Taha M. Demirkan, Ph.D.

2014 Applied Science University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA 
Condensed Matter Physics, Organic Chemistry
"Taha Demirkan"


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Tansel Karabacak grad student 2014 University of Arkansas at Little Rock
 (Density modulated multilayer silicon thin films for lithium-ion batteries.)
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Khedir KR, Saifaldeen ZS, Demirkan T, et al. (2017) Growth of Zinc Oxide Nanorod and Nanoflower Structures by Facile Treatment of Zinc Thin Films in Boiling De-Ionized Water Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 17: 4842-4850
Yakupov TA, Utegulov ZN, Demirkan T, et al. (2017) Elastic and structural properties of nanometer scale-thick refractory metal films Materials Today: Proceedings. 4: 4469-4476
Citirik E, Demirkan T, Karabacak T. (2015) Residual stress modeling of density modulated silicon thin films using finite element analysis Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology a: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 33
Yildiz A, Cansizoglu H, Turkoz M, et al. (2015) Glancing angle deposited Al-doped ZnO nanostructures with different structural and optical properties Thin Solid Films. 589: 764-769
Khedir KR, Saifaldeen ZS, Demirkan TM, et al. (2015) Robust Superamphiphobic Nanoscale Copper Sheet Surfaces Produced by a Simple and Environmentally Friendly Technique Advanced Engineering Materials. 17: 982-989
Saifaldeen ZS, Khedir KR, Cansizoglu MF, et al. (2014) Superamphiphobic aluminum alloy surfaces with micro and nanoscale hierarchical roughness produced by a simple and environmentally friendly technique Journal of Materials Science. 49: 1839-1853
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