Renshen Wang, Ph.D.

2010 Computer Science and Engineering University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Computer Science
"Renshen Wang"


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Chung-Kuan Cheng grad student 2010 UCSD
 (Physical planning to embrace interconnect dominance in power and performance.)
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Zhang L, Yu W, Zhang Y, et al. (2011) Analysis and optimization of low-power passive equalizers for cpu-memory links Ieee Transactions On Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. 1: 1406-1420
Wang R, Zhang Y, Chou N, et al. (2011) Bus Matrix Synthesis Based on Steiner Graphs for Power Efficient System-on-Chip Communications Ieee Transactions On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 30: 167-179
Wang R, Cheng CK, Young E. (2010) Complexity of 3-D floorplans by analysis of graph cuboidal dual hardness Acm Transactions On Design Automation of Electronic Systems. 15
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