Wendell Johnson

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 
stuttering, semantics
"Wendell Johnson"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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C. Esco Obermann grad student University of Iowa (Neurotree)
Curtis Tuthill grad student University of Iowa (PsychTree)
Dean E. Williams grad student University of Iowa
Julian Bernard Rotter grad student 1938 University of Iowa (Neurotree)
Carolyn Wood Sherif grad student 1943-1944 (PsychTree)
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Johnson W, Brown SF. (1939) Stuttering in relation to various speech sounds: A correction Quarterly Journal of Speech. 25: 20-22
Johnson W, Inness M. (1939) Studies in the Psychology of Stuttering, XIII Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders. 4: 79-86
Travis LE, Johnson W, Shover J. (1937) The Relation of Bilingualism to Stuttering Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders. 2: 185-189
Johnson W, Solomon A. (1937) Studies in the Psychology of Stuttering: IV Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders. 2: 95-97
Johnson W, Rosen L. (1937) Studies in the Psychology of Stuttering: VII Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders. 2: 105-110
Johnson W, Millsapps LS. (1937) Studies in the Psychology of Stuttering: VI Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders. 2: 101-104
Johnson W, Larson RP, Knott JR. (1937) Studies in the Psychology of Stuttering: III Journal of Speech Disorders. 2: 23-25
Knott JR, Johnson W, Webster MJ. (1937) Studies in the Psychology of Stuttering: II Journal of Speech Disorders. 2: 20-22
Johnson W, Knott JR. (1937) Studies in the Psychology of Stuttering: I Journal of Speech Disorders. 2: 17-19
Johnson W. (1936) Psychological Considerations of Stuttering Exceptional Children. 3: 22-24
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