Ladislav J. Kohout

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
Computer Science
"Ladislav Kohout"
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Kreinovich V, Kohout L, Kim E. (2011) Square root of ‘not’: a major difference between fuzzy and quantum logics International Journal of General Systems. 40: 111-127
Kohout LJ. (2009) Power sets, implications and set inclusions revisited - Retrospect and prospect: A review of bandler and Kohout's paper and a survey of 30 years of subsequent developments Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. 243: 129-159
Kim E, Kohout LJ. (2009) Multiple negations in fuzzy interval logic 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society For Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference, Ifsa-Eusflat 2009 - Proceedings. 1773-1778
Kim E, Kohout LJ. (2007) Interval negation in fuzzy logics Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - Nafips. 537-542
Ha H, Kohout LJ. (2007) Proof system for enriched fuzzy BK relational calculi: Pt. 1 - Transforming notations Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems
Kohout LJ. (2007) Enriched generic algebras of fuzzy relations New Dimensions in Fuzzy Logic and Related Technologies - Proceedings of the 5th Eusflat 2005 Conference. 1: 161-168
Kim E, Kohout LJ. (2007) Non-commutative system of fuzzy interval logic generated by the checklist paradigm measure m3 containing early zadeh implication Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 4529: 43-55
Kohout LJ, Kim E. (2005) Fuzzy interval logic system m2 with non-commutative AND and OR containing Goguen-Gaines implication Wseas Transactions On Systems. 4: 2081-2088
Kohout LJ, Kim E. (2005) Non-commutative fuzzy interval logics with approximation semantics based on the checklist paradigm and their group transformations Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems. 903-908
Kohout LJ. (2004) Fuzzy relational equations in monoidal logics Ieee International Conference On Fuzzy Systems. 3: 1555-1559
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