Steven A. Dale, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Industrial and Physical Pharmacy | Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States |
Pharmacy, Chemical EngineeringGoogle:
"Steven Dale"Parents
Sign in to add mentorCarl R. Wassgren | grad student | 2014 | Purdue | |
(Internal structures of wet granulation agglomerates: Measurement, formation, and influence on granule breakage.) |
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Pradhan SU, Bullard JW, Dale S, et al. (2022) A scaled down method for identifying the optimum range of L/S ratio in twin screw wet granulation using a regime map approach. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 616: 121542 |
Dosta M, Dale S, Antonyuk S, et al. (2016) Numerical and experimental analysis of influence of granule microstructure on its compression breakage Powder Technology. 299: 87-97 |
Dale S, Wassgren C, Litster J. (2014) Measuring granule phase volume distributions using X-ray microtomography Powder Technology. 264: 550-560 |
Kayrak-Talay D, Dale S, Wassgren C, et al. (2013) Quality by design for wet granulation in pharmaceutical processing: Assessing models for a priori design and scaling Powder Technology. 240: 7-18 |