Douglas M. Kingman, Ph.D.

2002 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy Agriculture
"Douglas Kingman"


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William E. Field grad student 2002 Purdue
 (Utilizing a systems approach to develop an on-farm grain storage hazard assessment tool.)
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Kingman DM, Field WE. (2005) Using fault tree analysis to identify contributing factors to engulfment in flowing grain in on-farm grain bins. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 11: 395-405
Kingman DM, Yoder AM, Hodge NS, et al. (2005) Utilizing expert panels in agricultural safety and health research. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 11: 61-74
Kingman DM, Spaulding AD, Field WE. (2004) Predicting the potential of engulfment using an on-farm grain storage hazard assessment tool. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 10: 237-45
Kingman DM. (2004) Liberty tube™ prototype Resource: Engineering and Technology For Sustainable World. 11: 10
Kingman DM, Deboy GR, Field WE. (2003) Contributing factors to engulfments in on-farm grain storage bins: 1980 through 2001. Journal of Agromedicine. 9: 39-63
Kingman DM, Field WE, Maier DE. (2001) Summary of fatal entrapments in on-farm grain storage bins, 1966-1998. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 7: 169-84
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