Ronald A. Siegel

Biomedical Engineering University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Pharmacology
"Ronald Siegel"


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Robert S. Langer grad student 1979-1984 MIT (Chemistry Tree)


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Yuandong Gu grad student 2003 UMN
Anish P. Dhanarajan grad student 2004 UMN
Hao Hou grad student 2006 UMN
Amardeep S. Bhalla grad student 2007 UMN
Siddharthya K. Mujumdar grad student 2008 UMN
Jon F. Urban grad student 2008 UMN
Isha Koonar grad student 2014 UMN
Sichen Song grad student 2018-2024 UMN
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Song S, Xu J, Chen Z, et al. (2024) Miscibility of Amorphous Solid Dispersions: A Rheological and Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy Study. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Song S, Yao X, Wang C, et al. (2024) Delaying the First Nucleation Event of Amorphous Solid Dispersions above the Polymer Overlap Concentration (c*): PVP and PVPVA in Posaconazole. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Jain KMH, Hou HH, Siegel RA. (2024) An Artificial Gut/Absorption Simulator: Understanding the Impact of Absorption on In Vitro Dissolution, Speciation, and Precipitation of Amorphous Solid Dispersions. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 21: 1884-1899
Song S, Cui S, Sun CC, et al. (2024) Crystallization Inhibition in Molecular Liquids by Polymers above the Overlap Concentration (c*): Delay of the First Nucleation Event. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Jain KMH, Hou HH, Siegel RA. (2022) An Artificial Gut/Absorption Simulator: Simultaneous Evaluation of Desupersaturation and Absorption from Ketoconazole Supersaturated Solutions. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Song S, Wang C, Zhang B, et al. (2022) A Rheological Approach for Predicting Physical Stability of Amorphous Solid Dispersions. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Jain KMH, Hou HH, Siegel RA. (2022) Correction: An Artificial Gut/Absorption Simulator: Description, Modeling, and Validation Using Caffeine. The Aaps Journal. 24: 88
Meena Harish Jain K, Hou HH, Siegel RA. (2022) An Artificial Gut/Absorption Simulator: Description, Modeling, and Validation Using Caffeine. The Aaps Journal. 24: 87
Song S, Wang C, Wang S, et al. (2021) Efficient development of sorafenib tablets with improved oral bioavailability enabled by coprecipitated amorphous solid dispersion. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 610: 121216
Khandai S, Siegel RA, Jena SS. (2020) Probing the microenvironment of polyacrylamide hydrogel matrix using turbidity and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching: One versus Two phases Colloids and Surfaces a: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 593: 124618
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