Ralph A. Gholmieh, Ph.D.

2002 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Ralph Gholmieh"


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Anthony S. Acampora grad student 2002 UCSD
 (Capacity enhancements in wireless packet networks.)
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Acampora AS, Gholmieh RA, Krishnamurthy S. (2002) On tolerating single link, double link, and nodal failures in symmetric grid networks 2000 Ieee Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. 2: 572-581
Acampora AS, Chiasserini CF, Gholmieh RA, et al. (2002) Capacity of broadband CDMA wireless local loop systems 2000 Ieee Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. 2: 582-591
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