James C.G. Walker
Affiliations: | Geological Sciences | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI |
"James Walker"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeKevin Zahnle | grad student | 1985 | NASA Ames Research Center |
James C. Zachos | post-doc | 1988-1992 | University of Michigan |
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Dickens GR, Castillo MM, Walker JC. (1997) A blast of gas in the latest Paleocene: simulating first-order effects of massive dissociation of oceanic methane hydrate. Geology. 25: 259-62 |
Sloan LC, Walker JC, Moore TC. (1995) Possible role of oceanic heat transport in early Eocene climate. Paleoceanography. 10: 347-56 |
Zachos JC, Lohmann KC, Walker JC, et al. (1993) Abrupt climate change and transient climates during the Paleogene: a marine perspective. The Journal of Geology. 101: 191-213 |
Sloan LC, Walker JC, Moore TC, et al. (1992) Possible methane-induced polar warming in the early Eocene. Nature. 357: 320-2 |
Walker JC, Kasting JF. (1992) Effects of fuel and forest conservation on future levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 97: 151-189 |
François LM, Walker JC, Kuhn WR. (1990) A numerical simulation of climate changes during the obliquity cycle on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research. 95: 14761-78 |
Marshall HG, Walker JC, Kuhn WR. (1988) Long-term climate change and the geochemical cycle of carbon. Journal of Geophysical Research. 93: 791-801 |
Kasting J, Zahnle K, Walker J. (1983) Photochemistry of methane in the Earth's early atmosphere Precambrian Research. 20: 121-148 |
Watson AJ, Donahue TM, Walker JC. (1981) The dynamics of a rapidly escaping atmosphere: Applications to the evolution of Earth and Venus Icarus. 48: 150-166 |