Kenneth W. Lamb, Ph.D.

2010 Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, United States 
Civil Engineering, Hydrology
"Kenneth Lamb"


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Thomas C. Piechota grad student 2010 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
 (Improving ensemble streamflow prediction using interdecadal/interannual climate variability.)
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Shrestha A, Rahaman M, Kalra A, et al. (2020) Regional Climatological Drought: An Assessment Using High-Resolution Data Hydrology. 7: 33
Thakur B, Kalra A, Ahmad S, et al. (2020) Bringing statistical learning machines together for hydro-climatological predictions - Case study for Sacramento San joaquin River Basin, California Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 27: 100651
Thakur B, Kalra A, Lakshmi V, et al. (2020) Linkage between ENSO phases and western US snow water equivalent Atmospheric Research. 236: 104827
Shams S, Anwar AHMF, Lamb KW, et al. (2018) Relating ocean-atmospheric climate indices with Australian river streamflow Journal of Hydrology. 556: 294-309
Pathak P, Kalra A, Lamb KW, et al. (2018) Climatic variability of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and western US snowpack International Journal of Climatology. 38: 1257-1269
Acharya A, Lamb K, Piechota TC. (2013) Impacts of Climate Change on Extreme Precipitation Events Over Flamingo Tropicana Watershed Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 49: 359-370
Kalra A, Miller WP, Lamb KW, et al. (2013) Using large‐scale climatic patterns for improving long lead time streamflow forecasts for Gunnison and San Juan River Basins Hydrological Processes. 27: 1543-1559
Kalra A, Miller WP, Lamb KW, et al. (2013) Using large-scale climatic patterns for improving long lead time streamflow forecasts for Gunnison and San Juan River Basins Hydrological Processes. 27: 1543-1559
Lamb KW, Piechota TC, Aziz OA, et al. (2012) Basis for Extending Long-Term Streamflow Forecasts in the Colorado River Basin Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 16: 1000-1008
Oubeidillah AA, Tootle GA, Moser C, et al. (2011) Upper Colorado River and Great Basin streamflow and snowpack forecasting using Pacific oceanic-atmospheric variability Journal of Hydrology. 410: 169-177
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