Harry Emmet Gunning, Ph.D. - Publications

Chemistry University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 

105 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2010 Woodall GNC, Gunning HE. The Trapping by Nitric Oxide of Initially-Formed Free Radicals in Photochemical Reactions: 1. The mercury-6(3P1)-photosensitized decomposition of propane and the deuterated propanes Bulletin Des SociéTéS Chimiques Belges. 71: 725-743. DOI: 10.1002/Bscb.19620711120  0.385
1980 Torres M, Lown EM, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. 4n-π Electron antiaromatic heterocycles Pure and Applied Chemistry. 52: 1623-1643. DOI: 10.1351/pac198052061623  0.378
1980 Gosavi RK, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Ab initio scf molecular orbital calculations on the doublet reaction path of methylidyne addition to ethylene Chemical Physics Letters. 76: 159-162. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(80)80627-0  0.544
1979 Torres M, Clement A, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Photolysis Of Vinylene Trithiocarbonates: A Source Of Thiirenes Cheminform. 10. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197926228  0.434
1978 Roodselaar Av, Safarik I, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Reactions of sulfur atoms. XV. Absolute rate parameters for the S(/sup 3/P/sub 2/ /sub 1/ /sub 0/) + alkyne reactions Journal of the American Chemical Society. 100: 4068-4073. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00481A014  0.481
1978 Gosavi RK, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Lowest triplet state reaction surface studies for the isomerization methylsilylene → silaethylene → silylcarbene Chemical Physics Letters. 59: 321-323. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(78)89104-0  0.581
1978 Strausz OP, Gosavi RK, Gunning HE. Ab initio molecular orbital calculations on oxiranylidene and ethynol Chemical Physics Letters. 54: 510-513. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(78)85273-7  0.487
1978 Roodselaar AV, Safarik I, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The Reactions Of Sulfur Atoms. 15. Absolute Rate Parameters For The Sulfur(3P2,1,0) + Alkyne Reactions Cheminform. 9. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197839121  0.668
1978 Van Roodselaar A, Safarik I, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. 15. Absolute rate parameters for the S(3P2,1,0) + alkyne reactions Journal of the American Chemical Society. 100: 4068-4073.  0.433
1977 Strausz OP, Gosavi RK, Gunning HE. Ab initio molecular orbital calculations on the reaction path of the ketocarbene-ketene rearrangement The Journal of Chemical Physics. 67: 3057-3060. DOI: 10.1063/1.435270  0.574
1977 Niizuma S, Steele CT, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Electron spin resonance study of free radicals in Athabasca asphaltene Fuel. 56: 249-256. DOI: 10.1016/0016-2361(77)90004-7  0.502
1976 Tsunashima S, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. The mercury 6(3P1), cadmium 5(3P1), and benzene (3B1u) photosensitization of vinyl fluoride Journal of the American Chemical Society. 98: 1690-1696. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00423A010  0.527
1976 Norstrom RJ, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Mercury 6(3P1) photosensitization of trifluoroethylene. A source of the difluorovinylidene carbene Journal of the American Chemical Society. 98: 1454-1461. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00422A029  0.507
1975 Yokota T, Ahmed MG, Safarik I, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Reaction of hydrogen atoms with thiirane Journal of Physical Chemistry. 79: 1758-1762. DOI: 10.1021/J100584A003  0.64
1975 Tsunashima S, Yokota T, Safarik I, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Abstraction of sulfur atoms from carbonyl sulfide by atomic hydrogen Journal of Physical Chemistry. 79: 775-778. DOI: 10.1021/J100575A003  0.578
1975 Dobson DC, James FC, Safarik I, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Photolysis of hydrogen selenide Journal of Physical Chemistry. 79: 771-775. DOI: 10.1021/J100575A002  0.486
1973 Young PJ, Gosavi RK, Connor J, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Ultraviolet absorption spectra of CdCH3, ZnCH3, and TeCH3 The Journal of Chemical Physics. 5280-5283. DOI: 10.1063/1.1679141  0.459
1973 Gunning HE, Campbell JM, Sandhu HS, Strausz OP. The mechanism of energy transfer in the triplet mercury photosensitization of paraffins Journal of the American Chemical Society. 95: 746-751. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00784A017  0.47
1973 Campbell JM, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Mercury 6(3P0) photosensitized decomposition of propane Journal of the American Chemical Society. 95: 740-746. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00784A016  0.533
1973 Strausz OP, Campbell JM, De Paoli S, Sandhu HS, Gunning HE. Band fluorescence spectra in mercury 6(3P1) photosensitization Journal of the American Chemical Society. 95: 732-739. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00784A015  0.465
1973 Csizmadia IG, Gunning HE, Gosavi RK, Strausz OP. Mechanism of the Wolff rearrangement. V. Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations on .alpha.-diazo ketones, oxirenes, and related reaction intermediates Journal of the American Chemical Society. 95: 133-137. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00782A022  0.554
1973 Berkley RE, Safarik I, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Arrhenius parameters for the reactions of higher alkyl radicals with silanes Journal of Physical Chemistry. 77: 1741-1747. DOI: 10.1021/J100633A003  0.6
1973 Berkley RE, Safarik I, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Arrhenius parameters for the reactions of methyl radicals with silane and methylsilanes Journal of Physical Chemistry. 77: 1734-1740. DOI: 10.1021/J100633A002  0.575
1973 Gosavi RK, DeSorgo M, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. The UV absorption spectrum and geometry of the HS2 radical Chemical Physics Letters. 21: 318-321. DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(73)80145-9  0.492
1973 Gunning HE, Campbell JM, Sandhu HS, Strausz OP. Mechanismus Der Energieuebertragung Bei Der Triplett-Hg-Photosensibilisierung Von Paraffinen Cheminform. 4. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197316131  0.452
1973 Campbell JM, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Hg6((3)P(0))-Photosensibilisierte Zers. Von Propan Cheminform. 4. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197316130  0.514
1973 Strausz OP, Campbell JM, Paoli SD, Sandhu HS, Gunning HE. Banden-Fluoreszenz-Spektren Durch Hg6((3)P(1))-Photosensibilisierung Cheminform. 4. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197316129  0.511
1972 Strausz OP, Gunning HE, Denes AS, Csizmadia IG. The reactions of sulfur atoms. XIV. Ab Initio molecular orbital calculations on the ethylene episulfide molecule and the S + C2H4 reaction path Journal of the American Chemical Society. 94: 8317-8321. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00779A006  0.628
1972 Strausz OP, Safarik I, O'Callaghan WB, Gunning HE. Reactions of sulfur atoms. XIII. Experimental and calculated secondary hydrogen-deuterium kinetic isotope effect for the S(3P) + ethylene reaction Journal of the American Chemical Society. 94: 1828-1834. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00761A006  0.676
1972 Obi K, Sandhu HS, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Rate constants for the reactions of deuterium atoms with silanes The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 76: 3911-3916. DOI: 10.1021/J100670A001  0.635
1972 Strausz OP, Gunning HE, Lown JW. Chapter 6 Unimolecular Homogeneous Decompositions and Isomerizations of Sulfur Compounds Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics. 5: 697-731. DOI: 10.1016/S0069-8040(08)70113-4  0.397
1972 Strausz OP, Safarik I, O'callaghan WB, Gunning HE. Sekundaerer Kinetischer H/D-Isotopeneffekt Der S(3(3)P) + Aethylen-Rk. Cheminform. 3. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197223144  0.493
1971 Strausz OP, Barton SC, Duholke WK, Gunning HE, Kebarle P. Flash Photolysis with Kinetic Mass Spectrometry Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 49: 2048-2052. DOI: 10.1139/V71-334  0.46
1971 Strausz OP, O'Callaghan WB, Lown EM, Gunning HE. Reactions of sulfur atoms. XII. Arrhenius parameters for the addition to olefins and acetylenes Journal of the American Chemical Society. 93: 559-560. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00731A063  0.648
1971 Strausz OP, O'callaghan WB, Lown EM, Gunning HE. Rk. Von Schwefel-Atomen 12. Mitt. Arrhenius-Parameter Fuer Die Addition An Olefine Und Acetylene Cheminform. 2. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197115132  0.484
1971 Strausz OP, O'Callaghan WB, Lown EM, Gunning HE. Reactions of sulfur atoms. XII. Arrhenius parameters for the addition to olefins and acetylenes [30] Journal of the American Chemical Society. 93: 559-560.  0.408
1970 Jakubowski E, Sandhu HS, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Reactions of trifluoromethyl radicals with monosilane and monosilane-d 4 The Journal of Chemical Physics. 52: 4242-4248. DOI: 10.1063/1.1673635  0.586
1970 Donovan RJ, Husain D, Fair RW, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Determination of the absolute rate for the addition of S(3 3PJ) to ethylene Transactions of the Faraday Society. 66: 1635-1641. DOI: 10.1039/TF9706601635  0.391
1970 Strausz O, Norstrom RJ, Salahub D, Gosavi RK, Gunning HE, Csizmadia IG. Mercury 6(3P1) photosensitization of mono- and difluoroethylenes. Correlation of mechanism with calculated molecular orbital energy levels Journal of the American Chemical Society. 92: 6395-6402. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00725A001  0.511
1970 Strausz OP, Duholke WK, Gunning HE. Flash photoionization studies with kinetic mass spectrometry Journal of the American Chemical Society. 92: 4128-4129. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00716A061  0.463
1970 Greig G, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Reactions of metal atoms. II. The combination of mercury and bromine atoms and the dimerization of HgBr The Journal of Chemical Physics. 52: 3684-3690.  0.338
1970 Greig G, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Reactions of metal atoms. III. the combination of mercury and iodine atoms and the spectrum of HgI The Journal of Chemical Physics. 52: 4566-4568.  0.342
1969 Pollock TL, Jakubowski E, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Quantum yield of Hg 6(3P1) sensitization of hydrogen Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 47: 3474-3477. DOI: 10.1139/V69-576  0.501
1969 Berkley RE, Woodall GNC, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Arrhenius parameters for the reaction of propyl radicals with propane Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 47: 3305-3311. DOI: 10.1139/V69-550  0.623
1969 Strausz OP, Jakubowski E, Sandhu HS, Gunning HE. Arrhenius Parameters for the Abstraction Reactions of Methyl Radicals with Silanes Journal of Chemical Physics. 51: 552-560. DOI: 10.1063/1.1672033  0.599
1969 Gunning HE, Penzes S, Sandhu HS, Strausz OP. The interaction of mercury 6(3P1) atoms with noble gas atoms Journal of the American Chemical Society. 91: 7684-7688. DOI: 10.1021/Ja50001A030  0.57
1969 Minh TD, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Photochemistry of diazo esters. II. Reaction path Journal of the American Chemical Society. 91: 1261-1263. DOI: 10.1021/Ja01033A064  0.557
1968 Strausz OP, Kozak PJ, Woodall GNC, Sherwood AG, Gunning HE. Hg(3P1) photosensitized reactions of cyclopropane Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 46: 1317-1323. DOI: 10.1139/V68-218  0.616
1968 Lown EM, Sandhu HS, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Reactions of sulfur atoms. XI. Intermediacy of a hybrid .pi.-thiacyclopropane in the addition reactions to olefins and in the thermal decomposition of episulfides Journal of the American Chemical Society. 90: 7164-7165. DOI: 10.1021/Ja01027A070  0.644
1967 Jakubowski E, Kebarle P, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Primary step in the mercury photosensitization of propane and deuterated propanes Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 45: 2287-2295. DOI: 10.1139/V67-374  0.548
1967 Tyerman WJR, Kato M, Kebarle P, Masamune S, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Photolysis of tricarbonylcyclobutadieneiron: evidence for formation of free cyclobutadiene Chemical Communications (London). 497-498. DOI: 10.1039/C19670000497  0.399
1967 Minh TD, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. Formation and reactions of monovalent carbon intermediates. I. Photolysis of diethyl mercuribisdiazoacetate Journal of the American Chemical Society. 89: 6785-6787. DOI: 10.1021/Ja01001A084  0.587
1967 Strausz OP, Font J, Dedio EL, Kebarle P, Gunning HE. Reactions of sulfur atoms. X. Addition to carbon-carbon triple bonds and the formation of thiirenes Journal of the American Chemical Society. 89: 4805-4807. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00994A051  0.59
1967 Fowles P, DeSorgo M, Yarwood AJ, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. IX. The flash photolysis of carbonyl sulfide and the reactions of s(1D) atoms with hydrogen and methane Journal of the American Chemical Society. 89: 1352-1362. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00982A013  0.655
1967 Lown EM, Dedio EL, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. VIII. Further investigation of the reactions with olefins. Relative rates of addition of sulfur (3P) and (1D) atoms Journal of the American Chemical Society. 89: 1056-1062. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00981A003  0.666
1967 DoMinh T, Gunning HE, Strausz OP. The formation and reactions of monovalent carbon intermediates. I. The photolysis of diethyl mercurybisdiazoacetate [22] Journal of the American Chemical Society. 89: 6785-6787.  0.302
1967 Strausz OP, Font J, Dedio EL, Kebarle P, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. X. Addition to carbon-carbon triple bonds and the formation of thiirenes [16] Journal of the American Chemical Society. 89: 4805-4807.  0.541
1966 Stiles DA, Tyerman WJR, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Photolysis Of Solid Carbonyl Selenide And Carbon Diselenide Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 44: 1677-1683. DOI: 10.1139/V66-253  0.524
1966 Tyerman WJR, O'Callaghan WB, Kebarle P, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of selenium atoms. I. Addition and insertion reactions of selenium (41D2) atoms with olefins and paraffins [14] Journal of the American Chemical Society. 88: 4277-4278. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00970A041  0.65
1966 Sidhu KS, Csizmadia IG, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. VII. The ultraviolet spectrum, the photolysis, and the mercury sensitization of carbonyl sulfide Journal of the American Chemical Society. 88: 2412-2417. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00963A009  0.651
1966 Sidhu KS, Lown EM, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. VI. The addition to C4 olefins. A stereospecific triplet-state reaction Journal of the American Chemical Society. 88: 254-263. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00954A014  0.641
1966 Tarr AM, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Reactions of the ethynyl radical. Part 2. - With alkenes Transactions of the Faraday Society. 62: 1221-1230.  0.35
1965 Bellas MG, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. THE Hg 6(3P1) PHOTOSENSITIZATION OF CHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 43: 1022-1029. DOI: 10.1139/V65-139  0.647
1965 Wiebe HA, Knight AR, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. V. Further studies on the reactions with olefins Journal of the American Chemical Society. 87: 1443-1449. DOI: 10.1021/Ja01085A006  0.778
1965 Nay MA, Woodall GNC, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The mercury 6(3P1) photosensitization of the methylsilanes and silane Journal of the American Chemical Society. 87: 179-187. DOI: 10.1021/Ja01080A009  0.522
1965 Penzes S, Yarwood AJ, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Role of Hg6(3P0) atoms in mercury photosensitization The Journal of Chemical Physics. 43: 4524-4526.  0.304
1965 Tarr AM, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Reactions of the ethynyl radical: Part 1. - Hydrogen abstraction from alkanes Transactions of the Faraday Society. 61: 1946-1959.  0.343
1964 Norstrom RJ, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. HIGH PRIMARY QUANTUM EFFICIENCY IN THE REACTION OF NEOPENTANE WITH Hg 6(3P1) ATOMS Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 42: 2140-2143. DOI: 10.1139/V64-317  0.617
1964 Bellas MG, Rousseau Y, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Cross-section measurements for the quenching of the 2537-Å resonance radiation of mercury The Journal of Chemical Physics. 41: 768-774. DOI: 10.1063/1.1725959  0.719
1964 Knight AR, Strausz OP, Malm SM, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. IV. Further investigations of the insertion reaction Journal of the American Chemical Society. 86: 4243-4248. DOI: 10.1021/Ja01074A004  0.783
1964 Bellas MG, Wan JKS, Allen WF, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reaction of Hg 6(3P1) atoms with vinyl chloride Journal of Physical Chemistry. 68: 2170-2178.  0.452
1964 Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Reaction of hydrogen atoms with nitric oxide Transactions of the Faraday Society. 60: 347-358.  0.345
1963 Knight AR, Gunning HE. THE REACTION OF t-BUTYL ALCOHOL VAPOR WITH Hg 6(3P1) ATOMS Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 41: 2849-2860. DOI: 10.1139/V63-418  0.731
1963 Knight AR, Gunning HE. THE REACTION OF ISOPROPANOL VAPOR WITH Hg 6(3P1) ATOMS: PART II: REACTION IN THE PRESENCE OF NITRIC OXIDE Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 41: 763-769. DOI: 10.1139/V63-108  0.74
1963 Rousseau Y, Gunning HE. The Quenching Of Mercury Resonance Radiation By Hydrocarbons: The Effect Of Deuterium Substitution Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 41: 465-469. DOI: 10.1139/V63-064  0.65
1963 Rousseau Y, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. Electrophilic character of the Hg 6(3P1) atom and the mechanism of electronic energy transfer in mercury photosensitization The Journal of Chemical Physics. 39: 962-967. DOI: 10.1063/1.1734398  0.789
1963 Gunning HE. The photochemical separation of mercury isotopes Journal of Computers. 60: 197-204. DOI: 10.1051/Jcp/1963600197  0.402
1963 Knight AR, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. II. Sulfur atom insertion in carbon-hydrogen bonds. The formation of cyclopropyl mercaptan in the reaction with cyclopropane [9] Journal of the American Chemical Society. 85: 1207-1208. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00891A045  0.776
1963 Knight AR, Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. III. The insertion in carbon-hydrogen bonds of paraffinic hydrocarbons Journal of the American Chemical Society. 85: 2349-2355.  0.345
1962 Knight AR, Gunning HE. THE REACTION OF ISOPROPANOL VAPOR WITH Hg 6 (3P1) ATOMS: PART I. PURE SUBSTRATE Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 40: 1134-1139. DOI: 10.1139/V62-173  0.736
1962 Rousseau Y, Woodall GNC, Gunning HE. Large Deuterium Isotope Effect in the Reaction of Propane with Hg 6(3P1) Atoms Journal of Chemical Physics. 37: 2722-2723. DOI: 10.1063/1.1733081  0.725
1962 Strausz OP, Gunning HE. The reactions of sulfur atoms. I. The addition to ethylene and propylene Journal of the American Chemical Society. 84: 4080-4083. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00880A023  0.66
1962 Rousseau Y, Woodall GNC, Gunning HE. Large deuterium isotope effect in the reaction of propane with hg 6( 3P1) Atoms [2] The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2722-2723.  0.753
1961 Strausz OP, Gunning HE. THE Hg 6(3P1)-PHOTOSENSITIZED DECOMPOSITION OF NITRIC OXIDE Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 39: 2549-2555. DOI: 10.1139/V61-336  0.564
1961 Strausz OP, Gunning HE. THE DECOMPOSITION OF CARBON DIOXIDE BY Hg 6(3P1) AND Hg 6(3P0) ATOMS Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 39: 2244-2250. DOI: 10.1139/V61-297  0.558
1961 Knight AR, Gunning HE. PRIMARY METHOXY RADICAL FORMATION IN THE REACTION OF METHANOL VAPOR WITH Hg 6(3P1) ATOMS Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 39: 1231-1238. DOI: 10.1139/V61-156  0.748
1959 Cvetanovi? RJ, Gunning HE, Steacie EWR. Primary step in the mercury photosensitized reactions of olefins The Journal of Chemical Physics. 31: 573-574.  0.323
1957 Gunning HE. The study of free radical reactions through photochemistry Journal of Chemical Education. 34: 121-126.  0.317
1957 Hirata T, Gunning HE. Reaction of diborane with Hg 6 (3P1) Atoms The Journal of Chemical Physics. 27: 477-480.  0.449
1954 Beck PW, Kniebes DV, Gunning HE. Reaction of cyclohexane with mercury-6 (3 P1) Atoms The Journal of Chemical Physics. 22: 672-677.  0.449
1954 Beck PW, Kniebes DV, Gunning HE. Further studies on the reaction of cyclopentane with mercury-6( 3P1) atoms The Journal of Chemical Physics. 22: 678-680.  0.448
1953 Uphaus RA, Gunning HE. A method for determining the quantum yields of reactions initiated by mercury-6(1P1)-atoms The Journal of Chemical Physics. 21: 2229.  0.361
1953 Kantro DL, Gunning HE. The reaction of cyclobutane with Hg 6(3P1) atoms The Journal of Chemical Physics. 21: 1797-1801.  0.449
1951 Schlochauer M, Gunning HE. The reaction of methylcyclopentane with Hg 6(3P1) Atoms The Journal of Chemical Physics. 19: 474-481.  0.448
1950 Kahn A, Gunning HE. Hydrazine formation in the photolysis of ammonia at 1849A, and in the reaction of ammonia with Hg 6(3P1) and Hg 6( 1P1) atoms The Journal of Chemical Physics. 18: 392-393.  0.363
1950 Allen GA, Kantro DL, Gunning HE. The reaction of cyclopentane with mercury 6(3P1) atoms Journal of the American Chemical Society. 72: 3588-3593.  0.447
1948 Allen GA, Gunning HE. On the mercury photo-sensitized reactions of ethylene The Journal of Chemical Physics. 16: 634-635.  0.31
1948 Allen GA, Gunning HE. The mercury photosensitized reactions of isobutene The Journal of Chemical Physics. 16: 1146-1152.  0.345
1946 Gunning HE, Steacie EWR. The Mercury Photosensitized Reactions of Propylene and Isoprene Journal of Chemical Physics. 14: 57-61. DOI: 10.1063/1.1724106  0.345
1946 Gunning HE, Steacie EWR. The mercury photo-sensitized reactions of isobutene The Journal of Chemical Physics. 14: 544-551.  0.309
1946 Gunning HE, Steacie EWR. The mercury photosensitized reactions of 1-butene and 2-butene The Journal of Chemical Physics. 14: 581-585.  0.35
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