Darryll Pines, Ph.D.

1995- Aerospace Engineering University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
Aerospace Engineering
"Darryll Pines"
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Yoo B, Bowen D, Lazarus N, et al. (2022) Laser Direct Structured 3D Circuits on Silicone. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Oetgen ME, Goodley A, Yoo B, et al. (2016) Ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring to Assess the Integrity of Spinal Growing Rods In Vitro. Spine Deformity. 4: 65-69
Oetgen ME, Goodley A, Yoo B, et al. (2016) Ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring to Assess the Integrity of Spinal Growing Rods in Vitro Spine Deformity. 4: 65-69
Anderson KD, Pines DJ, Sheikh SI. (2015) Validation of pulsar phase tracking for spacecraft navigation Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 38: 1885-1897
Yoo B, Na SM, Flatau AB, et al. (2015) Magnetic shape anisotropy effect on sensing performance and directional sensitivity in magnetostrictive nickel patch transducer Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 27: 1075-1091
Yoo B, Na SM, Flatau AB, et al. (2015) Ultrasonic guided wave sensing performance of a magnetostrictive transducer using Galfenol flakes-polymer composite patches Journal of Applied Physics. 117
Yoo B, Na SM, Flatau AB, et al. (2014) Galfenol-based directional magnetostrictive patch transducer for guided Lamb wave techniques Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9061
Yoo B, Na SM, Flatau AB, et al. (2014) Directional magnetostrictive patch transducer based on Galfenol's anisotropic magnetostriction feature Smart Materials and Structures. 23
Ulrich ER, Pines DJ. (2012) Effects of planform geometry on mechanical samara autorotation efficiency and rotational dynamics 012003 Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 57
Conroy JK, Humbert JS, Pines DJ. (2011) Technical note system identification of a rotary-wing micro air vehicle Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 56
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