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Eric Heinz Lenneberg

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
language acquisition, cognitive psychology
"Eric Lenneberg"

From Wikipedia:

Eric Heinz Lenneberg (1921 - 1975) was a linguist who pioneered ideas on language acquisition and cognitive psychology, particularly in terms of the concept of innateness. He was born in Dusseldorf, Germany. An ethnic Jew, he left Nazi Germany because of rising Nazi persecution. He initially fled to Brazil with his family and then to the United States where he attended the University of Chicago and Harvard University. A professor of psychology and neurobiology, he taught at the Harvard Medical School, the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and Cornell University and medical School.

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Cross-listing: Neurotree - PsychTree - LinguisTree


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Lenneberg EH. (2007) A probabilistic approach to language learning Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 2: 1-12
Lenneberg EH. (1974) Language and brain: developmental aspects Neurosciences Research Program Bulletin. 12
Lenneberg EH, Gleitman LR, Gleitman H. (1973) Phrase and Paraphrase: Some Innovative Uses of Language Language. 49: 519
Lenneberg EH. (1971) Of language knowledge, apes, and brains. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 1: 1-29
Lenneberg EH. (1970) What is meant by a biological approach to language? American Annals of the Deaf. 115: 67-72
Lenneberg EH. (1970) The neurobiology of language: Practical applications Bulletin of the Orton Society. 20: 7-13
Lenneberg EH. (1969) On explaining language. Science (New York, N.Y.). 164: 635-43
Lenneberg EH. (1969) Language unexplained [2] Science. 165: 1065
Lenneberg EH. (1967) The Biological Foundations of Language Hospital Practice. 2: 59-67
Lantz D, Lenneberg EH. (1966) Verbal Communication And Color Memory In The Deaf And Hearing Child Development. 37: 765-779
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