Douglas H. Kelley, Ph.D.

2009 Physics University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
 2013- Mechanical Engineering University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Mixing
"Douglas Kelley"
Cross-listing: Physics Tree


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Daniel Lathrop grad student 2009 University of Maryland (Physics Tree)
 (Rotating, hydromagnetic laboratory experiment modelling planetary cores.)
Nicholas T. Ouellette post-doc Yale (Physics Tree)


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Fazla Rabbi Mashrur research assistant 2023- Rochester (Neurotree)
Rakan F. Ashour grad student 2019 Rochester
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Gan Y, Thomas JH, Kelley DH. (2024) Gaps in the wall of a perivascular space act as valves to produce a directed flow of cerebrospinal fluid: a hoop-stress model. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 21: 20230659
Gan Y, Holstein-Rønsbo S, Nedergaard M, et al. (2023) Perivascular pumping of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain with a valve mechanism. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 20: 20230288
Ladrón-de-Guevara A, Shang JK, Nedergaard M, et al. (2022) Perivascular pumping in the mouse brain: Improved boundary conditions reconcile theory, simulation, and experiment. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 542: 111103
Ibanez R, Shokrian M, Nam JH, et al. (2021) Simple analytic model for peristaltic flow and mixing. Physical Review Fluids. 6
Raghunandan A, Ladron-de-Guevara A, Tithof J, et al. (2021) Bulk flow of cerebrospinal fluid observed in periarterial spaces is not an artifact of injection. Elife. 10
Troyetsky DE, Tithof J, Thomas JH, et al. (2021) Dispersion as a waste-clearance mechanism in flow through penetrating perivascular spaces in the brain. Scientific Reports. 11: 4595
Shokrian M, Knox C, Kelley DH, et al. (2020) Mechanically facilitated micro-fluid mixing in the organ of Corti. Scientific Reports. 10: 14847
Nevins TD, Kelley DH. (2019) Vertical shear alters chemical front speed in thin-layer flows Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 874: 235-262
Nevins TD, Kelley DH. (2018) Front tracking velocimetry in advection-reaction-diffusion systems. Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.). 28: 043122
Mestre H, Tithof J, Du T, et al. (2018) Flow of cerebrospinal fluid is driven by arterial pulsations and is reduced in hypertension. Nature Communications. 9: 4878
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