Daniel M. Dowden, Ph.D.

2014 Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
Civil Engineering
"Daniel Dowden"


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Michel Bruneau grad student 2014 SUNY Buffalo
 (Resilient self-centering steel plate shear walls.)
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Dowden DM, Bruneau M. (2019) Quasi-static cyclic testing and analytical investigation of steel plate shear walls with different post-tensioned beam-to-column rocking connections Engineering Structures. 187: 43-56
Dowden DM, Bruneau M. (2016) Dynamic Shake-Table Testing and Analytical Investigation of Self-Centering Steel Plate Shear Walls Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce. 142: 4016082
Dowden DM, Clayton PM, Li CH, et al. (2016) Full-Scale Pseudodynamic Testing of Self-Centering Steel Plate Shear Walls Journal of Structural Engineering (United States). 142
Clayton PM, Dowden DM, Li CH, et al. (2016) Self-centering steel plate shear walls for improving seismic resilience Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering. 10: 283-290
Clayton PM, Dowden DM, Li CH, et al. (2013) Full-scale testing of self-centering steel plate shear walls Scopus. 1694-1700
Dowden DM, Purba R, Bruneau M. (2012) Behavior of Self-Centering Steel Plate Shear Walls and Design Considerations Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce. 138: 11-21
Gilstrap JM, Burke CR, Dowden DM, et al. (1997) Development of FRP Reinforcement Guidelines for Prestressed Concrete Structures Journal of Composites For Construction. 1: 131-139
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