Ming Ren, Ph.D.

2012 Chemical Engineering University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Chemical Engineering, Alternative Energy
"Ming Ren"


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Kimberly L. Ogden grad student 2012 University of Arizona
 (Cultivation optimization and modeling for microalgae to produce biodiesel.)
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Ren M, Ogden K. (2014) Cultivation of Nannochloropsis gaditana on mixtures of nitrogen sources Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy. 33: 551-555
Cheng KC, Ren M, Ogden KL. (2013) Statistical optimization of culture media for growth and lipid production of Chlorella protothecoides UTEX 250 Bioresource Technology. 128: 44-48
Ren M, Ogden K, Lian B. (2013) Effect of culture conditions on the growth rate and lipid production of microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 5
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