Shevaun N. Lewis

Linguistics University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition
"Shevaun Lewis"
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Colin Phillips grad student 2008-2013 University of Maryland (LinguisTree)
 (Pragmatic enrichmeng in language processing and development.)
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Lewis S, Hacquard V, Lidz J. (2017) “Think” Pragmatically: Children’s Interpretation of Belief Reports Language Learning and Development. 13: 395-417
Lewis S, Phillips C. (2015) Aligning grammatical theories and language processing models. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 44: 27-46
Chow WY, Lewis S, Phillips C. (2014) Immediate sensitivity to structural constraints in pronoun resolution. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 630
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