Janine E. Galvin, Ph.D.

2007 Chemical Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Chemical Engineering
"Janine Galvin"


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Robert H. Davis grad student 2007 CU Boulder
 (On the hydrodynamic description of binary mixtures of rapid granular flows and gas-fluidized beds.)
Christine M. Hrenya grad student 2007 CU Boulder
 (On the hydrodynamic description of binary mixtures of rapid granular flows and gas-fluidized beds.)
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Singh RK, Galvin JE, Sun X. (2016) Three-dimensional simulation of rivulet and film flows over an inclined plate: Effects of solvent properties and contact angle Chemical Engineering Science. 142: 244-257
Mitrano PP, Zenk JR, Benyahia S, et al. (2014) Kinetic-theory predictions of clustering instabilities in granular flows: Beyond the small-Knudsen-number regime Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 738
Galvin JE, Benyahia S. (2014) The effect of cohesive forces on the fluidization of aeratable powders Aiche Journal. 60: 473-484
Garg R, Galvin J, Li T, et al. (2012) Open-source MFIX-DEM software for gas-solids flows: Part I-Verification studies Powder Technology. 220: 122-137
Passalacqua A, Galvin JE, Vedula P, et al. (2011) A quadrature-based kinetic model for dilute non-isothermal granular flows Communications in Computational Physics. 10: 216-252
Benyahia S, Galvin JE. (2010) Estimation of numerical errors related to some basic assumptions in discrete particle methods Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 49: 10588-10605
Hrenya CM, Galvin JE, Wildman RD. (2008) Evidence of higher-order effects in thermally driven rapid granular flows Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 598: 429-450
Leboreiro J, Joseph GG, Hrenya CM, et al. (2008) The influence of binary drag laws on simulations of species segregation in gas-fluidized beds Powder Technology. 184: 275-290
Galvin JE, Hrenya CM, Wildman RD. (2007) On the role of the Knudsen layer in rapid granular flows Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 585: 73-92
Galvin JE, Dahl SR, Hrenya CM. (2005) On the role of non-equipartition in the dynamics of rapidly flowing granular mixtures Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 528: 207-232
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