Asghar Esmaeeli

Mechanical Engineering Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 
Materials Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
"Asghar Esmaeeli"


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Gretar Tryggvason grad student 1995 University of Michigan
 (Numerical simulations of bubbly flows)
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Esmaeeli A. (2022) Transient electrohydrodynamics of a liquid drop: The interplay of fluid flow evolution and dynamic response, and the density ratio effects. Physical Review. E. 106: 015110
Esmaeeli A, Behjatian A. (2020) Transient electrohydrodynamics of a liquid drop at finite Reynolds numbers Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 893
Esmaeeli A. (2018) Transient electrohydrodynamics of a liquid drop in AC electric fields. The European Physical Journal. E, Soft Matter. 41: 135
Asadollahi A, Esmaeeli A. (2018) Simulation of condensation and liquid break-up on a micro-object with upper and lower movable walls using Lattice Boltzmann Method Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 498: 33-49
Esmaeeli A, Halim MA. (2018) Electrohydrodynamics of a liquid jet in transverse AC electric fields International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 109: 219-241
Esmaeeli A, Halim MA. (2018) Electrohydrodynamics of a liquid drop in AC electric fields Acta Mechanica. 229: 3943-3962
Esmaeeli A. (2016) Dielectrophoretic- and electrohydrodynamic-driven translational motion of a liquid column in transverse electric fields Physics of Fluids. 28
Behjatian A, Esmaeeli A. (2015) Equilibrium shape and hysteresis behavior of liquid jets in transverse electric fields Journal of Electrostatics. 75: 5-13
Behjatian A, Esmaeeli A. (2015) Transient electrohydrodynamics of compound drops Acta Mechanica. 226: 2581-2606
Behjatian A, Esmaeeli A. (2014) Transient electrohydrodynamics of a liquid jet: Evolution of the flow field Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing. 10: 299-317
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