Mazyar Zeinali, Ph.D.

2002 University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences
"Mazyar Zeinali"
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Alba Torrents grad student 2002 University of Maryland
 (Interactions of arsenate and arsenite with iron oxides: Calorimetry studies and diffuse double layer model.)
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Jayasundera S, Zeinali M, Miller JB, et al. (2006) Investigation of surface interactions in molecular recognition of phosphonate imprinted organosilicates and the role of water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 110: 18121-5
Jayasundera S, Burleigh MC, Zeinali M, et al. (2005) Organosilica copolymers for the adsorption and separation of multiple pollutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 109: 9198-201
Han SJ, Goodings DJ, Torrents A, et al. (2003) Unexpected Patterns of Seepage from Underground Contaminant Leakage into Freezing Soil Proceedings of the Asce International Conference On Pipeline Engineering and Construction: New Pipeline Technologies, Security, and Safety. 2: 1704-1713
Han SJ, Goodings DJ, Torrents A, et al. (1999) Underground leakage into freezing ground Journal of Cold Regions Engineering. 13: 103-112
Zeinali M, Torrents A. (1998) Mercury-promoted hydrolysis of parathion-methyl: Effect of chloride and hydrated species Environmental Science and Technology. 32: 2338-2342
Lin NH, Torrents A, Davis AP, et al. (1997) Lead corrosion control from lead, copper-lead solder, and brass coupons in drinking water employing free and combined chlorine Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part a Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxic and Hazardous Substance Control. 32: 865-884
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