Diane C. Nielsen

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
Teacher Training Education, Elementary Education, Administration Education
"Diane Nielsen"
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Nielsen DC, Luetke B, McLean M, et al. (2016) The English-Language and Reading Achievement of a Cohort of Deaf Students Speaking and Signing Standard English: A Preliminary Study. American Annals of the Deaf. 161: 342-68
Catts HW, McIlraith A, Bridges MS, et al. (2016) Viewing a phonological deficit within a multifactorial model of dyslexia Reading and Writing. 30: 613-629
Catts HW, Nielsen DC, Bridges MS, et al. (2015) Early identification of reading disabilities within an RTI framework. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 48: 281-97
Justice LM, Lomax R, O'Connell A, et al. (2015) The Dimensionality of Language Ability in Young Children Child Development. 86: 1948-1965
Catts HW, Herrera S, Nielsen DC, et al. (2015) Early prediction of reading comprehension within the simple view framework Reading and Writing
Catts HW, Nielsen DC, Bridges MS, et al. (2014) Early Identification of Reading Comprehension Difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities
Language, Pratt A, Logan J, et al. (2014) Improving Language-Focused Comprehension Instruction in Primary-Grade Classrooms: Impacts of the Let’s Know! Experimental Curriculum Educational Psychology Review. 26: 357-377
Nielsen DC, Friesen LD, Fink J. (2012) The Effectiveness of a Model of Language-Focused Classroom Instruction on the Vocabulary and Narrative Development of Kindergarten Children: Journal of Education. 192: 63-77
Nielsen DC, Friesen LD. (2012) A Study of the Effectiveness of a Small-Group Intervention on the Vocabulary and Narrative Development of At-Risk Kindergarten Children Reading Psychology. 33: 269-299
Nielsen DC, Luetke B, Stryker DS. (2011) The importance of morphemic awareness to reading achievement and the potential of signing morphemes to supporting reading development Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 16: 275-288
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