Sai Ma, Ph.D.

2013 Engineering, Electrical University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Sai Ma"


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Tulay Adali grad student 2013 UMBC
 (Analysis of Brain Network Connectivity using Spatial Information.)
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Du W, Levin-Schwartz Y, Fu GS, et al. (2016) The Role of Diversity in Complex ICA Algorithms for fMRI Analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Laney J, Westlake KP, Ma S, et al. (2015) Capturing subject variability in fMRI data: A graph-theoretical analysis of GICA vs. IVA. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 247: 32-40
Arbabshirani MR, Damaraju E, Phlypo R, et al. (2014) Impact of autocorrelation on functional connectivity. Neuroimage. 102: 294-308
Ma S, Calhoun VD, Phlypo R, et al. (2014) Dynamic changes of spatial functional network connectivity in healthy individuals and schizophrenia patients using independent vector analysis. Neuroimage. 90: 196-206
Du W, Calhoun VD, Li H, et al. (2012) High classification accuracy for schizophrenia with rest and task FMRI data. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6: 145
Ma S, Calhoun VD, Eichele T, et al. (2012) Modulations of functional connectivity in the healthy and schizophrenia groups during task and rest. Neuroimage. 62: 1694-704
Ma S, Correa NM, Li XL, et al. (2011) Automatic identification of functional clusters in FMRI data using spatial dependence. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering. 58: 3406-17
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