Chih-Sheng Chou, Ph.D.

2010 Civil Engineering University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
Civil Engineering, Transportation
"Chih-Sheng Chou"


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Elise Miller-Hooks grad student 2010 University of Maryland
 (Understanding the impact of incidents and incident management programs on freeway mobility and safety.)
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Chou C, Nichols AP. (2016) Recommended Procedure to Adjust Inaccurate Weigh-in-Motion Data Transportation Research Record. 2593: 110-122
Chou C, Nichols AP. (2016) Characterizing Emergency Vehicle Preemption Operation with High-Resolution Traffic Signal Event Data Transportation Research Record. 2557: 108-121
Chou CS, Nichols AP. (2015) Deriving a surrogate safety measure for freeway incidents based on predicted end-of-queue properties Iet Intelligent Transport Systems. 9: 22-29
Dayan S, Nichols A, Chou CS, et al. (2014) Methodology to map routes from truck permit database, using a linear reference system and network analysis Transportation Research Record. 2460: 47-57
Cetin M, Nichols AR, Chou CS. (2014) Reidentification of trucks on basis of axle-spacing measurements to facilitate analysis of weigh-in-motion accuracy Transportation Research Record. 2443: 96-105
Audelo M, Chou CS, Chen T, et al. (2014) Empirical analysis of controller event data to select vehicle detector fault triggers Transportation Research Record. 2438: 12-22
Chou CS, Nichols A. (2014) Evaluation of triangabout as alternative for intersection with nonthrough arterial movement Transportation Research Record. 38-48
Chou C, Miller-Hooks E. (2012) A Time-Saving Approach to Simulation Modeling for Traffic Incident Management Program Evaluation Journal of the Transportation Research Forum. 48: 97-118
Day CM, Ernst JM, Jr TMB, et al. (2012) Performance Measures for Adaptive Signal Control: Case Study of System-in-the-Loop Simulation Transportation Research Record. 2311: 1-15
Chou C, Miller-Hooks E. (2011) Exploiting the Capacity of Managed Lanes in Diverting Traffic around an Incident Transportation Research Record. 2229: 75-84
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