Adolfo B. Matamoros
Affiliations: | Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering | University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States | |
Civil Engineering | The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States |
Earthquake Engineering, Reinforced Concrete, Fatigue, Structural TestingWebsite:
"Adolfo Matamoros"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorMete A. Sozen | grad student | 1999 | UIUC | |
(Study of drift limits for high-strength concrete columns) |
Sign in to add traineeMalte von Ramin | grad student | 2004 | University of Kansas |
Santiago Bonetti | grad student | 2008 | University of Kansas |
Fatih Alemdar | grad student | 2011 | University of Kansas |
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Alemdar F, Overman T, Matamoros A, et al. (2014) Repairing distortion-induced fatigue cracks in steel bridge girders using angles-with-plate retrofit technique. II: Computer simulations Journal of Structural Engineering (United States). 140 |
Alemdar F, Gangel R, Matamoros A, et al. (2014) Use of CFRP overlays to repair fatigue damage in steel plates under tension loading Journal of Composites For Construction. 18 |
Hartman A, Bennett C, Matamoros A, et al. (2013) Innovative retrofit technique for distortion-induced fatigue cracks in steel girder web gaps Bridge Structures. 9: 57-71 |
Alemdar ZF, Matamoros AB, Browning J. (2013) High-Resolution Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns under Seismic Loading Aci Structural Journal. 110: 745-754 |
Simmons GG, Bennett CR, Barrett-Gonzalez R, et al. (2013) Design, modeling, and testing of a piezoelectric impact compressive kinetic (PICK) tool for crack-stop hole treatment Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8692 |
Hassel HL, Bennett CR, Matamoros AB, et al. (2013) Parametric analysis of cross-frame layout on distortion-induced fatigue in skewed steel bridges Journal of Bridge Engineering. 18: 601-611 |
Alemdar ZF, Matamoros AB, Browning J. (2013) High-resolution modeling of reinforced concrete bridge columns under seismic loading Aci Structural Journal. 110: 745-754 |
Kaan BN, Alemdar F, Bennett CR, et al. (2012) Fatigue enhancement of welded details in steel bridges using CFRP overlay elements Journal of Composites For Construction. 16: 138-149 |
Alemdar F, Matamoros A, Bennett C, et al. (2012) Use of CFRP overlays to strengthen welded connections under fatigue loading Journal of Bridge Engineering. 17: 420-431 |
Vilhauer B, Bennett CR, Matamoros AB, et al. (2012) Fatigue behavior of welded coverplates treated with Ultrasonic Impact Treatment and bolting Engineering Structures. 34: 163-172 |