Mary K. Camarillo, Ph.D.

2009 Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Environmental Engineering
"Mary Camarillo"
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Frank J. Loge grad student 2009 UC Davis
 (Removal and inactivation of microorganisms occluded in effluent wastewater particles using filtration and chlorine disinfection.)
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Stringfellow WT, Camarillo MK. (2019) Flowback verses first-flush: new information on the geochemistry of produced water from mandatory reporting. Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts. 21: 370-383
Camarillo MK, Stringfellow WT. (2018) Biological treatment of oil and gas produced water: a review and meta-analysis Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 20: 1127-1146
Camarillo MK, Domen JK, Stringfellow WT. (2016) Physical-chemical evaluation of hydraulic fracturing chemicals in the context of produced water treatment. Journal of Environmental Management. 183: 164-174
Camarillo MK, Weissmann GA, Gulati S, et al. (2016) Pairing high-frequency data with a link-node model to manage dissolved oxygen impairment in a dredged estuary. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188: 455
Feng C, Sun H, Li S, et al. (2015) Treatment of oil-water emulsion from the machinery industry by Fenton's reagent. Water Science and Technology : a Journal of the International Association On Water Pollution Research. 71: 1884-92
Stringfellow WT, Domen JK, Camarillo MK, et al. (2014) Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of compounds used in hydraulic fracturing. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 275: 37-54
Camarillo MK, Stringfellow WT, Spier CL, et al. (2013) Impact of co-digestion on existing salt and nutrient mass balances for a full-scale dairy energy project. Journal of Environmental Management. 128: 233-42
Camarillo MK, Loge FJ, Darby JL, et al. (2011) Modeling the inactivation of microorganisms occluded in effluent wastewater particles to enhance operation of filtration and disinfection systems. Water Environment Research : a Research Publication of the Water Environment Federation. 83: 313-25
Camarillo MK, Loge FJ, Darby JL. (2010) Model to quantify removal and inactivation of microorganisms occluded in effluent wastewater particles using filtration and disinfection systems Journal of Environmental Engineering. 136: 1153-1160
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