert Darryl Steele1978 Norlin Jay Benevenga (grad student)
Harry Steenbockvitamin D1916 Edwin B. Hart (grad student)
Tammo S. SteenhuisEnvironmental Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Biogeochemistry1977 James Clarence Converse (grad student)
Bradley A. SteinhoffPalladium-Catalyzed Oxidation Chemistry2005 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Brad Steinhoff Chemistry20002005 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Jay D. Steinkrugerbiologically active polymers Chemistry2012 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Nikeisha Stephenson20052011 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Nickeisha A. StephensonPalladium-Catalyzed Oxidation Chemistry2011 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Daniel J. StevensBiochemistry
Calvin L. Stevens1947 Samuel M. McElvain (grad student)
Warren E. Stewartmathematical and computational methods for modeling chemical phenomena and chemical processes
Troy A. Stich2005 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Matthew Stilwell Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Willbur D. StitesSoil Science Agriculture, Hydrology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Environmental Sciences2000 James G. Bockheim (grad student)
Brian J. StockmanProtein NMR, NMR screening19851989 John L. Markley (grad student)
Jonathan P. StoehrGenetics, Biostatistics Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Pathology2002 Alan D. Attie (grad student)
Suzanne S StokesOrganic synthesis, medicinal chemistry Chemistry19941999 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Christopher G. Stoltzpolymer 2006 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Gilbert Storksynthesis and synthetic methods1945 Samuel M. McElvain (grad student)
Barbara A. StoutCell Biology, Immunology2003 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Ryan L. StoweChemistry Education Research
Mark P. Stoykovich2007 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
David B. Strasfeld2D IR spectroscopy2009 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Jeremy A. Streifernanoscience2008 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Eric R. StrieterChemistry and Biology of Protein Ubiquitination and Degradation
Joseph (Joey) R. Stringersynthesis of biologically active molecules2010 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (grad student)
Laura E. StrongBiomolecular recognition2000 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Frank M. Strong1932 Samuel M. McElvain (grad student)
Dorothy Hussemann Strongfood-borne illnesses
Todd C. Strothersurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2001 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Neil A. Strotmanorganometallic chemistry2005 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Lindsay StrotmanMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health Biomedical Engineering2014 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Charles E. Strouseporphyrin-based clathrates1969 Lawrence F. Dahl (grad student)
Joey M. StudtsBiochemical, catalytic, and spectroscopic studies of redox active enzymes; protein engineering2000 Brian G. Fox (grad student)
Karl O. Stuen2009 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Stephen L. SturleyEpidemiology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Alan D. Attie (post-doc)
Robert M. SturmBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Chemistry2012 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Xingping Susurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2004 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Yang SuInorganic Chemistry, Metal-Organic Framework, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design Chemistry2014 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Joe W. SuPharmaceutical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2008 Ronald R. Burnette (grad student)
Lalita SubramanianBiochemistry, Oncology, Molecular Biology2005 Arthur S. Polans (grad student)
Alison M. Suess Chemistry20082013 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Nayoung SuhBiochemistry2007 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Sung-Eun SuhOrganic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry20172021 Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Chanokporn Sukonpanaspartic protease2002 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Hei Sook SulBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1973 Hellen Martha Linkswiler (grad student)
Patrick Sullivan2019 Dawei Feng (grad student)
Amadeu K. SumWater science, gas hydrates, flow assurance, multiphase flow, molecular thermodynamics Chemical Engineering20012004 Juan J. de Pablo (post-doc)
William C. SummersHistory of molecular biology1967 Wacław Szybalski (grad student)
Ye SunOrganic Materials2010 Lian Yu (grad student)
Hongyu Sun2007 John G. Webster (grad student)
Muttaiya (Sunda) SundaralingamX-ray Crystallography
Bong June J. SungPhysical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Polymer Physics, Materials Physics, Biophysics20012006 Arun Yethiraj (grad student), Arun Yethiraj (grad student)
Michael R. Sussmanplasma membrane signaling
John W. SuttieVitamin K1960 Paul H. Phillips (grad student)
Yohey SuzukiMineralogy, environmental geochemistry, geomicrobiology, and nanogeoscience2002 Jillian F. Banfield (grad student)
Deborah L. SwackhamerEnvironmental Sciences, Limnology Biology, Biogeochemistry David E. Armstrong (grad student)
Danielle L. SwaneyBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics2009 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Susan K. SwansonGeology, Hydrology2001 Jean M. Bahr (grad student)
Daniel P. SweatPolymer Synthesis Chemistry2014 Padma Gopalan (grad student)
Nadiya SydorenkoNatural Product Synthesis2007 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
John Keith Syers Soil Science1966 Marion LeRoy Jackson (post-doc)
Faisal A. Syudbiologically active polymers2001 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Jeannine R. Szczechchemistry and physics of nanoscale materials2010 Song Jin (grad student)
Wacław Szybalski
Hassan A. TabatabaeeCivil Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Applied Mechanics Civil & Environmental Engr2012 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Douglass F. Taber Stereoselective synthesis of natural products; New methods in synthetic organic chemistry; Computational organometa llic chemistry19741975 Barry M. Trost (post-doc)
Daniel P. TaborTheoretical Chemistry, Materials Discovery, Spectroscopy Chemistry2016 Edwin L. Sibert (grad student)
Craig J. Tainterstatistical mechanics to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed phase systems Chemistry2012 James L. Skinner (grad student)
Yftah Tal-Gan20112014 Helen Elizabeth Blackwell (post-doc)
Lizhen TanMaterials Science Engineering2003 Wendy C. Crone (grad student)
Yi Z. Tannanoscience Chemistry2013 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Lie N. Taninterfacial phenomena and complex fluids Chemical Engineering2014 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Kanokwan TandeeFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Microbiology Biology Food Science2013 James L. Steele (grad student)
Kuo-Hsiang TangMechanisms of enzyme and coenzyme action; stereochemistry and mechanisms of phospho- and nucleotidyl transferase action; structure and function of multienzyme complexes2002 Perry A. Frey (grad student)
Chanchana Tangwongsan2003 John G. Webster (grad student)
Champ Bean Tannerevaporation and transpiration from plants and soil1950 Marion LeRoy Jackson (grad student), Edward Ernst Miller (grad student)
John E. Tanner, Jr.Physical chemistry1966 Edward O. Stejskal (grad student)
Jing TaoOrganic Materials2009 Lian Yu (grad student)
Bruce John TatarchukChemical Engineering, Energy, Analytical Chemistry1981 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Walapa Tatong1985 John H. Block (grad student)
Edward Tatum1934 William Harold Peterson (grad student), Edwin Broun Fred (grad student)
Palmer W. Taylorstructure, recognition capacity, and regulation of expression of proteins governing neurotransmission in cholinergic synapses1965 Dale Erwin Wurster (grad student)
Michael R. TaylorZebrafish genetics, blood-brain barrier
James W. Tayloranalytical measurements and instrumentation, reactions of species at surfaces and interfaces, reactions and control of photoresist reactions, etching reactions and mechanisms related to microcircuit fabrication
Wayne Emery TaylorRibosome structure, RNA polymerase transcription, yeast ADH zinc-finger txn factor ADR1, protein-DNA binding, androgen testosterone signaling, mesenchymal stem cell differentiation to fat or muscle Oncology, McArdle Lab19751983 Richard R. Burgess (grad student)
Brian P. TeagueMolecular and computational genomics Cellular & Molecular Bio-LS2012 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
Mark A. Teetersdiffusion in porous media2003 Thatcher W. Root (grad student)
Ana I. Teixeira2003 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Howard M. Temin
Barbra M. Templer Department of Biochemistry1998 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Jinfeng Teng Ching Fang (post-doc)
Peng Teng Pharmacy2019 Weiping Tang (research scientist)
Thomas R. TephlyToxicology1962 Gilbert J. Mannering (grad student)
Ashleigh Thebergemetabolomic analysis Urology Urology20112014 David J. Beebe (post-doc), Will A. Ricke (post-doc), Wade A. Bushman (post-doc)
Steven M. ThegBiochemistry, Cell Biology Biochemistry Botany19861988 Bruce R. Selman (post-doc), Kenneth Keegstra (post-doc)
Cassandra M. Theusch2010 Cynthia Czajkowski (grad student)
George Thodosheat and mass transfer, thermodynamic and transport properties, and solar energy1943 Olaf A. Hougen (grad student)
Nathan Thomas Biochemistry Katherine Henzler-Wildman (grad student)
Phillip S. Thomas Chemistry20022007 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
William D. ThomasBiomolecular recognition2003 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
David H. ThompsonLiposomes1974 John T. Emlen (grad student)
Thomas B. ThompsonStructural Biology, TGFbeta signaling2000 Ivan Rayment (grad student)
Beth E. ThompsonGenetics, Molecular Biology, Physiology Biology2006 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
James E. Thompson Department of Biochemistry1995 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
John Thorson
Courtney T. Thuraudynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers2002 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Budalur S. ThyagarajanOrganic chemistry, natural products chemistry, Claisen rearrangements, heterocyclics19581959 S. Morris Kupchan (post-doc)
Joshua R. TietjenRegulation of gene expression at the interface of chemistry, biology and genomics2011 Aseem Z. Ansari (grad student)
George H. TimmerStructure and Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds Chemistry2012 John Berry (grad student)
Vitality Timokhin20102011 Jennifer M. Schomaker (post-doc)
Matthew L. Tingeyinterfacial phenomena and complex fluids2005 Nicholas L. Abbott (grad student)
Ignacio TinocoBiophysical Chemistry, Nucleic Acids, Single Molecules1954 John Douglass Ferry (grad student)
Brian M. TissueAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry1988 John C. Wright (grad student)
Elizabeth J. Tocce2011 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Gregory N. Toepperweinpolymer Chemical Engineering2012 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Laren TolbertBiochemistry1975 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
N. Edward Tolbertplant metabolism1950 Robert H. Burris (grad student)
Janice H. Tomasikcatalysis involving transition metal complexes2007 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Adam C. Tomasikorganosilicon chemistry2008 Robert C. West (grad student)
Elizabeth Tomaszewski Matthew A. Ginder-Vogel (grad student)
Giangthy N. TonPharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2004 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Ping TongPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy2000 George D Zografi (grad student)
Lei TongChromatin and epigenetics2009 John M. Denu (grad student)
Ian Albert TonksOrganometallic Chemistry20122013 Clark R. Landis (post-doc)
Marco Torelli Chemistry20092015 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Guillermo Toriz-GonzalezMaterials Science Engineering, Wood Technology Agriculture2000 Raymond A. Young (grad student)
William Edward Tottingham
Paul M. Treichel
Maik Tretbar Chemistry20132014 Jennifer M. Schomaker (post-doc)
Dwight A. Trieberelectron transfer reactions2000 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Rishi Trivedi Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Barry M. Trostorganic synthesis
Dagmar M. Truckses Biochemistry19911998 John L. Markley (grad student)
Emil Truog1912 Andrew Robeson Whitson (grad student)
Jang-Zern Tsai2001 John G. Webster (grad student)
Kiu-Yuen Tsenanoscience2007 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Ta-Sheng A. TsengBioinorganic Chemistry, Allostery in Gas Sensing Metalloproteins, Metallosensor design2002 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Sheng TuPharmacy2010 Ronald R. Burnette (grad student)
Trisha Tucholski Chemistry20152020 Ying Ge (grad student)
William B TuckerDrug delivery Chemistry2015 Sandro Mecozzi (grad student)
Mark H. Tuckerheterogeneous catalysts2011 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Ward C. Tuckermembrane fusion, clostridial neurotoxins20022006 Edwin R. Chapman (post-doc)
Stephen A. TumaszGeneral Biophysics, Molecular Biology2011 Samuel Butcher (grad student)
Jon A. TungeOrganic chemistry2002 Charles P. Casey (post-doc)
Supan Tungjitkusolmun2000 John G. Webster (grad student)
Yevgeniya TurovStructure and Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds Chemistry2012 John Berry (grad student)
Hannah Tuson Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Jack TwiltonOrganic Chemistry2019 Shannon S. Stahl (post-doc)
Elizabeth L. Tyson Chemistry20082013 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Alexander Tzagoloffmitochondria David E. Green (post-doc)
Joshua A. UdallAgronomy Agriculture, Genetics2003 Thomas C. Osborn (grad student)
Arthur Hoyt UhlPharmacy1930 Edward Kremers (grad student)
Wayne William UmbreitBacteriologist1939 Perry William Wilson (grad student)
Scott Umlauf Biochemistry1990 Michael Matthew Cox (grad student)
Eric Underbakke2008 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Arthur L. Utzheterogeneous catalysis1991 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Surasi Vadhanavikit Howard Ganther (post-doc)
Richard R. VaillancourtBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Pharmacology19861992 Arnold E Ruoho (grad student)
Ronak VakilPharmacy2006 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Stacy M. ValkenaarImmunology2010 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Ellen M. ValkevichChemistry and Biology of Protein Ubiquitination and Degradation Chemistry2015 Eric R. Strieter (grad student)
Gary E. ValladPlant Pathology Agriculture, Soil Science Agriculture, Microbiology Biology2003 Robert M. Goodman (grad student)
Richard B. ValleeAxonal transport, Neural development, Dynein Gary G. Borisy (post-doc)
Jana M. Van AlstineGeology, Sedimentary Geology, Plate Tectonics2010 Alan R. Carroll (grad student)
Lynn Van Campen1981 George D Zografi (grad student)
Matthew C. Van de BogertLimnology Biology, Ecology Biology2011 Stephen Russell Carpenter (grad student)
Johan Hubert van de Sande1970 H. Gobind Khorana (post-doc)
Katherine M. Van Heuvelen2009 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Kensal E. van Holde the structure of chromatin and the structure and function of hemocyanins1952 John Warren Williams (grad student)
Reid C. Van Lehn
Thomas R. Van Oosbree Department of Biochemistry20112012 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc), Gerald Conrad Mueller (grad student)
Hal Van Ryswyk Chemistry19841986 Arthur B. Ellis (grad student)
Eugene van Tamelen
Kevin L. Van Workumpolymer 2002 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Priscilla M. Van WynsbergheRNA replication, gene expression/regulation2007 Paul Gerald Ahlquist (grad student)
Adam Van Wynsberghecomputational chemistry and biophysics2007 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Kirk A. Vander Meulen2007 M Thomas Record (grad student)
Brett S. VanVeller20112014 Ronald T. Raines (post-doc)
Aparna VasanthaumarNutrition2007 Richard S. Eisenstein (grad student)
James D. Vasta Department of Biochemistry2015 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Worth E. Vaughandielectric behavior
Edwin Vedejsorganic synthesis1966 Hans Heinrich Muxfeldt (grad student)
Vincenzo Venditti Biochemistry Samuel Butcher (grad student)
Juan Venegas Chemical Engineering20142019 Ive Hermans (grad student)
Ajit K. VermaOncology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research1976 Roswell K. Boutwell (post-doc)
Martha M. Vestling
Christopher Luke Viall2013 Hannah E. Bowman (research assistant)
Donald Vineyard Civil and Environmental Engineering Phillip Barak (grad student)
Anastasiya Vinokur20122017 Daniel C. Fredrickson (grad student)
Ronald E. ViolaBiochemistry Biochemistry19771979 W. Wallace Cleland (post-doc)
Eric A. Voightsynthesis of natural products2004 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Norman James VolkSoil Science1932 Emil Truog (grad student), Richard Conrad Emmons (grad student)
Erika von SchneidemesserGeochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences2009 James J. Schauer (grad student)
Thomas E. Vosorganometallic chemistry2002 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Elizabeth H. VuTranscriptional regulation in DNA tumor viruses and breast cancer2007 Janet E. Mertz (grad student)
Elise K. WagnerChromatin and epigenetics Biomolecular Chemistry2013 John M. Denu (grad student)
R Gerry WakeBacterial Cell division19581959 Robert Lesh Baldwin (post-doc)
Salih J. Wakilfatty acid metabolism and the metabolic syndrome David E. Green (post-doc)
Claire Ellen WalczakCell Biology, Molecular Biology1993 David Lee Nelson (grad student)
Grover Waldrop W. Wallace Cleland (post-doc)
Peter K Walhoutphysical Chemistry Mark D. Ediger (post-doc)
William F. Walkenhorst Biochemistry19861993 John L. Markley (grad student)
Glenn M. WalkerMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2002 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Rob Walker1995 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Christian WallenSecond-sphere hydrogen bonding Chemistry20172020 John Berry (post-doc)
Colin T. WallingGeology, Geochemistry2010 Alan R. Carroll (grad student)
Donal A. Walsh1966 H. James Sallach (grad student)
John P. Walters
James Henri Walton, Jr.
Ken Walzelectric vehicles, batteries, environmental science20012006 Marc A. Anderson (grad student)
Haoyuan WangOrganic Chemistry; Chemical Biology; Cancer Biology Chemistry/Pharmacy20122017 Weiping Tang (grad student)
Dian Wangorganic chemistry; catalysis Chemistry20112017 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Liya WangNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biophysics20032006 John L. Markley (grad student)
Pengfei Wangorganic photochemistry2002 Howard Elliot Zimmerman (grad student)
Liaoteng WangBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2002 Judith E. Kimble (grad student)
Liman Wangsurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2001 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Xiaoyu Wangnanoscience2010 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Yajun Wang Chemistry19911996 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Lu WangBiophysical and computational chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20072012 James L. Skinner (grad student), Martin T. Zanni (collaborator)
Chenxuan WangBiophysics the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering the Department of Chemistry20132018 Nicholas L. Abbott (post-doc), Samuel H. Gellman (post-doc)
Owen A WarmuthProtein NMR. Integration of Cryo-EM and Solid-State NMR. Method and software development. Microbiology and protein purification. Biochemistry2021 Chad M. Rienstra (grad student)
Edgar William Warnhoff Chemistry1953 William Summer Johnson (grad student)
Jay W. WarrickMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2011 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Karen M. Wassarmansmall RNAs
David I Watkins
Stephen F. Watkins Chemistry Lawrence F. Dahl (grad student)
Rex W. Watkins Department of Biochemistry2010 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Olivia E. Watkins2012 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Avery L. Watkinscatalysis involving transition metal complexes2010 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
Kenneth M. Watson1929 Otto Louis Kowalke (grad student)
James A Watson JrIodotyrosine Deiodinase Pharmaceutical Sciences20062009 John Thorson (post-doc)
Ramchandra M. Watweheterogeneous catalysts2000 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Cale Weatherly Chemistry20102015 Jennifer M. Schomaker (grad student)
Brian R Weaver Chemsitry2018 Judith N. Burstyn (grad student)
Michael N. Weaver2006 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
Ryan L. Weber Chemistry20082013 Mahesh K. Mahanthappa (grad student)
John G. Webster
Joseph E. Wedekindx-ray crystallography, ncRNA structure, APOBEC3G1995 Ivan Rayment (grad student)
Yonggang WeiNatural Product Synthesis2010 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Douglas B. WeibelBiosynthesis of biologically active natural products
Kevin P. Weidkampnanoscience2005 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Ronen Weingartenheterogeneous catalysts Chemical Engineering2014 George W. Huber (grad student)
Frank Albert Weinholdphysical chemistry, bonding theory
Adam B. WeinsteinPalladium-Catalyzed Oxidation Chemistry Chemistry2014 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Robert B. Weinstock Chemistry1983 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Christoph F. WeiseQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro2003 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Gary R. Weismanorganic chemistry, amines and derivatives, ligand design and synthesis Chemistry19711976 Stephen F. Nelsen (grad student)
James C. WeisshaarQuantitative fluorescence microscopy in vivo and in vitro
Daniel J. WeixNew catalytic methods for organic synthesis
Adam M. Welander2009 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Rachel L. WellerOrganic Chemistry2006 Scott R. Rajski (grad student)
William Wood Wellsmetabolism of steroids, phosphoinositides and vitamin C1955 Carl A. Baumann (grad student)
Robert D. WellsDNA Structure, Triplet Repeats and Hereditary Neurological Diseases19641966 H. Gobind Khorana (post-doc)
Zhi WenRNA replication, gene expression/regulation2011 Paul Gerald Ahlquist (grad student)
Alison E. Wendlandt Chemistry20102015 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Mark A. Wendt Chemistry1996 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Craig D. WengerBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics2011 Joshua J. Coon (grad student)
Cody J. Wenthur
Elizabeth A. Wernervitamins A and D2001 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Gary Wesenberg Chemistry1978 Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Sarah R. Wessel Biomolecular Chemistry20102015 James L. Keck (grad student)
Frederick Glenn WestSynthetic Organic, PET Imaging, Biomass Conversion19801986 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Robert C. Westorganosilicon chemistry
Ryan M. Westheterogeneous catalysts2009 James A. Dumesic (grad student)
Christopher W. Westaspartic protease2000 Daniel H. Rich (grad student)
Donald Burton WetlauferPhysical biochemistry1954 Mark Arnold Stahmann (grad student)
Joseph Arthur WeybrewTobacco chemistry1942 Benjamin Minge Duggar (grad student)
Garrett P WheelerElectrochemistry, Renewable Energy, Water Splitting, Batteries Chemistry20132018 Kyoung-Shin Choi (grad student)
Jamie Wheeler Chemistry20092015 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Deric L. WheelerOncology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry2004 Ajit K. Verma (grad student)
Daniel J. WherrittNMR, plant biology20102012 Hans J. Reich (post-doc), Laura Lee Kiessling (research assistant)
Katherine R. Whitakerdynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers Chemistry2013 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Curtis White Laura J Smith (grad student)
Frederick A. WhiteEnvironmental acoustics, mass spectrometry, ion physics1960 Erwin N. Hiebert (grad student), Aaron John Ihde (grad student)
Howard William Whitlockorganic synthesis1961 William Summer Johnson (grad student)
Andrew Robeson Whitson1901 Franklin Hiram King (research scientist)
Lynn Daryl Whittig1954 Marion LeRoy Jackson (grad student)
Ross A. Widenhoeferorganotransition metal catalysis1994 Charles P. Casey (grad student)
Susanna Leigh Widicus WeaverAstrochemistry
Justin P. Wiensreactions at the surfaces of pure liquids, solutions, and monolayer films Chemistry2013 Gilbert M. Nathanson (grad student)
Christiane WieseBiochemistry
Edwin Odde WiigPhysical Chemistry. Nuclear chemistry; photochemistry and reaction kinetics; radiation chemistry; gaseous adsorption1927 James Henri Walton, Jr. (grad student)
Philip Edwin Wilcoxprotein chemistry1949 Karl Paul Link (grad student)
Jeffrey D. WilcoxHydrology, Geochemistry, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering2007 Jean M. Bahr (grad student)
Sergius Alexander Wildeforest soils
Victoria L. Wildesynthesis of natural products2008 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Scott A. WildmanPharmaceutical Chemistry
Alfred L. Wildsorganic chemistry
Richard Haven Wiley1937 Homer B. Adkins (grad student)
Charles R. Wilkebiochemical engineering Chemical Engineering1944 Olaf A. Hougen (grad student)
Steven J. Wilkens Biophysics Chemistry19962001 John L. Markley (grad student), Frank Albert Weinhold (grad student)
Marvin WilkensMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
John Ela Willard1935 Farrington Daniels (grad student)
John Warren Williamsdielectric properties of matter1925 Farrington Daniels (grad student)
Katie B. Williamsvitamins A and D2006 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Jesse N. Williams, Jr.
Kevin S. Williamsoncatalytic methods for organic synthesis Chemistry2013 Tehshik P. Yoon (grad student)
Harley Frost Wilson
Michelle J. Wilson Chemical Engineering2012 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Perry William Wilsonfixation in leguminous plants1932 Edwin Broun Fred (grad student), William Harold Peterson (grad student)
Joe Bransford Wilson1947 Perry William Wilson (grad student), Robert H. Burris (grad student)
Katherine Windsorunstable organic species such as radicals, carbenes, and highly-unsaturated carbon molecules2010 Robert J. McMahon (grad student)
Matthew A. Windsorbiologically active polymers2011 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Mary J. Wirthbioanalytical chemistry and materials science
Eric L. WiseStructural Biology2003 Ivan Rayment (grad student)
George B. Witman
Jatuporn WittayakunHeterogeneous Catalysis, Materials Chemistry19952000 Lawrence F. Dahl (grad student)
Steven J. WittenbergerOrganic Chemistry, Synthesis, Process Research19831988 Edwin Vedejs (grad student)
Paula K. Wittmayer Department of Biochemistry1996 Ronald T. Raines (grad student)
Edgar John Witzemann
Nathan J. Wlodarchak Cancer Biology2014 Yongna Xing (grad student)
Dana J. Wohlbach2007 Michael R. Sussman (grad student)
Christine Wolak Biomolecular Chemistry20102016 James L. Keck (grad student)
George WolfVitamin A19501951 Charles Heidelberger (post-doc)
Donald J. Wolffcalmodulin, nitric oxide, NOS inhibitors, enzyme inhibition19631969 Frank Leonard Siegel (post-doc)
Matthew G. Wollbiologically active polymers2004 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
Wangyun WonEnergy Process Systems Engineering Chemical Engineering20152017 Christos T. Maravelias (post-doc)
Margaret L. WongBiomolecular recognition Chemistry2012 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Letitia L. Wongprostate cancer Molecular and Env Tox - MD2014 Wade A. Bushman (grad student)
Shin Y. WongAgricultural Engineering, Food Science and Technology Agriculture2010 Richard W. Hartel (grad student)
Gene W. Wongcatalysis involving transition metal complexes Chemistry2012 Clark R. Landis (grad student)
L. Keith WooOrganometallic Chemistry, Catalysis1986 Charles P. Casey (post-doc)
Harland G. WoodBiochemistry19351936 William Harold Peterson (post-doc)
Nicole A. WoodardsBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Chemistry2013 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Julie E. WoodisAgronomy Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Range Management Agriculture2008 Randall D. Jackson (grad student)
R. Claude WoodsMicrowave spectroscopy
Lawrence A Woolf
D. Wayne Woolleygrowth factors, strepogenin, serotonin, peptide synthesis1938 William Harold Peterson (grad student)
Nancy Ann Woychik1986 Randall L. Dimond (grad student)
Ann M. Woys2D IR spectroscopy Chemistry2012 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
John C. WrightCoherent multidimensional spectroscopy
James Lee Wright1983 Jens Thurø Carstensen (grad student)
Yufan WuElectric fields in enzymology Chemistry20102012 Silvia Cavagnero (research assistant)
Zhe Wucomputational chemistry and biophysics Chemistry2012 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Cheng-Hsien Wusurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2011 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Tian WuMolecular and computational genomics2004 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
Chang-Yi WuMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry, Nutrition2008 David J. Eide (grad student)
Yi-Hsuan WuNutrition, Biochemistry Nutritional Sciences2012 David J. Eide (grad student)
Dale Erwin Wursterdissolution kinetics, percutaneous absorption, and air-suspension technology1947 Arthur Hoyt Uhl (grad student)
Roy E. WuthierBiochemistry1960 Paul H. Phillips (grad student)
Hans Wynbergorganic chemistry1952 William Summer Johnson (grad student)
Laura M. Wysockisynthesis of natural products2008 Steven D. Burke (grad student)
Hanmi XiOrganic Materials2009 Lian Yu (grad student)
Kang XiaAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Health Dept of Soil Science Phillip Barak (grad student)
Bin Xia Biophysics19911996 John L. Markley (grad student)
Feng XiangBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2011 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Shuaigang Xiao2005 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Hang XiaoFood Science and Technology Agriculture2004 Kirk L. Parkin (grad student)
Lingyun XiaoPharmaceutical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2006 Ronald R. Burnette (grad student)
Wei XieMaterials Science Materials Science and Engineering20092014 Dane D Morgan (grad student)
Haibo Xie Weiping Tang (post-doc)
Juan Xie2004 Thomas C. Brunold (grad student)
Yongna Xing
Kong M. XiongBiochemistry, Toxicology2010 Warren Heideman (grad student)
May P. XiongPharmacology2007 Glen S. Kwon (grad student)
Wei Xiong20062011 Martin T. Zanni (grad student)
Huifang Xumineralogy, nanogeoscience, crystallography, sedimentology
Ye XuComputational Surface Science and Catalysis2004 Manos Mavrikakis (grad student)
Jielin XuCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry2010 Deane F. Mosher (grad student)
Huifang XuMaterials Science Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Geochemistry
Gang Yan2015 Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
Bernardo Yanez-Soto Chemical Engineering2013 Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Xiao-Fang Yang20002001 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Zhi-Qiang YangBiomolecular recognition2002 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Zhilin Yang2018 James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Lei Yang chemistry19972001 James W. Taylor (grad student)
Xipei YangBiophysics2011 He Zhang (grad student)
Wensha Yangnanoscience2005 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Jin-Haek YangNatural Product Synthesis2009 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Deshan Yang2005 John G. Webster (grad student)
Shifei Yangeuropium contrast agents Engineering Mechanics2013 Matthew J. Allen (grad student)
Zhihao Yang Chemistry19931998 Hyuk Yu (grad student)
Vincent Yannello20122017 Daniel C. Fredrickson (grad student)
Shu A. YaoStructure and Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds Chemistry2012 John Berry (grad student)
Mehran Yazdanian1990 George D Zografi (grad student)
Zhengqing YeOrganic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery
Xuan Ye20052010 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Hui YeBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences20082013 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Joseph C. Yeagernanoscience Chemistry2013 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Daniel J. YelleWood Technology Agriculture, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering2009 John Ralph (grad student)
Ragothaman M. YennamalliComputational Biology20112012 George N. Phillips (post-doc)
Hyun-Suk Yeom20122013 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Arun Yethirajtheoretical chemistry
Lutfu S. YilmazEnvironmental Engineering, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry2006 Daniel R. Noguera (grad student)
De-Wei Yinpolymer 2008 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student)
Katarina YocumAstrochemistry, Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemistry20172022 Susanna Leigh Widicus Weaver (grad student)
Jejoong Yoocomputational chemistry and biophysics2010 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Sangwoon Yoonchemical reaction dynamics2003 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Yeonjoo H. Yoonchemical reaction dynamics2009 F. Fleming Crim (grad student)
Tehshik P. Yooncatalytic methods for organic synthesis
Tehshiu P. YoonOrganic Chemistry
Earl Yoon Douglas B. Weibel (grad student)
Kenji Yoshimotopolymer2005 Juan J. de Pablo (grad student), Paul F. Nealey (grad student)
Ling-Feng You20052008 Richard P. Hsung (post-doc)
Travis YoungBiomolecular recognition2001 Laura Lee Kiessling (grad student)
Raymond A. Youngpolymer chemistry, cellulose chemistry, plasma chemistry
Haibo Yucomputational chemistry and biophysics20052007 Qiang Cui (post-doc)
Hyuk Yupolymers
Lian YuOrganic Materials
Kuang YuComputational chemistry Chemistry2013 Jordan R. Schmidt (grad student)
Hua YuMolecular and computational genomics2007 David C. Schwartz (grad student)
Qing Yu Pharmaceutical Sciences20122017 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Hongmei YuMicrofluidics, Cell and Cancer biology, Global Health2006 David J. Beebe (grad student)
Lena A. Yurs2011 John C. Wright (grad student)
Bereket Zakarias2016 Jennifer E. Golden (grad student)
David P. ZaksEnvironmental Sciences, Climate Change2010 Christopher J. Kucharik (grad student)
Martin T. Zanni2D IR spectroscopy
Victor Zavala
Julia B. Zellavitamins A and D2002 Hector Floyd DeLuca (grad student)
Xuefeng ZengElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics2009 Hongrui Jiang (grad student)
Huachun ZhaiCivil Engineering2001 Hussain U. Bahia (grad student)
Linghong Zhangenergy storage, materials, diamond films Chemistry20102015 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Ruohan ZhangChemistry; Neroscience
Jinwei ZhangMolecular Biology, Microbiology Biology2009 Robert C. Landick (grad student)
Guodong ZhangFood Science and Technology Agriculture2010 Kirk L. Parkin (grad student)
Nianli ZhangMaterials Science Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2011 Nita Sahai (grad student)
Fangfu ZhangGeochemistry, Geobiology, Mineralogy Geoscience2013 Huifang Xu (grad student)
Jonathan Zhang20052010 Shannon S. Stahl (grad student)
Jingjing Zhang2014 Trisha L. Andrew (post-doc)
Jiang ZhangBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2010 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Yuzhuo ZhangBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry2011 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Zichuan ZhangBioanalytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microseparations, Proteomics & Peptidomics, Neurochemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Lingjun Li (grad student)
Jihua Zhangbiologically active polymers2010 Samuel H. Gellman (grad student)
He ZhangBiophysics20072012 George N. Phillips (grad student)
Zhengcheng Zhangenergy storage, electrolytes, synthesis Chemistry20012005 Robert C. West (post-doc)
Lushuai Zhang20112016 Trisha L. Andrew (grad student)
Xuejun ZhangMedicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry20122007 Richard P. Hsung (grad student)
Jingtao Zhang(i) the design and synthesis of functional organic materials and (ii) the fabrication and physical characterization of macromolecular assemblies, nanoscale materials, and interfaces2007 David M. Lynn (grad student)
Siwei ZhangOrganic Materials Pharmaceutical Sciences2014 Lian Yu (grad student)
Junshu Zhaodynamics in polymeric materials and low molecular weight glass formers2010 Mark D. Ediger (grad student)
Qin ZhaoNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biochemistry19932001 John L. Markley (grad student)
Jing ZhaoProtein chemistry, protein functionalities, protein flavor Animal Sciences20122014 James R. Claus (post-doc)
Dongting Zhao Chemical Engineering20142018 Ive Hermans (grad student)
Ting Zhengsurface chemistry, mass spectrometry2006 Lloyd M. Smith (grad student)
Yuqing ZhouFood Science and Technology Agriculture2004 Richard W. Hartel (grad student)
Di Zhunanoscience Chemistry2014 Robert J. Hamers (grad student)
Men ZhuPhysical pharmacy, pharmaceutical preformulation, pre-clinical formulation Chemistry20122017 Lian Yu (grad student)
Yiming ZhuImmunology, Cell Biology2010 Paul J. Bertics (grad student)
Difeng ZhuElectronics and Electrical Engineering2011 Hongrui Jiang (grad student)
Xiao Zhucomputational chemistry and biophysics2010 Qiang Cui (grad student)
Yanyu Zhu James C. Weisshaar (grad student)
Daniel M. ZieglerBiochemistry19551959 David E. Green (post-doc)
Esther Miriam Zimmer - Lederbergbacteriology, bacteriophage genetics
Howard Elliot Zimmermanorganic photochemistry
Steven C. Zimmermanbioorganic chemistry1979 Hans J. Reich (research assistant)
Norton D. Zindermolecular biology1952 Joshua Lederberg (grad student)
Morgan C. Zittelstructure, DNA replication Biomolecular Chemistry20012007 James L. Keck (grad student)
George D ZografiPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy
Michael E. Zornsensors, catalysis, photocatalysis Marc A. Anderson (grad student)
Gregory A. ZornetzerNMR spectroscopy and its biological applications Biochemistry19992006 John L. Markley (grad student)