Beichuan Yan, Ph.D.

2008 Civil Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Civil Engineering
"Beichuan Yan"


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Stein Sture grad student 2008 CU Boulder
 (Three-dimensional discrete element modeling of granular materials and its coupling with finite element method.)
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Yan B, Regueiro RA. (2019) Definition and symmetry of averaged stress tensor in granular media and its 3D DEM inspection under static and dynamic conditions International Journal of Solids and Structures. 161: 243-266
Yan B, Regueiro RA. (2019) Three-dimensional discrete element method parallel computation of Cauchy stress distribution over granular materials International Journal For Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 43: 974-1004
Yan B, Regueiro R. (2018) Large-scale dynamic and static simulations of complex-shaped granular materials using parallel three-dimensional discrete element method (DEM) on DoD supercomputers Engineering Computations. 35: 1049-1084
Yan B, Regueiro RA. (2018) Comparison between pure MPI and hybrid MPI-OpenMP parallelism for Discrete Element Method (DEM) of ellipsoidal and poly-ellipsoidal particles Computational Particle Mechanics. 6: 271-295
Yan B, Regueiro RA. (2018) A comprehensive study of MPI parallelism in three-dimensional discrete element method (DEM) simulation of complex-shaped granular particles Computational Particle Mechanics. 5: 553-577
Regueiro R, Duan Z, Yan B. (2016) Overlapped-coupling between spherical discrete elements and micropolar finite elements in one dimension using a bridging-scale decomposition for statics Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales). 33: 28-63
Yan B, Regueiro RA, Sture S. (2010) Three-dimensional ellipsoidal discrete element modeling of granular materials and its coupling with finite element facets Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales). 27: 519-550
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