Vasiliy V. Krivtsov, Ph.D.

2000 University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
"Vasiliy Krivtsov"


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Mohammad Modarres grad student 2000 University of Maryland
 (A Monte Carlo approach to modeling and estimation of the generalized renewal process in repairable system reliability analysis.)
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Yevkin A, Krivtsov V. (2020) A generalized model for recurrent failures prediction Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 204: 107125
Chehade A, Shi Z, Krivtsov V. (2020) Power–Law Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process with a Mixture of Latent Common Shape Parameters Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 203: 107097
Krivtsov V. (2017) A Bayesian Estimation Procedure of Reliability Function for Lifetime Distributions International Journal of Performability Engineering
Krivtsov V, Frankstein M, Yevkin O. (2017) On Reliability of a Multi‐Socket Repairable System Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 33: 1011-1017
Yevkin O, Krivtsov V. (2013) Comparative Analysis of Optimal Maintenance Policies Under General Repair With Underlying Weibull Distributions Ieee Transactions On Reliability. 62: 82-91
Krivtsov V, Yevkin O. (2013) Estimation of G-renewal process parameters as an ill-posed inverse problem Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 115: 10-18
Yevkin O, Krivtsov V. (2012) An Approximate Solution to the G–Renewal Equation With an Underlying Weibull Distribution Ieee Transactions On Reliability. 61: 68-73
Krivtsov VV, Kolmanovsky IV, Davis TP. (2008) A constrained quadratic spline as a model for the cumulative hazard function International Journal of Reliability and Safety. 2: 170-178
Krivtsov VV. (2007) Practical extensions to NHPP application in repairable system reliability analysis Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 92: 560-562
Kaminskiy MP, Krivtsov VV. (2006) Bayesian probability papers Proceedings of the 8th International Conference On Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Psam 2006
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