Similar researchers to Anthony Brown: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Anthony George Alexander Brown (Info) Leiden (Astronomy Tree) jandh 2017‑01‑26
Marcus P. Henze (Info) Northwestern (Neurotree) poseiowusu 2014‑01‑27 Sim(0.12)
John Dickinson (Info) Simon Fraser (Neurotree) Motor Behaviour wbyblow 2011‑03‑03 Sim(0.14)
Gilles MONTAGNE (Info) Aix-Marseille Université (Neurotree) AntoineHPMorice 2017‑01‑26 Sim(0.15)
Tapan Maji (Info) University of Kansas (Chemistry Tree) Organic synthesis and catalysis majitapan 2017‑01‑27 Sim(0.15)
Michel LAURENT (Info) Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France (Neurotree) AntoineHPMorice 2017‑01‑26 Sim(0.15)
Caroline Frederique Bruinsma (Info) Erasmus MC (Neurotree) Learning and memory, mental retardation disorders thijsvandervaart 2010‑05‑10 Sim(0.15)
Silvio Gravano (Info) University of Rome Tor Vergata (Neurotree) lacquaniti 2017‑11‑05 Sim(0.16)
Taner Ozel (Info) (Physics Tree) Nanotechnology, materials science nanotar 2011‑09‑04 Sim(0.16)
Howard N. Zelaznik (Info) Purdue (Neurotree) rspencer 2006‑12‑13 Sim(0.17)
Stéphane VIEILLEDENT (Info) Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Neurotree) AntoineHPMorice 2017‑01‑26 Sim(0.17)
Tyler Cluff (Info) Queens University (Neurotree) Sensorimotor neuroscience, motor system jasonboulet 2010‑10‑25 Sim(0.18)
David A. Rosenbaum (Info) Penn State (Neurotree) Cognition and Action liana 2006‑07‑13 Sim(0.19)
Vincenzo Maffei (Info) IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation and University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy (Neurotree) lacquaniti 2017‑11‑05 Sim(0.2)
Jiyun Peng (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick (Neurotree) Microglia, memory, pain, cognition pengjiyun 2013‑04‑24 Sim(0.2)
Richard J. Faris (Info) Iowa State (Cell Biology Tree) Nutrition, Immunology, Physiology Biology pq 2016‑07‑06 Sim(0.21)
Cynthia Ann Paszkowski (Info) University of Alberta (Evolution Tree) Experimental Psychology, Zoology Biology pq 2016‑05‑30 Sim(0.21)
Anthony S. Fielding (Info) UBC (Evolution Tree) pq 2015‑11‑19 Sim(0.22)
Kaiwen He (Info) Chinese Academic Science (Neurotree) Neural plasticity, sleep function kwhe 2009‑08‑08 Sim(0.22)
Joseph McIntyre (Info) Ikerbasque, Tecnalia (Neurotree) lacquaniti 2017‑11‑05 Sim(0.22)
Stacy M. Lopresti-Goodman (Info) University of Connecticut (Neurotree) perception, action pq 2015‑10‑11 Sim(0.23)
Tobin A. Silver (Info) Purdue (Neurotree) pq 2015‑10‑06 Sim(0.23)
Richard Hawkes (Info) University of Calgary (Neurotree) Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑19 Sim(0.23)
Steven Jax (Info) Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute (Neurotree) lbuxbaum 2008‑04‑14 Sim(0.23)
Dennis Krebs (Info) Simon Fraser (Neurotree) Clinical Psychology pq 2016‑05‑30 Sim(0.23)
Tomas Bohr (Info) DTU - Technical University of Denmark (Physics Tree) huber 2018‑04‑04 Sim(0.24)
Philippe Lefèvre (Info) Université catholique de Louvain (Neurotree) Saccades blohm 2006‑04‑03 Sim(0.24)
Florian S. Block (Info) University of Michigan (MathTree) Mathematics pq 2016‑03‑30 Sim(0.24)
Ian M. Thornton (Info) University of Wales Swansea, Department of Psychology (Neurotree) on how the brain represents information that changes over time feiler 2007‑01‑31 Sim(0.24)
Ayano Matsushima (Info) Hokkaido Univ. (Neurotree) Prefrontal cortex, attention ayano 2012‑02‑09 Sim(0.24)
Eduard Matito (Info) IKERBASQUE. Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU). (Chemistry Tree) chemistry, physics, computational chemistry, theoretical chemistry, quantum chemistry ematito 2016‑11‑16 Sim(0.24)
Marianne Varsanyi (Info) Semmelweis Egyetem (Physics Tree) General Biophysics pq 2016‑05‑30 Sim(0.24)
David A. Westwood (Info) Dalhousie University (Neurotree) aidanT 2009‑03‑26 Sim(0.25)
Claude Prablanc (Info) INSERM Lyon (Neurotree) LaurentGoffart 2007‑11‑21 Sim(0.25)
Lyndsey K. Lanagan-Leitzel (Info) Eastern Connecticut State University (Neurotree) visual search, attention lyndsey 2011‑10‑23 Sim(0.26)
Paolo Viviani (Info) Dept Psychology, University of Geneve, Switzerland (Neurotree) Motor control, Action and perception despe 2008‑09‑25 Sim(0.26)
Nathalie Leresche (Info) UPMC (Neurotree) Neuroscience RP 2012‑12‑21 Sim(0.26)
Arindam Bhattacharjee (Info) McMaster University (Neurotree) Tactile perception, Statistical learning, Modelling perception as Bayesian inference andybhattacharjee 2007‑04‑20 Sim(0.26)
Alvaro Ardiles (Info) Universidad de Valparaiso (Neurotree) Neuroscience adrianpalacios 2012‑05‑28 Sim(0.27)
Marc Grosjean (Info) University of Dortmund (Neurotree) cognitive psychology, cognitive ergonomics david 2006‑12‑12 Sim(0.27)
David N. Lee (Info) Edinburgh (Neurotree) fj 2007‑01‑16 Sim(0.27)
Xuyu Cai (Info) Harvard Medical School (Neurotree) Neurogenesis xcai 2010‑02‑09 Sim(0.27)
Violaine SEVREZ (Info) Aix-Marseille Université (Neurotree) AntoineHPMorice 2017‑01‑27 Sim(0.27)
Gwenaelle S.G. Geleoc (Info) Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School (Neurotree) Inner ear physiology, hair cells, gene therapy ggeleoc 2019‑03‑11 Sim(0.27)
Simone Toma (Info) IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy (Neurotree) lacquaniti 2017‑11‑05 Sim(0.27)
Ramanujan S. Kashi (Info) Rutgers, Newark (Neurotree) Gorea 2017‑01‑13 Sim(0.27)
Gerrit A. Luinstra (Info) University of Hamburg (Chemistry Tree) polymer research Raney 2014‑07‑10 Sim(0.27)
Scott Glover (Info) Royal Holloway, University of London (Neurotree) motor control, visual information processing dws 2009‑03‑19 Sim(0.27)
Gabriel Baud-Bovy (Info) Universita' Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Neurotree) haptics, psychophysics, neuroscience francesca.bocca 2009‑06‑14 Sim(0.27)
Karl M. Newell (Info) UIUC (Neurotree) jmhaddad 2008‑07‑18 Sim(0.28)
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