Selim Kuran, Ph.D.

2006 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Nuclear Engineering
"Selim Kuran"


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Mamoru Ishii grad student 2006 Purdue
 (Modeling and simulation of coupled flow/power behavior in low pressure natural circulation systems.)
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Ishii M, Kuran S, Sun X, et al. (2006) Experimental Study On Stability Of Startup In Natural Circulation Bwrs With And Without Nuclear Coupling Multiphase Science and Technology. 18: 335-358
Kuran S, Xu Y, Sun X, et al. (2006) Startup transient simulation for natural circulation boiling water reactors in PUMA facility Nuclear Engineering and Design. 236: 2365-2375
Sun X, Kuran S, Ishii M. (2004) Cap bubbly-to-slug flow regime transition in a vertical annulus Experiments in Fluids. 37: 458-464
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