Michael G. Dyer, Ph.D.

Computer Science University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
processing and acquisition of natural language through symbolic, connectionist and genetic algorithm techniques
"Michael Dyer"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Wendy Grace Lehnert grad student 1982 Yale (Neurotree)


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Michael E. Gasser grad student 1988 UCLA (LinguisTree)
Risto Miikkulainen grad student 1990 UC Irvine (Neurotree)
Frederick L. Crabbe grad student 2000 UCLA (Neurotree)
Anand V. Panangadan grad student 2002 UCLA (Neurotree)
Gerald C. Chao grad student 2003 UCLA (Neurotree)
Trent E. Lange grad student 2009 UCLA (Neurotree)
Ryan R Rosario grad student 2008-2010 UCLA
Sven Mawson grad student 2012 UCLA (Neurotree)
David A. Jurgens grad student 2014 UCLA (Neurotree)
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Panangadan A, Dyer MG. (2009) Construction in a simulated environment using temporal goal sequencing and reinforcement learning Adaptive Behavior. 17: 81-104
Dyer MG. (2006) Will the neural blackboard architecture scale up to semantics? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 29: 77-78
Crabbe FL, Dyer MG. (2000) Goal directed adaptive behavior in second-order neural networks: The MAXSON family of architectures Adaptive Behavior. 8: 149-172
Dyer MG. (2000) Understanding Language Understanding: Computational Models of Reading edited by Ashwin Ram and Kenneth Moorman Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 4: 35
Crabbe FL, Dyer MG. (1999) Vicarious learning in mobile neurally controlled agents: The V-MAXSON architecture Iee Conference Publication. 2: 904-909
Crabbe FL, Dyer MG. (1999) Second-order networks for wall-building agents Proceedings of the International Joint Conference On Neural Networks. 3: 2178-2183
Lange TE, Dyer MG. (1996) Parallel reasoning in structured connectionist networks: Signatures versus temporal synchrony Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 19: 328-331
Dyer MG, Lee G. (1995) Goal/plan analysis via distributed semantic representations in a connectionist system Applied Intelligence. 5: 165-197
Nenov VI, Dyer MG. (1994) Perceptually Grounded Language Learning: Part 2—DETE: A Neural/Procedural Model Connection Science. 6: 3-41
Dyer MG. (1993) Toward synthesizing artificial neural networks that exhibit cooperative intelligent behavior: Some open issues in artificial life Artificial Life. 1: 111-134
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