Jennifer Wortman Vaughan, Ph.D.

Computer Science University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
 2009 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
machine learning, learning theory, algorithmic economics, and social computing
"Jennifer Vaughan"


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Michael Kearns grad student 2009 Penn
 (Learning from collective preferences, behavior, and beliefs.)
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Hu L, Immorlica N, Vaughan JW. (2019) The Disparate Effects of Strategic Manipulation Arxiv: Learning. 259-268
Ho CJ, Slivkins A, Vaughan JW. (2016) Adaptive contract design for crowdsourcing markets: Bandit algorithms for repeated principal-agent problems Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 55: 317-359
Chen Y, Ghosh A, Kearns M, et al. (2016) Mathematical foundations for social computing Communications of the Acm. 59: 102-108
Ho C, Slivkins A, Suri S, et al. (2016) Incentivizing high quality crowdwork Acm Sigecom Exchanges. 14: 26-34
Slivkins A, Vaughan JW. (2014) Online decision making in crowdsourcing markets: theoretical challenges Sigecom Exchanges. 12: 4-23
Mason W, Vaughan JW, Wallach H. (2014) Computational social science and social computing Machine Learning. 95: 257-260
Ho CJ, Zhang Y, Vaughan JW, et al. (2012) Towards social norm design for crowdsourcing markets Aaai Workshop - Technical Report. 94-100
Ho CJ, Vaughan JW. (2012) Online task assignment in crowdsourcing markets Proceedings of the National Conference On Artificial Intelligence. 1: 45-51
Chen Y, Vaughan JW. (2010) Connections between markets and learning Sigecom Exchanges. 9: 6
Ganchev K, Nevmyvaka Y, Kearns M, et al. (2010) Censored exploration and the dark pool problem Communications of the Acm. 53: 99-107
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