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John R. Whinnery grad student 1956 UC Berkeley (Physics Tree)
 (M.S. thesis: Design and analysis of a velocity analyzer for electron beams.)
Jerome Ralph Singer grad student 1959 UC Berkeley (Physics Tree)
 (Ph.D. thesis: Maser Action Using Adiabatic Fast Passage Excitation of F Centers in Magnesium-Oxide)
James Power Gordon post-doc Bell Labs (Physics Tree)


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Rajeev Jagga Ram research assistant Caltech
Lee W. Casperson grad student
Salvatore Solimeno grad student Caltech (Physics Tree)
Jeffrey Owen White grad student 1984 Caltech (Physics Tree)
Paul Kit-Lai Yu grad student 1984 Caltech
Kerry J. Vahala grad student 1985 Caltech (Physics Tree)
Gert Cauwenberghs grad student 1994 Caltech (Physics Tree)
John Kitching grad student 1990-1995 Caltech (Physics Tree)
Ali Shakouri grad student 1990-1995
Reginald K. Lee grad student 2000 Caltech
Roger G. Koumans grad student 2001 Caltech
Dan R. Provenzano grad student 2001 Caltech
Shayan Mookherjea grad student 2003 Caltech
George T. Paloczi grad student 2005 Caltech
John M. Choi grad student 2007 Caltech
Joyce K. Poon grad student 2007 Caltech
Naresh Satyan grad student 2011 Caltech
Hsi-Chun Liu grad student 2012 Caltech
Christos T. Santis grad student 2013 Caltech
Jacob B. Sendowski grad student 2013 Caltech
Arseny Vasilyev grad student 2013 Caltech
Elsa Garmire post-doc Caltech
Amir Saar post-doc (BME Tree)
Baruch Fischer post-doc 1981 Caltech
Mordechai Segev post-doc 1990-1994 Caltech (Physics Tree)
Yanyi Huang post-doc 2002-2005
BETA: Related publications


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Kim D, Harfouche M, Wang H, et al. (2022) Consequences of quantum noise control for the relaxation resonance frequency and phase noise in heterogeneous Silicon/III-V lasers. Scientific Reports. 12: 312
Harfouche M, Kim D, Wang H, et al. (2020) Kicking the habit/semiconductor lasers without isolators. Optics Express. 28: 36466-36475
Zou K, Zhang Z, Liao P, et al. (2020) Higher-order QAM data transmission using a high-coherence hybrid Si/III-V semiconductor laser. Optics Letters. 45: 1499-1502
Gover A, Yariv A. (2020) Free-Electron-Bound-Electron Resonant Interaction. Physical Review Letters. 124: 064801
Zhang Z, Yariv A. (2020) A General Relation Between Frequency Noise and Lineshape of Laser Light Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 56: 1-5
Zhang Z, Zou K, Wang H, et al. (2020) High-Speed Coherent Optical Communication With Isolator-Free Heterogeneous Si/III-V Lasers Journal of Lightwave Technology. 38: 6584-6590
Yang QF, Shen B, Wang H, et al. (2019) Vernier spectrometer using counterpropagating soliton microcombs. Science (New York, N.Y.)
Santis CT, Vilenchik Y, Satyan N, et al. (2018) Quantum control of phase fluctuations in semiconductor lasers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
White JO, Harfouche M, Edgecumbe J, et al. (2017) 1.6  kW Yb fiber amplifier using chirped seed amplification for stimulated Brillouin scattering suppression. Applied Optics. 56: B116-B122
Wang H, Kim D, Harfouche M, et al. (2017) Narrow-Linewidth Oxide-Confined Heterogeneously Integrated Si/III–V Semiconductor Lasers Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 29: 2199-2202
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