Hisashi Kobayashi
Affiliations: | 1967-1986 | IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, United States | |
1986- | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Princeton University, Princeton, NJ |
Computer ScienceWebsite:
"Hisashi Kobayashi"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorJohn B. Thomas | grad student | 1967 | Princeton (E-Tree) | |
(Representations of complex-valued vector processes and their application to estimation and detection) |
Sign in to add traineeYihong Qi | grad student | 2003 | Princeton |
Somdip Datta | grad student | 2004 | Princeton (E-Tree) |
Xiaoqiang Ma | grad student | 2004 | Princeton |
Ioannis Avramopoulos | grad student | 2006 | Princeton |
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Gezici S, Sahinoglu Z, Molisch AF, et al. (2008) Two-step time of arrival estimation for pulse-based ultra-wideband systems Eurasip Journal On Advances in Signal Processing. 2008 |
Gezici S, Molisch AF, Poor HV, et al. (2007) The tradeoff between processing gains of an impulse radio UWB system in the presence of timing jitter Ieee Transactions On Communications. 55: 1504-1515 |
Güvenç I, Arslan H, Gezici S, et al. (2007) Adaptation of two types of processing gains for UWB impulse radio wireless sensor networks Iet Communications. 1: 1280-1288 |
Gezici S, Chiang M, Poor HV, et al. (2006) Optimal and suboptimal finger selection algorithms for MMSE rake receivers in impulse radio ultra-wideband systems Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications and Networking. 2006 |
Qi Y, Kobayashi H, Suda H. (2006) Analysis of wireless geolocation in a non-line-of-sight environment Ieee Transactions On Wireless Communications. 5: 672-681 |
Qi Y, Kobayashi H, Suda H. (2006) On Time-of-arrival Positioning in a Multipath Environment Ieee Transactions On Vehicular Technology. 55: 1516-1526 |
Gezici S, Sahinoglu Z, Kobayashi H, et al. (2006) Ultra-wideband impulse radio systems with multiple pulse types Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in Communications. 24: 892-898 |
Molisch AF, Li YG, Nakache YP, et al. (2005) A low-cost time-hopping impulse radio system for high data rate transmission Eurasip Journal On Applied Signal Processing. 2005: 397-412 |
Gezici S, Kobayashi H, Poor HV, et al. (2005) Performance evaluation of impulse radio UWB systems with pulse-based polarity randomization Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 53: 2537-2549 |
Gezici S, Tian Z, Giannakis GB, et al. (2005) Localization via ultra-wideband radios: A look at positioning aspects of future sensor networks Ieee Signal Processing Magazine. 22: 70-84 |