William Bankston

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States 
Criminology and Penology, Public and Social Welfare, Ethnic and Racial Studies, American Studies
"William Bankston"
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Brown TC, Bankston WB, Forsyth CJ. (2013) "A Service Town": An Examination of the Offshore Oil Industry, Local Entrepreneurs, and the Civic Community Thesis Sociological Spectrum. 33: 1-15
Brown TC, Bankston WB, Forsyth CJ, et al. (2011) Qualifying the Boom-Bust Paradigm: An Examination of the Off-Shore Oil and Gas Industry Sociology Mind. 1: 96-104
Luthra AD, Bankston WB, Kalich DM, et al. (2007) Economic fluctuation and crime: A time-series analysis of the effects of oil development in the coastal regions of Louisiana Deviant Behavior. 28: 113-130
Forsyth CJ, Luthra AD, Bankston WB. (2007) Framing perceptions of oil development and social disruption Social Science Journal. 44: 287-299
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