Jun J. Kong, Ph.D.

2005 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Jun Kong"


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Keshab K. Parhi grad student 2005 UMN
 (Classical and quantum convolutional codes: Design and implementation.)
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Kong JJ, Parhi KK. (2004) Low-latency architectures for high-throughput rate Viterbi decoders Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi) Systems. 12: 642-651
Kong JJ, Parhi KK. (2004) Quantum convolutional codes design and their encoder architectures Conference Record - Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers. 1: 1131-1135
Kong JJ, Parhi KK. (2003) Interleaved convolutional code and its Viterbi decoder architecture Eurasip Journal On Applied Signal Processing. 2003: 1328-1334
Kong JJ, Parhi KK. (2003) K-nested layered look-ahead method and architectures for high throughput Viterbi decoder Ieee Workshop On Signal Processing Systems, Sips: Design and Implementation. 2003: 99-104
Kong JJ, Parhi KK. (2003) Interleaved cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers. 2: 2137-2141
Kong JJ, Parhi KK. (2002) Viterbi decoder architecture for interleaved convolutional code Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers. 2: 1934-1937
Choi SH, Kong JJ. (2001) State parallel Viterbi decoder soft IP and its applications Ieee Region 10 International Conference On Electrical and Electronic Technology. 355-358
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