Gabrielle Pecora Black

2015-2019 Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
"Gabrielle Black"
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Anderson BN, Black GP, Young TM. (2024) Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water from the Tap: Variability in Household Calculated Additive Toxicity (CAT). Acs Es&T Water. 4: 3532-3539
Black GP, Woodward EE, Sanders CJ, et al. (2023) Multiresidue extraction of current-use pesticides from complex solid matrices using energized dispersive guided extraction with analysis by gas and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy. Chemosphere. 138550
Black G, Lowe C, Anumol T, et al. (2022) Exploring chemical space in non-targeted analysis: a proposed ChemSpace tool. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Black GP, He G, Denison MS, et al. (2021) Using Estrogenic Activity and Nontargeted Chemical Analysis to Identify Contaminants in Sewage Sludge. Environmental Science & Technology
Young TM, Black GP, Wong L, et al. (2021) Identifying Toxicologically Significant Compounds in Urban Wildfire Ash Using Bioassays and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology
Black GP, Anumol T, Young TM. (2019) Analyzing a broader spectrum of endocrine active organic contaminants in sewage sludge with high resolution LC-QTOF-MS suspect screening and QSAR toxicity prediction. Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts
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