Sankalita Saha, Ph.D.

2007 Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
"Sankalita Saha"


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Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya grad student 2007 University of Maryland
 (Design methodology for embedded computer vision systems.)
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Saha S, Bambha NK, Bhattacharyya SS. (2010) Design and implementation of embedded computer vision systems based on particle filters Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 114: 1203-1214
Saha S, Kianzad V, Schlessman J, et al. (2009) An architectural level design methodology for smart camera applications International Journal of Embedded Systems. 4: 83-97
Sen M, Corretjer I, Haim F, et al. (2007) Dataflow-based mapping of computer vision algorithms onto FPGAs Eurasip Journal On Embedded Systems. 2007: 29-29
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