Amber Paukert

University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States 
"Amber Paukert"
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Paukert AL, Phillips LL, Cully JA, et al. (2011) Systematic review of the effects of religion-accommodative psychotherapy for depression and anxiety Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 41: 99-108
Paukert AL, Pettit JW, Kunik ME, et al. (2010) The roles of social support and self-efficacy in physical health's impact on depressive and anxiety symptoms in older adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 17: 387-400
Paukert AL, Phillips L, Cully JA, et al. (2009) Integration of religion into cognitive-behavioral therapy for geriatric anxiety and depression. Journal of Psychiatric Practice. 15: 103-12
Cully JA, Paukert A, Falco J, et al. (2009) Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Innovations for Cardiopulmonary Patients With Depression and Anxiety Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 16: 394-407
Paukert AL, Pettit JW, Amacker A. (2008) The role of interdependence and perceived similarity in depressed affect contagion. Behavior Therapy. 39: 277-85
Paukert AL, Pettit JW. (2007) Interpersonal reactions to suicide attempt: the role of respondent causal attributions. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 37: 641-7
Paukert AL, Pettit JW, Perez M, et al. (2006) Affective and attributional features of acculturative stress among ethnic minority college students. The Journal of Psychology. 140: 405-19
Pettit JW, Paukert AL, Joiner TE, et al. (2006) Pilot sample of very early onset bipolar disorder in a military population moderates the association of negative life events and non-fatal suicide attempt. Bipolar Disorders. 8: 475-84
Pettit JW, Morgan S, Paukert AL. (2005) The stability of axis I diagnoses in youth across multiple psychiatric hospitalizations. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 36: 53-71
Pettit JW, Paukert AL, Joiner TE. (2005) Refining moderators of mood contagion: Men's differential responses to depressed and depressed-anxious presentations Behavior Therapy. 36: 255-263
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